Eegah!! sent over a great lil' soundclip for our listening pleasure, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there by the atomic pink elephant ride, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... BLOOD ORGY OF THE SHE-DEVILS!
The story's about a coven of witches in LA led by a high priestess named Mara, played by Lila Zaborin. They occasionally sacrifice a male victim to Satan, and seek out individuals who are interested in the occult.
Two foreign agents ask Mara to kill a U.N. ambassador with her occult powers, but, she declines the request to their extreme displeasure...
Tom Pace and Leslie McRae play couple Mark and Lorraine, she's interested in the occult and talks Mark into attending one of Mara's seances. Check out her awesome outfit, wowzers!!
One of the disgruntled foreign agents comes back and fills Mara and two others with lead! What he doesn't realize, though, is that Mara cannot be killed by bullets, she awakens later and brings the others back to life.
Small time out... Nice chess set, no?!
Mara is sooo pissed off that she cannot control her anger. In my favorite part, she gets her revenge on the two foreign agents.
First, she puts this ass hole's voodoo doll in a jar of red ants and shakes it up! The itching is so intense that he hurls himself out the hotel window and plunges to his death!
Now it's this bitch's turn, she sticks needles into his knees and elbows...
And, after he's paralyzed, she steps on his head and grinds it into the flooring! A very satisfying scene for me.
Being an occultist takes a lot of discipline and coordination with cool dance moves and gestures! And, boobs.
Something weird is going on at Mara's awesome futuristic mansion!
It's Victor (THE ASTRO-ZOMBIES) Izay to the rescue as Dr. Helsford, he's the only one that can stop Mara's devious occult powers!