Saturday, January 26, 2013

GEBISSEN WIRD NUR NACHTS - Jerry Van Rooyen - "TheVampire Happening" (1971)

Tonight's Saturday Night Special is called "Gebissen Wird Nur Nachts" which translates literally into English as "Bitten At Night," but the English title is "The Vampire Happening!"

"The Vampire Happening" is a strange little Freddie Francis directed vampire sex romp comedy from 1971  that is a somewhat interesting movie! Does that make it any good? Well, not exactly!!

The story of Pia Charlotte Caminneci Degermark is an odd one at best! Her first film was "Elvira Madigan" for which she won the best actress award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1967! Four years and three films later, Pia made her last film titled "The Vampire Happening" that was produced by her husband! After that, her life became a jumbled up mess of anorexia and substance abuse! She's since recovered and is still alive somewhere today, and we wish her well!

In "The Vampire Happening" Pia plays an actress named Betty Williams, and this is a sample of the kind of people who watched her movies!

Betty Williams has just flown to Transylvania where she has inherited this castle! She originally came just to check it out and then sell the place, but that plan doesn't get her very far!

Betty is greeted by the caretaker of the joint, Yvor Murillo as Josef, in his one of only two film credits!

Upon arrival, Betty finds out that her Great Grandmother Clarimonde bears a striking resemblance to herself, and soon finds out that she was also a vampire that was feared throughout the land! Pia Degermark also has the role of Clarimonde of course, only with black tresses!

Pretty cool looking shot from the flashback dream sequence, I have to admit!

"The Vampire Happening" is chock full of sexual innuendos like these servings of pudding and the mossy base of this tree!

Believe it or don't but we had no knowledge of this film when Tabonga.......

...........created this clock for "13 O'Clock Theatre!"

The music used in "The Vampire Happening" was created by Jerry (Küss Mich, Monster) Van Rooyen!! My favourite part of the whole film is the little snippet in the sound clip of the broadcast from "Transylvania Radio!" Now that's freakin' funny!

It's impossible to have a good Euro vampire tale without some kind of girl's school involved!

Cool! This vampire has gold crowns!

Here's where the real 'Happening' comes into play! It's a big vampire party and orgy replete with a genuine vampire band!!

Dracula comes to the 'Happening' in his own private company whirlybat!

This just might be the only time you will ever see a picture of a vampire eating a banana! Ferdy (The Fearless Vampire Killers) Mayne has the role of Dracula!!

It's not like I forgot to tell you the story, it's just that it's not really that important!

Dracula carries a player's card and is welcomed to the free 'all you can eat' buffet!!!

When the sun comes up, the party is over, and the vampires go down!!

I've always been of the mind that comedies should be funny for some strange reason, because if they're not, they are kind of meaningless, but like vampires, "The Vampire Happening" mostly just bites and sucks!

Friday, January 25, 2013


It's What The Maciste in Hell Copy-Cat Friday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Since Eegah!! just posted one on Wednesday, one good sword and sandal flick deserves another! We gots a story about a mysterious band of white-clad marauders who dwell in an underground city. Maciste and his new friend, Bangor, allow themselves to be captured by the Mole Men where they are forced to turn an enormous wheel along with other captives, part of a gold-and-diamonds mining operation. The underground city's queen is impressed by Maciste and chooses him to be her consort if he can meet a number of challenges, like battling a giant ape! The Mole Men will instantly dissolve whenever they get caught in sunlight.

Eegah!! sent over a cool lil' soundclip with the catchy theme "The Mighty Sons Of Hercules" with a little sunlit drama from the underworld at the end, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there next to the moldy old loin cloth, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's our audio offering for... MOLE MEN AGAINST THE SON OF HERCULES!

Mark Forest plays Maciste, here he is pulling a huge whale onto the beach... All by hisself!!! Mark also starred in GOLIATH AND THE DRAGON, SON OF SAMSON, COLOSSUS OF THE ARENA, GOLIATH AND THE SINS OF BABYLON, HERCULES AGAINST THE BARBARIANS, THE LION OF THEBES, HERCULES AGAINST THE SONS OF THE SUN, THE MAGNIFICENT GLADIATOR and KINDAR THE INVULNERABLE. He only worked in movies from 1960-65, and, get this... He used the money he made making gladiator movies in Italy to study opera and currently teaches it in the LA area!

Maciste befriends Bangor after saving his life from the Mole Men. American bodybuilder Paul Wynter plays Bangor.

This is underground Queen Halis Mosab, played by Moira Orfei, who was also in a number of sword and sandal flicks. She definitely gots the look!

Here's everbloody turning the gigantic mining wheel, working in the pits, looking for the olives!

I guess they're in Africa now, but anyway, Maciste has to face off against this big deadly ape. Maciste barely wins with a choke hold!

This is the secret opening-and-closing entrance the Mole Men use whenever they want to come to the surface.

You can hear this poor soul whine at the end of the soundclip, to not be toasted by the sunlight, however, ends up a meatless skeleton from the exposure!

This is one wild 'n' weird part here, Maciste has to support this giant weight to save his friends as the Mole Men keep adding big slabs to it! Believe or not, Maciste stands up straight, sending all the weights tumbling off the posts, thus winning the day... Wow!

They even gas our hero while he sleeps... Hey, his pillow looks like a woman's butt!

Finally, Maciste uses a giant chain to wrap around the main pillar, then, him and Bangor turn the wheel, taking up the slack and bringing down the house!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MACISTE NELLA TERRA DEI CICLOPI - Carlo Innocenzi - "Atlas In The Land Of The Cyclops" (1961)

Welcome to the Wednesday Sword and Sandal Spectacular! Tonight's feature is titled "Maciste Nella Terra Dei Ciclopi" or in some kind of English translation, "Atlas Against The Cyclops," or also known as "Atlas In The Land Of The Cyclops!"

Now to the best of my limited understanding, "Maciste" translates from Italian into English as "Strongman," so I guess that's why in movie titles, sometimes Maciste is Samson, sometimes he's Hercules, or in this case, he's Atlas!! I guess it's just whatever mythical strongman the producer's decided to go with!

That's pretty much the whole story in a nutshell! Everything else is just gravy on the turkey and potatoes!

Plunder and pillage! Pillage and plunder! Pillage the village! Plunder like thunder!

A knife to the back just shows you what kind of people we're dealing with here!

I'm telling you one thing for sure, you couldn't pay me enough money, and there is no way in Hell I would walk out on a bridge like this, movie or no movie!

These are the two main protagonists in the film, Gordon Mitchell as Maciste (Credited as Mitchell Gordon), and Chelo Alonso as Capys! Muscle Beach flex monster, Gordon was always great in roles as guys with names like Pluto, Achilles, or Obro! Chelo was always cast as females like Erica, Landa, or Queen Smedes! Gordon Mitchell has 146 acting credits, Chelo Alonso has 19, so I guess it's not going to be difficult to figure who is going to come out on top in this battle!

I don't care if it's made out of styrofoam or papier-mâché, I still wouldn't be able to pick up a giant urn like that!

Gordon Mitchell demonstrates perfectly what is commonly referred to in wrasslin' terms as 'The Double Noggin Knocker!"

Time to bring out the dancing girls!! Yeehaw!! The soundtrack for "Atlas In The Land Of The Cyclops" was composed by Carlo Innocenzi who also wrote the music for "Mill Of The Stone Women," "Terror Of Oklahoma," "Goliath Against The Giants" and 130 more films. Ironically, Carlo died in 1962 at the age of 62!

Atlas has a few different encounters with various characters, despite some stiff competition, he wins his bout with the black Adonis in the third round!

This movie runs approximately 100 minutes, and just about the time you're ready to give up, they finally produce a cyclops in about the last ten minutes of the film, but you gotta admit, it's a good one!!

Almost anybody can act, but it takes a lot of hard work to get a set of big muscles like this!

The cyclops was played by Aldo Pedinotti in one of only six roles he had in his career. Aldo was also in "Hercules In The Haunted World," and "The Loves Of Hercules!!"

Well where else would you think a cyclop's weak spot would be?

One more shot of Gordon's flexcicles!

And in the end, all of the spoils go to the victor!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??