Saturday, December 3, 2011

SIE TÖTETE IN EKSTASE - Manfred Hübler and Sigi Schwab - "She Killed In Ecstasy" (1971)

Enough with the giant rabbits already, here's this week's Saturday Night Special, "Sie Tötete In Ekstase," "She Killed In Ecstasy," or as it is better known, The Soledad Miranda Show!

"She Killed In Ecstasy" is a film written and directed by Jesus Franco! Jess Franco doesn't have ornate sets built, he just finds cool places to shoot his movies!

Prophetic, since Soledad's life was cut so short, so soon! She only lived to be 27, her death was the result of a car accident!

Soledad is the very happy and content wife of Dr. Johnson, none other than Mrs. Johnson! Dr. Johnson was played by Fred Williams!

"proneness to cancer, cardiac insufficiency, general physical and mental deterioration" and Soledad Miranda!

Life is sweet, good smokes, fine wine and Soledad Miranda's butt!

Speaking of butts, these four intolerant buttholes have driven Dr. Johnson to the edge, and are now in the process of giving him a little shove! Back row left to right, we have Paul Müller as Dr. Franklin Houston, Ewa Strömberg as Dr. Crawfish, and Howard Vernon as Professor Jonathan Walker! In the front row is home boy himself, Jesus Franco as dumb Dr. Donen!

His radical medical concepts not accepted, Dr. Johnson takes things into his own hands, and makes the final decision to exit stage right!!

The snappy music that accompanies Dr. Johnson and his lovely wife's spiral out of control was composed by Manfred Hübler and Sigi Schwab! These two also worked together on "Vampiros Lesbos," and Sigi also composed the music for another Soledad Miranda classic, "Der Teufel Kam Aus Akasava!"

Born Soledad Rendón Bueno on July 9, 1943, Sole chose to act under the name of Susann Korda sometimes, like in this film!

Just as when life doesn't imitate art, in this film Soledad loses her husband, in real life, it was her husband that lost her!

Mrs. Johnson has decided to take revenge on the four who caused her husband to kill himself, and you might say she's just a little crazy!

To make it all that much more interesting and to give Miranda more opportunities to take off her clothes, Mrs. Johnson will seduce each one of her victims before biting their heads off!!

Dungeon regular Howard Vernon is the first one to step into the on deck circle. I guess if a person had to choose the circumstances leading up to their death, making love to Soledad Miranda first wouldn't be that bad of an option!

But then again, getting stabbed multiple times by a beautiful maniac doesn't really seem like any Swiss picnic neither!

Mrs. Johnson doesn't have any problem swinging both directions, so disposing of that bitch Dr. Crawfish is no problemo at all!

Soledad Miranda was in over thirty films from 1960 to 1970 and also released two yé-yé pop records in the mid-1960s! Her husband, José Manuel da Conceiçao Simões was a Portuguese race car driver, and ironically, he quit driving so he could have a safer job, only to lose his wife to an automobile accident!

Dr. Houston is the third scumbag to go down! We've been seeing a lot of unique uses for scissors around here lately! What a handy tool!

Despite being a cold blooded killer, Mrs. Johnson is still fragile, quite vulnerable, and naked too!!

Since it's his movie, Jesus saves himself for last, and I suppose that's why his name is Dr. Donen, Gone!

Friday, December 2, 2011

NIGHT OF THE LEPUS / A.C. Lyles Productions - 1972

Welcome to Friday Night Drive-In with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Tonite's offering had a fairly large budget for 1972, $900,000! It's all about big mutant wabbits (lepus) living underground in Ajo, Arizona!!

Our story starts with a dire warning from the International community when it comes to dealing with wascally wabbits!

The music is by Jimmie Haskell, who's had a pretty interesting career as a composer. He did the music for SURF PARTY, WILD ON THE BEACH, THE WICKED DREAMS OF PAULA SCHULTZ, DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY and a flick near and dear to us at The Dungeon, ZACHARIAH! He also worked on Krofft's DR. SHRINKER for Saturday morning TV.

Lettuce bring in our lil' Friday Night fiend and button pusher, sure 'nuf, Rufus The Gnat!.. Hooray for Rufus! Whenever we see the fly guy, welp, it means that he's ready to start our Eariffic Soundclip, so, push the big red 'GO' button, now, Rufus! Here're some sounds from... NIGHT OF THE LEPUS!

Here are Rory (MOTEL HELL) Calhoun as Cole, our man Stuart (DEATHWORK) Whitman as Roy, Janet (PSYCHO) Leigh as Gerry and what's his name back there. Roy and Gerry are zoologists there to help Cole figure out an ecologically sound way to deal with the varmints on his property.

Let's not forget about DeForest Kelley who plays the pouty, Elgin Clark. Imagine, being named after a clock and have the last name of a candy bar!

Some of the other farmers, though, just like to watch things blow the Hell up...

Lesson: Don't stop your stupid truck in East Podunk late at night just to check your damn load!


Looks like the Lepus have a bad case of THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN!

Hey, and this looks like it could be from a new version of THEM!

When I saw this shot of looking up from inside the hole, I decided to put up my painting from 1985 called EXTERMINATORS: 2062, because of the likeness.

...A few more explosions before we move along.

Hell, they're no messier than most people!

Hewp, wabbits on da' wun!

They break into the general store and grab a few snacks!

Really nice miniature work!

Looks like the director's going to yell 'cut' here in a second!

Ahhh, the good old days, when things were a bit simpler.

Attention! Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There's a herd of killer rabbits headed this way and we desperately need your help!.. Officer Lopez needs everbloody to leave the drive-in and go to a designated area so they can line their cars up side by side and form a headlight wall to repel the oncoming horde.

Meanwhile, back at the junction, the electric company prepares a high-voltage death trap for the lumbering mutant invaders!

And... Here they come!!


Mmmm, mmm! Smews dewicious, weady for some fwied wabbit?..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??