Saturday, November 12, 2011

CATALINA CAPER - Various Artists - "Wild Adventure & International Intrigue" (1967)

I searched and searched for a copy of "Catalina Caper," for a couple of years after reading that it had a cracking soundtrack! It's kind of like an extension of the beach blanket bongo scene as quasi-thriller, and I'm not sure what's older, the story or the kids, but I am sure they had a great time on the island over the course of a weekend with Director Lee "Rollem" Sholem at the helm!

You know, it's like this, "Okay, somebody start a bonfire, now everybody start dancing, Roll camera! Yeah!! That's a take!! Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Next!!"

Tommy Kirk has two roles, one as himself and the other as the girl he falls in love with! Tommy Kirk is in the the deepest part of the 'Dungeon Hall Of Fame' and never fails to deliver an all-star performance no matter what film he's in! Actually the girl is Ulla Strömstedt, the multi-lingual Swedish beauty probably best known for her role as Ulla Norstrand on the "Flipper" TV series! I can't find out what happened, but for some reason Ulla died in 1986 at the age of 46!

Wheeeee! Guys just want to have fun, and they haven't even started drinking yet!!

It was just a Superbowl introduction to the one, the only, Little Richard!! It takes an hour or so to get to the island, so when everybody's not puking, they're dancing!

Totally Mesmerized!

What don't you know about Little Richard, the "Architect of Rock and Roll? He was one of THE key figures in the transition from Rhythm & Blues to Rock n' Roll, and he'll be 79 in a couple of weeks on Dec 5th! Here he belts out the classic "Scuba Party" written by himself and Jerry Long. Jerry wrote most of the music in this film and his only other big credit was the surfin' snowball, "Wild, Wild Winter!"

A large portion of Catalina Island still looks the same today, some 45 years later!

This crew is a bunch of cheapskate swindlers! Del Moore as Arthur Duval, Sue Casey as Anne Duval, and in the middle, Jim Begg as the stooge Larry!! Del Moore was a mainstay on 1960's TV on everything from "Batman" to "Wagon Train," Jim Begg was "Fatso" in "Village Of The Giants," and if you're old enough, and Sue Casey looks familiar, it's probably not from her 83 film and TV credits, but more likely from her 200 appearances in commercials for everything from Chrysler to Kelloggs!

These are the bad guys!

The Cinematography was done by none other than Mr. Ted V.(Astro-Zombies)Mikels!

It's like dance fever! Dance with your best girlfriend or your best pal, but just keep moving!

This motley crew was called The Cascades, and had a smash hit that was released in 1962 that was all over the radio for weeks, titled "Rhythm Of The Rain," but it wasn't until 1963 that it reached #3 on the charts! Here they perform "There's A New World."

Carol Connors is the only woman to have ever written or co-written a major hot rod song! It's a fact! The song I'm talkin' about is "Hey Little Cobra" recorded by The Rip Cords in 1964, and she also co-wrote the Rocky theme, "Gonna Fly Now!" An amazing woman, Carol is still cooking today, and in this scene was performing "Book Of Love," a song she co-wrote with Roger Christian, the writer of the all time classic "Dead Man's Curve!"

It was an itchy witchy teeny weenie black and fuzzy bikini that she wore for the first time today!

The guys are all hypnotized by the ravishing charms of Ulla Strömstedt! "After you been eating steak for a long time, beans, beans, taste fine!" - Shel Silverstein

And after all that madcap partying, the beach is nothing more than one big crash pad!

This was a pretty cool, but random 15 second shot in the middle of all the other musical madness!

I went to Catalina Island last year, and this area and that building look exactly the same today!

Somewhere in there, there was a story about a theft of a scroll, and the clumsy insurance investigator Fingers O'Toole played by Robert Donner, but it's all secondary to that fact that this was just one big music video! Robert Donner had a very successful career in some interesting roles like the morgue attendent in "Agent For H.A.R.M." or Ebenezer Twitchell in "The Spirit Is Willing!"

There's basically only one other California Island with any film history, and that is Alcatraz, but they never had any beach parties there that anybody lived to talk about!

Friday, November 11, 2011

LA CASA DE LOS ESPANTOS / Estudios América - 1963

Welcome to Friday Night Mexican Drive-In Theater with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. This movie is a follow up to BRING ME THE VAMPIRE from the same year. It also has a similar storyline, along the lines of THE OLD DARK HOUSE, only, goofy Mexican style. The American title is HOUSE OF THE FRIGHTS!

The music's by Enrico Cabiati, who had a great career in Mexican cinema starting in 1939 with 110 composing credits which include titles like NEUTRON, THE HOODED MEN FROM HELL, NEUTRON vs DR. CARONTE, THE INCREDIBLE FACE OF DR. B, BRING ME THE VAMPIRE, ACAPULCO A GO-GO, HOUSE OF EVIL and THE FEAR CHAMBER.

Letz bring in our little Friday Night helper and button pusher, fer shure, Rufus The Gnat!.. Zup, Rufus!.. Awrat then, the little guy has his puny claw ready, so, push the big red 'GO' button right there, now, Rufus, and start the soundclip! Here's... LA CASA DE LOS ESPANTOS!

Here's a shot of the front door at... House Of The Frights!

You can figure out what's going on here with this artist and his model all by yourself!

Wait, he sees this?!.. Go figure. Small note, as an artist, I would never be caught doing art wearing a corduroy jacket, it just ain't right!

This guy was in BRING ME THE VAMPIRE, where he also swings out to a similar tune with that smokin' hot wild melted guitar you hear in the soundclip!

Dude struts his stuff only to be told that he stinks by the talent agent!

Love the curves going on here!

Okay, enuf fun already, let's get down to bidnezz. Everbloody meets at la Casa to hear a will being read, and...

What else, the uncle with all the dough gets moidered!

And, guess what? One of us is responsible!!

Yep, gots some fake vampires too!

I'll give you one guess what Holmes there has his spy glass focused on!

Uncle comes back as a ghost to help solve his murder.

What the Hell, there's always time for a dance number in the waiting room.


Good shit here!

The fun and games just seem to never end!

A face familiar in a ton of classic Mexican Monster Movies.

There's nothing funny about being clonked in the head by a ball-peen hammer!

Leave it up to the Mexicans to come up with such an elaborate way to deep-six somebloody!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??