Wednesday, December 29, 2010

BEDLAM - Roy Webb - "No Joking Around" (1946)

The stylish Val Lewton production "BEDLAM" is loosely based on "A Rake's Progress," a series of eight paintings by the amazing 18th century English artist William Hogarth! The series shows the decline and fall of Tom Rakewell, who is eventually imprisoned in Prison, and ends up in a place called Bedlam. The 8 plates are titled thusly, #1-The Heir, #2-The Levée, #3-The Orgy, #4-The Arrest, #5-The Marriage, #6-The Gaming House, #7-The Prison, #8-The Madhouse!! You get the idea!

Just for starters, this is how they treat people who try and escape from Bedlam, whether they are insane or not, and speaking of insane, how about 264 composing credits for maestro Roy Webb, including Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious," "Dick Tracy," "The Body Snatcher" and "Zombies On Broadway," just to scratch the surface of this man's astounding output!

Unlike Tom Rakewell in the original plates, this is a story of Nell Bowen, seen here with her benefactor Lord Mortimer, also known as the trumpet playing, circus clown Billy House, the man of all men who gets to claim credit for being the live-action model for Disney cartoon characters Doc of the Seven Dwarfs, and the fat pirate in "Peter Pan!"

The King of Horror, Boris Karloff, is Master George Sims, the deranged cat who runs this madhouse called Bedlam, and right now he has been called on the carpet by an unhappy Lord Mortimer!

Lord Mortimer's little sidekick, Pompey, played by Frankie Dee, does his best at doing an impression of the Boris Karloff Sims character he just met in the hallway!! Folksinger/actor Hamilton Camp was the voice of Pompey!

Sims gives Nell a tour of Bedlam! Lucky girl, most people have to pay!

One of Sims' favourite zanies is Dorothea the Dove as portrayed by the quite lovely Joan Newton, who only has one other credit for some odd reason!

Lord Mortimer throws an opulent fiesta, and Sims provides the entertainment......

.......A gold painted man reciting poetry who might just pass out and die if nobody's paying attention! This is a very real concept, when I was taking a sculpture class in junior college, my teacher was doing a plaster cast of his chest at his home, and he passed out and fell right over! It was a good thing his wife was there!

Well, you might think "Bedlam" is a Boris Karloff film, but for me, this is a story of Miss Joan Boniface Winnifrith, who was born January 2, 1913, and who died as Anna Lee, 91 years later in 2004! As a hopeless romantic, it's hard not to fall in love with Anna Lee as Nell Bowen in "Bedlam!" Anna must have been a pretty strong lady in real life too, working in countless films of distinction from "The Sound Of Music" to "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane," and the last 26 years of her life in the enduring role of Lila Quartermaine on the long running television soap opera, "General Hospital." Sadly, in 1982, Anna was in a car accident that crippled her from the waist down, but it didn't stop her from continuing her role as Lila for years and years! They just wrote it into the script, as they eventually would do with her death!

Boris is full of it, and Anna gives him what we like to refer to around here as "The Look!"

The character of Nell is a bold, self-assured woman, who because of the times becomes a victim of her own confidence! She's just too smart........

............and the uptight guys don't dig it!!

Well, it doesn't take much imagination to figure out where Nell ended up, she's been declared insane and sent directly to Bedlam!! Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars!!

Richard Fraser is The Stonemason Quaker, the thee, thy, and thou man who is kinda sweet on Nell! Here he gets a good dose of what Bedlam is really all about! Richard Fraser was in some good flicks like "White Pongo," "The Picture Of Dorian Gray," and "The Cobra Strikes" before opting for an early retirement!

One of the residents of Bedlam, professional wrassler Vic Holbrook as Tom the Tiger, is totally anti-social and has to be kept in a room of his own!

Sims has had enough of Nell's mouth, so he sticks her in a cage match with Tom the Tiger!

Nell remains calm, and keeps her composure! "Twas beauty tamed the beast!"

Leaning on the table is one of Nell's friends in the joint, Dan the Dog, aka perennial Dungeon fave Robert Clarke, in what would be his 15th film appearance!! Nell hears some moaning, and decides to go check it out.........

...........when she finds this guy!!!

Boris comes back to give Nell a special treatment, since she's taken everything else he's thrown at her, and still come out on top, but the rest of the inmates aren't ready to be docile any longer!

The crazies convene their own court and even though the bailiff keeps giving his decision, "split him in two!" the judge declares Sims sane, and releases him!

"BEDLAM" is obviously a movie I highly recommend, and I found a copy at Big Lots that's a double feature with another good Karloff film, "Isle Of The Dead" for three bucks! That's the deal of the century!!

Monday, December 27, 2010


This is the original theatrical release 1 sheet poster, one of the last old school, fifties style sci-fi flicks. We gots the TV title, tonight, here at The Dungeon. Remember, after 2001 came out in 1968, the special effects bar was raised forever. Another movie in this category is an all time favorite of Tabonga's... MISSION MARS, with Darren McGavin and Nick Adams!

Check out this tagline... "Horror so incredible it stretches the mind of man beyond the breaking point!"

Mr. Marlin Skiles did the music for this space adventure, and sometimes, space opera. Marlin had an amazing 253 music department credits between 1934-68. A few of those titles are KING SOLOMON ON BROADWAY, DANCING FEET, SEA SPOILERS, DOWN MEXICO WAY, THE CYCLONE KID, THE PURPLE MONSTER STRIKES, SLIPPY MCGEE, KING OF THE ROCKET MEN, MULE TRAIN, COW TOWN, ATOM MAN vs SUPERMAN, LOST PLANET AIRMEN, JALOPY, ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU, SPOOK CHASERS, THE GIANT CLAW, 20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH and D-DAY ON MARS!

Okay, Rufus, come on in and press the big old red 'GO' button, you little rascally gnat, you, and start our end of the year redo of... SPACE MONSTER!

Like Eegah!! always sez, dials are cool! Unfortunately, these dials are connected to the destruct button, and in a matter of seconds our space jockey here gets blown to pieces. There's a good reason, though, he's sick with a plague from space, and can't be allowed to land back on Earth!! You know, we'll all catch it!

So, you think that stops Space Probe Taurus from heading out into space with Francine York (top billing), James Brown, Baynes Barron and Russ Bender?.. Hell, no!!

Baynes Barron plays Dr. John Andros. You can hear in the soundclip as he dreams about being back on Earth with his very own, bikini beach girl! Baynes had 99 acting credits and include RADAR MEN FROM THE MOON, PHANTOM OF THE RUE MORGUE, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, FROM HELL IT CAME (Chief Maranka!), THE PARTY CRASHERS, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, THE STRANGLER, MARYJANE and THE DEVIL'S 8!

Here's the doc, trying to put the make on shipmate, Dr. Lisa Wayne. Francine York is still beautiful today!! We remember her from MUTINY IN SPACE, and, get this... She's plays Sabrina in this year's ASTRO ZOMBIES: M3 - CLONED!!

They come across a seemingly deserted alien spacecraft, just floating around in space.

So, Colonel Stevens and Dr. Andros jet over to check the pad out!

Hey, it's even got a big screen TV! I wonder how you change the channel, this program stinks!

Here's Jimmy Bracon as the little space creep, borrowed from THE WIZARD OF MARS! This was Jimmy's only credit!

They end up killing it, then they blow up the space pad before going on their merry way!..

Later, hormones get the best of the Colonel and Dr. Wayne!

One of my favorite Benny Hill jokes is... "What's the difference between a vitamin and a hormone? ...You can't make a vitamin!"

They have to make an emergency landing on a planet but end up in the drink with some giant crabs!

Dr. Andros is chosen to swim to the shoreline and check to see if the land can support life.

Then, there's this aquatic creature, a leftover from WAR-GODS OF THE DEEP. It attacks and wounds the doc as he's swimming back to the ship.

Dr. Andros barely makes it back before deep sixing it. He tells them the place will support life, so, they name the planet after him!

88... 87... 86... 85... 84... 83...



Ghoulnight Everbloody!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

THE SATAN BUG - Jerry Goldsmith "Green Pepper Burritos and Cold Mexican Beer" (1965)

First off, We'd like to say Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all the readers and followers of this blog, without you, we're nothing, and just like us, we hope you've discovered some weird movies you never knew about before!

!!! Satan Santa Saturday, it's got a nice ring to it!

Now that's good old-fashioned security, double concertina wire, with powerful lights and roaming killer attack dogs! Thanx to The Tedster for braving it all and unearthing this flick for you!

Most of the works of composer Jerry Goldsmith are not as difficult to find as "The Satan Bug," and that's an understatement! Mr. Goldsmith passed away back in 2004, but the legacy of films and TV shows he wrote for is beyond compare! How about seven episodes of the original "Twilight Zone" and 18 episodes of Boris Karloff's "Thriller" just for starters, "Gunsmoke," "The Man From U.N.C.L.E," "Planet Of The Apes," "The Waltons," and "Star Trek" to round it out! Jerry has probably affected more people's lives than The Stones, the only difference is, they don't know who did it!

In this scene we're introduced to the back of the hero of the flick, George Maharis, as Lee Barrett while the music cooks in the background!

Kind of hard to imagine that this was considered super high tech communications in the not that distant past!

Cruzin' in style à la 1965!

"The Satan Bug" had a major cast as you can see, here's a good shot of Richard(Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea)Basehart and Frank(Sgt Vince Carter)Sutton as a couple of major nefarious evildoers!

These screencaps are kind of dark, but it's a pretty dark subject matter! The only thing these picture postcard shots are missing is the greeting 'Welcome to Palm Springs!'

Here's the gorgeous, and exquisite Anne Francis as Ann Williams, and also Ed Asner as Veretti the heavy henchman, along with George Maharis, in a simple, but very effective shot!

This was a most diabolical performance by Edward Asner, who is still working hard today, and out of all his almost 300 performances, is probably still most known for his role in 166 episodes of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" as Lou Grant!

Here's another great outpost card!

It's difficult to imagine Lou Grant trying to use poison gas on Mary Tyler Moore, or Sergeant Carter snuffing the life out of Gomer Pyle, that would be kind of like Maynard hitting on Thalia Menninger, and quite disturbing!

Anne Francis had an absolutely amazing career, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll just say one thing, "Forbidden Planet" and that just scratches the surface! George Maharis is probably best known for his role in the hit TV series "Route 66." He started his career as a singer, and released a couple of albums later on in his career! He's spent his later years painting!

"The Satan Bug" is a extremely fast acting virus that if it gets into the wrong hands, could cause the complete extinction of all life as we know it! They stuck these guys in this out building, and if you look close, you can see that the bad guys have tossed in a vial of the stuff from one of those open upper windows!

It's a stalemate, a real Mexican standoff!!!

There's a whole big action sequence involving this cool looking helicopter!

Now if they can just decipher this madman's cryptic scribblerenders!

Here's the plan, evacuate the whole city of Los Angeles in two hours or less! Right, Boss!

Oh, man, gassed on the golf course, that just ain't right! Why do they always have to pick on the golfers, and why's that one dude look like he's got just a bathing suit on? WTF?!

Nothing has changed more in the last 40 years than communications! I'll leave you with yet another shot of 1965 high-tech intelligence, when spying on somebody, use the old tie the phone to the patio and look casual number!

"The Satan Bug" - Excedrin Headache #13!!! "And to all a good night!!!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??