Monday, June 7, 2010

A WALKING NIGHTMARE / Monogram - 1942

Welcome everbloody to Moldie Oldie Monday here at the Dungeon! Today we gots a little cheapie from Monogram Pictures, A WALKING NIGHTMARE aka THE LIVING GHOST and directed by Dungeon heavyweight, William Beaudine!

Tagline reads "SPOOK CHASER... A reckless sleuth follows the trail of a white ZOMBIE!"

The story is about n ex-detective called out of retirement to investigate a recent kidnapping. Once on the job, one of the suspects gets a "paralyzed brain" and becomes a zombie-like hulk. Oh and, there's murder in the air, too!

Frank Sanucci gets the credit as musical director, so it's all stock music from Monogram's extensive library... And, it sounds like it, as you'll notice while you listen to today's Eariffic Earclip from Eegah!!

Lil' Rufus is in the room which means only one thing, time for the show!! Rufus came up with our soundclip's Twisted Title today! Hit the button Rufus!!.. LIVING NIGHTMARE vs WALKING GHOST!

We're looking for Brother Nick Trayne, The Sympathetic Ear!.. And, here it is! Can't miss it.

An ex-detective has to do what an ex-detective has to do! Whatta schtick!

Second bananas James Dunn and Joan Woodbury get to star in this lil' horror flick as Nick Trayne and Billie Hilton. Billie hires Nick to help her solve a weird mystery going on at her place.

Nick gets nowhere fast, talking with this old biddie!

The look on Nick's face is priceless as the doctor tries to explain a theory about zombies!

You know an out of tune piano when you hear it!

And, speaking of out of tune... Billie wears that weird looking striped outfit the same way John Agar wore that striped circus jacket in DAUGHTER OF DR. JEKYLL, too much! Costume director needs to be fired!

Nick and Billie get a lead and go to 547 Lansdale St.

Those damned coo-coo clocks!.. Jeez!!

The dude with the "paralyzed brain!"

Wow, they actually left this in the print! Cool!!

Each suspect has to record their voice because Nick came up with a way to identify the killer.

Okay, you guys think you're sho schmart, do ya!

Ahhh, young love, how sweet thou art!..

As always, the cop gets the last word!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

FRANCIS IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE - Mancini,Skinner,Stein - "Truth Serum Swing" (1956)

Tonight, we've got a very special classic for you, starring the great Mickey Rooney, called "Francis In The Haunted House," and I don't know why, but for some obscure reason, this film is almost impossible to find today. The concept of a talking mule makes more sense than that!! Watching it these days is more difficult, but I loved the "Francis, The Talking Mule" movies as a kid!! Big kudos to Tabonga for finding us a copy!!

In the previous 6 Francis movies, the voice was done by Chill Wills, but for this last film in the series, they used the master voiceover and cartoon voice guy Paul Frees, and although there is a difference, it really doesn't affect anything much! Paul is almost able to nail it, but Chill Wills just always had that extra little gruff warble in his voice!

Mickey Rooney replaced Donald O'Connor in this last Francis outing. Donald had become increasingly unsatisfied with the series having publicly stated that after 6 movies and the mule gets more fan mail, it was time to move on!

Whether it's a good movie or not, "Francis In The Haunted House" sure has a star-studded cast by Dungeon standards, starting with Timothy(The World's Greatest Sinner)Carey here as the thug and henchman Hugo!

I'd be willing to bet that this Plymouth police car has more metal in it than 13 Toyotas put together!!

Hugo lowers the gate to the castle of evil, or in this case, the haunted house!!

David(The Fugitive)Janssen on the left, plays the part of Police Lieutenant Hopkins!

Here's more classic evildoers, the ever so recognizable Richard Deacon as Jason, on the left, and on the right, it's Charles(The Werewolf)Horvath, as the other assistant hooligan, Malcolm!!

How do you try and teach a mule to not look straight into the camera?

A lot of people don't, but I like Mickey Rooney in this role as David Prescott! I mean look at that mug, was this guy the consummate actor or what?

Gourmet chef Richard Deacon played the role of Dick Van Dyke's boss Mel Cooley, from 1961 to 1966, and was Fred Rutherford on 22 episodes of "Leave It To Beaver" among his many TV appearances!

In this scene, Jason tries to off David from the backseat, but is foiled!

David makes it to the police station just in time to tell them he has the suspect knocked out, and captured in his car....

...but when they go to check it out, Jason has been killed in an effort to make sure he doesn't start flapping his lips about what's been really going on!

The police bring in three experts to question David, since they don't believe all his gibberish about a talking mule, or his story about somebody trying to kill him, but when he doesn't change his story even after being hypnotized, they decide to give him some truth serum. It's at this point that the music is at it's best, swaying and swaggering like a drunken sailor! Uncredited musical bits and pieces go to Henry Mancini, Frank Skinner, and Herman Stein, but I don't know who composed this particular section, maybe it was Henry Skinnerstein!

Virgina Welles as Lorna MacLeod turns out to be a two timin' trollop of a girlfriend towards the end!!

If they look like they've just seen a ghost it's because the Director of "Francis In The Haunted House," Charles Lamont, had directed some of the very best comedy films of the 50's! He directed all the scary/funny Abbott & Costello movies(the 40's Abbott & Costello flicks were directed by Charles Barton), and worked extensively with Judy Canova and Ma and Pa Kettle!

In the end, Prescott and Francis have to take things into their own hands, and hoofs, and get into costume as the ghost and do battle with the real bad guys!

Francis the Talking Mule was actually a female named Molly, because the female of the spieces was easier to work with in the studio! Francis lead the way in the talking animal field of entertaining, and opened up the door for Mr. Ed and a whole slew of CGI chipmunks, cats, and insects!

Friday, June 4, 2010

THE BRAIN MACHINE / Howco Productions - 1977

Welcome to Friday Night Drive-In Frights & Freakouts here at the Dungeon, with your host Tabonga and his little 4-eyed hunchback tarantula helper buddy, Ralphie!


Here's our story... "Four people with distinctly different backgrounds all volunteer for an experiment involving mind-altering and manipulation. The volunteers gather at a secret laboratory and are subject to a series of procedures that border on torture, including shock therapy and psychological torture. The final portion of the procedure involves the test subjects being exposed to an experimental device that alters their minds through the exposure of their innermost fears and darkest secrets."

Flick stars tons of TV actors, including James (uncredited crewman in FORBIDDEN PLANET) Best, Barbara (THE LAST PORNO FLICK) Burgess, Gerald (NIGHT OF BLOODY TERROR) McRaney and Marcus J. (KEEP OFF MY GRASS!) Grapes!


Today, Ralphie came up with funny soundclip title, so hit that big red 'GO' button and start the show, lil' pal!.. DAS BRAINZ MUSHEEN!

When you try and expose criminal activity in government sponsored weirdness, expect to be relentlessly tracked down! Filmed in Mississippi.

There are some great CIA jokes here, but we don't do political humor!

James plays Rev. Emory Neill. He had a similiar role in SHOCK CORRIDOR where he was in a nut house with various characters! Any time we feature James, it'd be funny to end the soundclip with Sheriff Rosco Coltrane's goofy laugh!

What good is a horror flick without showing some kind of weird looking skull?!

Interesting shots!

Okay, so, here's a great shot of the group... Before... Aw crap, the big door that seals them off is coming down... Sorry!

Dude got a little too close to the truth...

That's camera 3, right?

Tabonga swears, a lot of today's 'music' sounds like some of the stuff our band came up with after we got a digital delay!!

James gets his mind blown all the way to Hell!


When you're the supreme pizza commander of the universe, you can easily have someone else framed to take the blame for your mistakes!

The ultimate fate of the volunteers and the people that know what's going on, is, well, you know... Not that great!

This is America, signing off!..

One of these days, we'll own the whole mutherfucker!!..

Right, boss!

**In a never-ending quest for cosmic balance, we're changing our lineup again... You are warned!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??