Monday, February 2, 2009

ESCAPEMENT - Soundrama - "Electronic Monster" (1958)

So, Hey, this is a movie about Dream Therapy, and you really can't expect me to write anything much about dreams from 51 years ago, because I can barely write about reality today, but anyhow, that's why they call it "Escapement"!!!!!! You might just want to lay your head back and close your eyes as you listen to the lush and wondrous sounds of "Soundrama" with the aid of John Simmons as electronic consultant and Richard Taylor as music director for the non-electronic parts!!!

If it hadn't been some Hollywood big shot, nobody would have ever noticed or cared!!

So send in Rod Cameron as Jeff Keenan to check it out!! Film and TV veteran Rod had been acting since 1939, which included his 104 episodes of "State Trooper" as Rod Blake and what seems like thousands of cowboy roles! What a voice, what a guy!!

So here's the dream machine, very similar to the colour brain exchange version in "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter!" The patient gets one and the doctor gets one! Night night, sleep tight, sweet dreams!!!

Here comes the hard part, picking out just the right tape!! What a nice selection!! I wish that was our film library!!!

The 'dream sequences' were photographed by some wild man named Teddy Catford!! What the Hell kind of a dream this is supposed to be is way beyond me, weird!

Just like magic, the dreams are getting better and worse all at the same time

No, Hell No, don't stop there!!

You got it, yep, you figured it out!! AAAAaaarrrauggghhhhhhhHHH!!!!!!!! Dude, you're drooling!!!

If nothing else, there was this one Great Escape anyhow!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS / Danziger Productions Ltd. - 1954 / Music by Edwin Astley

Its about time for this title!.. Growing up in the fifties, I remember, this one played a lot on TV. For a low budget British production based on a play, it has some interesting things going on. Hazel Court!.. Patricia Laffan!!.. Even as a kid, I was very attracted to Nyah!

Later, British composer Edwin Astley had a pretty extensive career on UK TV. Here are a few other movie titles he worked on... WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS, THE GAY DOG, CONTRABAND SPAIN, TRIPLE BLACKMAIL, THE HORNET'S NEST, FUN AT ST. FANNY'S, WOMANEATER, THE GIANT BEHEMOTH, ZOO BABY, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, THE RELUNCTANT NUDIST!!..

Tonight, though, is only his 5th effort... DEVILISH MARTIAN GODDESS!

Devil Girl overshoots her London target and has to land her big spinning top, she lands it next to an inn on the British countryside.

All the buzzing and whirring stops, then, Nyah makes her entrance!.. Actually, I guess, exit! Anyway, a stunning speciman of extraterrestrial womanhood! Hubba, hubba!!

*Some of us here at The Dungeon have a warped sense of reality!! Too much time in the 'suspension of disbelief' chamber I suppose!

It looks like she has a mean streak! She finds the doltish inn helper and vaporizes him, leaving only his glasses laying on the ground!.. Sheesh!!

I love the way she puts this 'scientist' in his place!

She shows the puny Earthlings some of the awesome power at her disposal!.. A giant refrigerator of doom! There's also an invisible wall around the place!!

She gives the 'scientist' a look at the ship's interior.. Very impressive, she made the trip from Mars in less than 5 Earth hours!!!

She can hypnotize!!

She can make everything fuzzy where you feel faint and fixated.

Albert gets to switch places with the child she was going to take back to Mars with her. The 'scientist' has told him how to sabotage the spaceship once they get in the air.

And, so, the lowly 'scientist' gets the last laugh and Albert saves the Earth!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

DER CHEF WÜNSCHT KEINE ZEUGEN - Hermann Thieme - "No Survivors, Please!" (1964)

Hiyah Kids, Hiyah, Hiyah, Eegah! The Gremlin here with a really special package tonight, another excellent but callous German mystery, but this time, they decided to really go Sci-Fi and bring in all these lost souls from outer space! The aliens are taking over the world one politician and scientist at a time. They kill off the real people, but by some miracle, the bodies all survive drownings, airplane crashes, falling off of bridges, etc., but now they are possessed by an alien's mind, who after they control enough key positions worldwide, are going to start a war to wipe out the human race, so they can have our world because they like it better here than on their own planet!! These bastards from outer space ain't messing around either! They are a ruthless bunch of cutthroats, who mean it when they say, "No Survivors, Please"!! Sound familiar?

This is The Senator and The Chief, they are running the whole show!! The aliens all seem to be alcoholics, which might add to their vicious attitude problem!

This clown is Armand de Guedez played by Gustavo Rojo! Armand is one mean space S.O.B. and I'm sure he would have been very comfortable hangin' out with those other mean spirited outsiders, the "Teenagers From Outer Space."

Armand is about to toss Karen Blanguernon as Vers Svenson off of this bridge!!

The Senator and The Chief actually interrupted their drinking to witness that whole scene, and somewhere along the line, The Senator picked himself up a cool cowboy shirt!!

Lucky for the guys, Karen Blanguernon also returns as an alien after that bridge incident, and her body doesn't even seen to be mangled at all!!

Armand goes completely nuts, but it was a very short trip for him!!

The brilliant musical score composed by Hermann Thieme includes a club scene and something akin to a Mardi Gras parade, and kicks ass like some of the best Mexican wrasslin' films of the same era right down to The End!!! And that's all there is!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

THE PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES - James Bernard - "Zombies!" (1966)

I've had this thing about the word 'of' in titles lately, and tonight's a perfect example, because you see it's like you have the plague, but just having the plague isn't bad enough, you need to have something more serious like "The Plague Of The Zombies"!!


You can pretty much add the word 'zombie' to any title and it's gonna spice it up some, and that I guarantee!!!

It's like the turn of the century in England, and you can have wild voodoo rituals going on down in your basement, and nobody is the wiser! I'd say just seeing this one guy would be a dead giveaway!

This is the unlikely hero of this film, Sir James Forbes as portrayed by André Morell! What a fantastic character, muttering and mumbling along, but a complete genius!!

Even when she's sick, Jacqueline Pearce looks good as Alice Mary Tompson in this role!

When's the last time you saw the guys washing the dishes??

Alice is plagued by bad dreams!!!

Seems like all those bad dreams were not so unfounded after all, as Alice gets treated quited badly by this ugly zombie!!!

"Plague Of The Zombies" is one creepy lookin' film, but once again, they really blow it in the end by coming up with the lame concept of having the zombies working for the bad guys in the Tin mines! It's just stupid!!

Lucky for us and all involved, the whole joint burns to Hell in the end!! The music if I can get it to work, because something's totally screwy with (So much for upgrades!!) was composed by James Bernard who we've written about here before for his contributions to the genre not only on a hoarde of Hammer films, but also "X-The Unknown", "The Creeping Unknown" and "Quatermass 2!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??