Saturday, November 3, 2007


It's time for a "Saturday Night Triple Feature." Some torn bits and pieces, and some partially warm leftovers. To start off with, here's a little appetizer from the bar in the 1962 sleepfest "Carnival Of Souls."
 This is another song that was playing on the radio and gets cut off very abruptly in the 1960 film "Cape Canaveral Monsters."
 And here's the music from a little scene in the 1963 Mexican film, "Las Luchadoras Contra El Médico Asesino," where the bad guys try and break into the girl's apartment, but get their butts kicked instead! "Doctor Of Doom"

Friday, November 2, 2007

KONGA - Gerard Schurmann - "Radio Music" (1961)

Man, that Michael Gough can be a devilish soul, & in "Konga" he probably plays his best role of a really 'not nice' guy. His assistant Margaret loves him; she's so lowly, she doesn't even have a last name and he treats her like crap. Sandra Banks adores his intellect, but has no clue that he's just a dirty old pervert after her bod, not her mind. He has his big monkey kill anybody that pisses him off, and he's growing giant phallic-looking, meat-eating plants in his greenhouse. Does that sound like a nice guy to you? Well, maybe by today's standards, but not back in 1961! Still, it makes for a great movie & should be riding high on your 'to do' list! Gerard Schurmann does a swingin' job on the music, just like he did on the other Michael Gough evil classic, "Horrors Of The Black Museum." Konga
 Having a casual conversation with the boss, Hey Mike, watch out, or you'll bust a blood vessel! 
Stuck in the back of the truck, might as well break out the radio & listen to some cool tunes! 
How bout that? Sandra Banks gets to ride up front! 
Getting out of the rain, dancing, everyone's having a great time except, Sandra Banks' boyfriend Bob Kenton, who if Sandra had listened to, would still be alive, & she'd still have two arms! 
Bob can't take it anymore!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

THE WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN - Erich Bromberg (Jerry Warren) - The Young Giants - "Batwoman Jam" (1966)

"Okay, Fun time's over!" " We ordered a sandwich, a sandwich!" "Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Hah!!" "Give me the key!","Oh, Yeah!" "Ha Hah!!" "Tiger, C'mon!" Those are just some of the brilliant quotes from this 8 3/4 minute musical jam of bits from the movie "The Wild World Of Batwoman." The music just keeps on going, and a lot of it is really good when it gets cookin' and they hit some killer grooves! It seems the "Young Giants" play the majority of this music under the direction of Jerry Warren, mixed in with pieces of Jerry's 1959 45 release "Monkey Walk" by Jerry Warren & The Pets on Arwin Records. For all lovers of the best kitch available, it's the...."Batwoman Jam"
 Definitely the cheapest looking gauge and equipment ever seen anywhere before or since, but for some reason, you just don't care! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS - Jack Nitzsche - "I Was Big Enough Before" (1965)

All right!! In celebration of Allhallows day 31, we proudly present this opus piece of ear candy. A real hallowed treat you won't forget real soon, and it's just that simple, life defined musically by Jack Nitzsche!! A few scenes from "Village Of The Giants" with a "Last Race" reprise all jammed together for your listening pleasure. Thanx Jack!!! Big Enuf Before

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

THE BEACH GIRLS AND THE MONSTER - Chuck Sagle - "Kill Vicki, Kill Mark" (1965)

It's Very Easy to write off "The Beach Girls & The Monster" as complete fluff, which it is, but you just can not take away the fact that it has some very real excellent moments. The piece of music presented here is beyond belief! Starting off with some cool bongos, then extra greasy surf sax and crazy distorted guitar laid over an A+ heartbeat pounding drum, which segues into a driving jazzy free drum set followed with a loungey Brubeck piano tinged Kenyon Hopkins type psycholicious nightmare extravaganza! Yeah, yeah, Sure, sure, Vicki and Mark get killed too, but that's really a very minor detail compared to the incredible musical contribution to the scenes! This is really good!! 

Monday, October 29, 2007

DIE 1000 AUGEN DES DR. MABUSE (The 1,000 Eyes Of Dr Mabuse) - Gerhard Becker/Bert Grund - "Main Theme" (1960)

Fritz Lang, who's directorial debut went all the way back to 1919 with "Halbblut" or "Half-Caste, went on to do a "Dr. Mabuse" film in 1922, long before he did "Metropolis" in 1927, and so, so much more. "The 1000 Eyes Of Dr. Mabuse" in 1960 was his final film! Can we have a standing ovation, please?? You can actually watch this movie for free at, along with a bunch of other cool junk! For all you "Dr. Mabuse" novices, it's a great place to start!

1000 Eyes

IM STAHLNETZ DES DR. MABUSE (The Return Of Dr. Mabuse) - Peter Sandloff - "2 or 3 Scenes" (1961)

These German "Dr. Mabuse" films have been going on since 1922, & it took 39 years to get around to the "Return Of." Here's some swingin' background music from a couple of scenes that I swear to you, sound so much like "The Firesign Theatre" that it's incredible! "What kind of joke is this, Ross" etc...., you'll see, or hear, if you know what I'm talking about, you'll get it! Dr. Mabuse, 100% great stuff, find it when & where you can!! 
What kind of a joke is this? Here's a short bit with the player piano that was playing in the background of a telephone conversation leading to the discovery of the suspect's whereabouts. 

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??