Monday, October 29, 2018

DR. BLACK MR. HYDE / A Monster He Can't Control Has Taken Over His Very Soul! - 1976

Today we gots a tale about an African-American scientist who develops a formula to regenerate dying liver cells, but it has the unfortunate after-effect of turning him into an albino vampire with a mania for killing prostitutes! A police lieutenant investigating the murders discovers the existence of the dual-personality killer...

This thing stars Bernie (REVENGE OF THE NERDS) Casey, Rosalind (DEATH SPA - I was an extra in this one!) Cash, Marie (HUMAN EXPERIMENTS) O'Henry, Ji-Tu (MANDINGO) Cumbuka, Stu (RETURN FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN) Gilliam and more.

Sooo... The fun starts when Dr. Pride is treating a prostitute in his medical room. Here, he gives the girl a shot in the ass to make her feel at home! My favorite part of course.

Then, he moves on to his guinea pigs. He's testing his new serum to see if it helps in the regeneration of liver cells...

The next logical step, obviously, is to shoot himself up, right?!

Now an albino freak, Mr. Hyde heads out into the night to wreak some havoc. It doesn't take long before he tosses some dude through a plate-glass window!

He's looking for the Moonlight Lounge, a local hangout for prostitutes. There, he gets into a fight with Silky, the girls' pimp daddy!

Silky has this boss Cadillac that he carts his girls around in.

But, Silky crosses Mr. Hyde again! This time, Hyde chases him in his Rolls Royce and corners the pimp in a parking structure. As Hyde approaches him in the car, Silky pulls out his switchblade to protect himself! Well, Hyde has him up against the wall and guns it good, lots of bloody vomit all over them hip threads...

And, prostitutes are being killed at an alarming rate!

What else?! Hyde ends up at the Watts Towers, he's tear gassed so he climbs to the top and screams a lot. A helicopter even shows up, eating up most of the budget. Then, one of the coppers spots him!..

So, they blast away and eventually bring Hyde down after a couple of thousand bullets are fired at him! Hey, tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! has our Halloween Countdown finale... Later!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

LASSIE - Season 02, Episode 08 - "The Witch" (1955)

Tonight's Saturday Night Halloween Countdown Special is a goodurn!

It might not seem like "Jeff's Collie" is a very good Halloween treat, but then a lot of things in life don't make much sense!

  I grew up watching "Lassie" on Saturday mornings, but I didn't find out until tonight that "Lassie" was also known as "Jeff's Collie," but it makes sense, until Timmy came along!

The reason this is a Halloween episode is that Lassie and Jeff, and his best friend Porky are reading up on witches!

 Just in case you don't know it, Lassie as a character was a female, but they used a male dog on the show because males are larger and looked more impressive, but some of the stunt doubles were female! Either way, Collies are beautiful people!

 Porky's spooked because he thinks the neighbor lady is a witch!

 And by the looks of it, he might not be wrong!

 The neighbor lady is named Sarah Dibble, and she's come over just to deliver some mint jelly, but it's lost on the boys who are deep into their fantasy!

 Porky is convinced that Sarah Dibble has put the "evil eye" on Lassie!

 Porky and Jeff go over to Sarah Dibble's place to see for themselves if the witch rumors are true! Not being very good role models, they decide to peek inside her window!

 What the boys see isn't about to change their minds any, the place is full of black cats, she's stirring up a brew, AND she's got a freakin' crow on her shoulder!! In the "Pretty Funny Department," Gertrude (Damn I like that name) Graner played the role of a witch many years later in the 1971 movie, "The Brotherhood Of Satan!"

 Here's basically the whole cast of "Lassie!" You know about the boys and the dog, and the other two are Jan Clayton as Jeff's Mother, who, believe it or not had previous roles as a singing inmate, and Edgar Allen Poe's Mother, and George Cleveland as Gramps! This was the end of George's career, but before "Lassie" he was in things like "Revolt Of The Zombies," "Dick Tracy's G-Men," "Drums Of Fu Manchu," and "The Ape!"

 Lassie has suddenly become sick, so the boys go to Sarah Dibble's house to see if she can reverse her evil eye curse. It doesn't seem like she's home, so they boldly enter her house, but it doesn't work out too well for them!

 Tommy Rettig's most memorable role was probably in "The 5000 Finger Of Dr. T." He was also an early pioneer in his advocacy of marijuana, and got busted for growing the herb back in the 70's when it was a big deal. He'd be proud to see the that it's legal a lot of places in the U.S. these days but he passed away years ago. And...Here's some information you will not probably find anywhere else, Tommy Rettig was short at 5' 4." "Lassie" came on the airwaves in 1954, and he died at the age of 54! Some times numbers are just weird!

 It's funny, I knew a portly gentleman as a kid named Porky too, but I'm sure that's not a nickname that would be acceptable today! The hilarious thing about it is that Joey D. Vieira, aka Porky is still alive and kickin' today! The Porkster was in 91 episodes of "Lassie" from 1954 to 1957!

 Sarah's not really a witch, but she does have a home brewed concoction that will get Lassie up and going again in no time at all, and even the vet agrees!

 Sarah makes sure Jeff understands that she's not really a witch!
"Don't believe me? Pull my finger boy!"

 After Sarah goes back home, this witchy woman apparition passes in front of the full moon and freaks the boys out!

The broom's still here, so it couldn't be her, right? Right!!
This might not be the last time you hear about Lassie here, because the episode before this was called "The Monster," and there was another episode called "Haunted House!"

Friday, October 26, 2018


Welp, looks like it's time for Some Tabonga! Halloween Hoots around here, just for you... Enjoy!!

So, there you go, a few laffs to make your day a happy one, it's better than getting a pipe bomb in the mail you have to admit! Eegah!! is back tomorrow with another burnt Halloween Countdown offering!..

Monday, October 22, 2018


Here we go with a new week of Halloween Countdown Pumpkin Stuffers. Today we take a look at the 'monster' creations under the direction of Larry Buchanan. I thought it'd be interesting to show them all in a row...

First up is THE NAKED WITCH from 1961. Way to go Larry, you actually scared up a good looking gal to show off in this boring 'horror' flick!

Then in 1965, Larry gets the job to redo some AIP titles from the fifties for TV movies. INVASION OF THE SAUCER-MEN became ATTACK OF THE EYE CREATURES, where they used monster designs that were rejects from DIE, MONSTER, DIE!

In 1966, Larry redoes IT CONQUERED THE WORLD and changes the name to ZONTAR, THE THING FROM VENUS starring John Agar. The freakin' 'thing' looks like a fifth grade Halloween project! What a goddamn mess.

Bill Thurman becomes the monster in CURSE OF THE SWAMP CREATURE in 1966. I remember seeing this one on TV in the sixties and kept thinking how super shoddy the whole thing looked!

MARS NEEDS WOMEN from 1967 stars Tommy (The Applegate Mystery) Kirk as Dop (what the?) and Yvonne (BATGIRL) Craig as Dr. Marjorie Bolen. This one is a super weird love story about a Martian and an Earth girl...

Eii chingao!! In other words, what the fuck?! First, monsters ain't scary at noon! And secondly, this creature ain't scary at all!! Goofy would be a much better description. So, what's up wif' those Texan monsters... Anyway? That's the haps in this remake of DAY THE WORLD ENDED, now called, IN THE YEAR 2889 from 1967... Sheesh!

Next up is CREATURE OF DESTRUCTION from 1967, a remake of THE SHE-CREATURE. Paul Blaisdell is probably still turning over in his grave!

And if that's not enough, they reuse the same creature in IT'S ALIVE! in 1969, and, why the Hell not? Saves money in the old monster department!

Then in 1982, Larry's back with THE LOCH NESS HORROR! This is how I feel when I watch a Buchanan flick without the aid of the Mystery Science Gang, they always save the day for me!!

Well, there you have it, all the 'monsters' from Larry's portfolio, hope you enjoyed the ride... Check back on Wednesday when we'll have another Halloween Countdown treat for you!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??