Friday, July 19, 2019

THE MONSTERS / Richard Olson: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1964

Today, we gots another Monster Kid Home Movie, this one's titled THE MONSTERS from Richard Olson and his many Monster Buddies! These kids didn't even make a title card (stupid kids!) so I added a title to the first still. Anyway, little dude is out digging in the graveyard, who knows what he's looking for. Then, a mysterious caped figure, I guess Dracula, comes into view... 1964 was a great Monster Kid time for Eegah!! and me, it was also the year we came up with DWRAYGER DUNGEON, which is a combination of our last names.

So, Drac attacks the digging fool. After he kills the guy, Frankie 9 shows up, and...

Drac brings the boy back to life, and then with some prestidigitation, the pastel vampire changes the poor guy into a lil' Skeleton Dude! What the, huh?!

Then, out of nowhere, other monsters show up, and, they start fighting Drac and his pals! At this point, it seems like this is the chance to show off some of the costumes the Monster Kids have in their arsenal... That green thing doesn't look all that scary or dangerous, stupid kids!

Lil' Pig Face also starts fighting the other monsters!.. When will all the mayhem end?

Now what?!!.. Looks like the local kids have arrived, and of course, they're fighting ALL the monsters that have invaded their turf!

How much fun these kids must be having, pretending they're in a fight to the end with a bunch of monster outsiders!

As in all the old monster movies, the good guys always win, like in this 2 minute wonder from those Monster Kids!!.. Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will have who the Hell knows what for us, later...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

THE GONG SHOW - "Featuring Count Banjola" (1976-1980)

Well, I've got a different kind of hurt for you tonight, and it pains me bad that it seems virtually impossible to find any decent copies of the original 1970's mess called "The Gong Show."
And that's just the way it is on this Wednesday version of The Dungeon.

I don't know if the network destroyed all the tapes or if Chuck Barris himself did something with them, but all there basically is left of "The Gong Show" is stuff that people recorded at home on VCRs probably on the slow speed, so they could get more shows on a tape. Lord Litter found me this one and about 80 others of the original shows on The Internet Archive. It would be nice, but luckily you don't need HD to enjoy something of these zany proportions!

I honestly don't know which episode this was, and even IMDB doesn't have really any info on the individual shows, so I'm pretty much on my own here.

 The first performer on this episode was a guy going by the name of Count Banjola, who plays an instrumental song on the banjo while being suspended upside down like a bat!

The judges on this episode were Pat Paulsen, Pat McCormick, and Juicy Jaye P. Morgan!
The three judges give The Count a perfect score of 30!

I'm guessing on a lot of this and just going by what I think I hear, and I think this guy who expands his belly to show what women have to go through during pregnancy was named Elliot Apsey!

Ricky Tick is a terrible comedian..............

..........But he's one Helluva good dancer!

The King of the Fleas gets gonged almost immediately, and rightfully so!

This young man whose name is something like Peter Paul Quizada does a pretty good job of performing The Beatles' "Black Bird."

Instead of cutting to commercial, we get a taste of "Packed My Boomzie!"

Gloria Goldsmith and her band The Wood Work were quite talented and were definitely not a novelty act!

Is that a crocheted lampshade that Chuck is wearing on his head? 
And this is the same guy who claimed to be a C.I.A. hitman?

A regular on the show was Murray Langston as The Unknown Comic!

With all this shit, a toilet bowl cleaner like Ty-D-bol seemed like a fitting sponsor!

There was a three way tie between Gloria Goldsmith, Peter Paul, and The Count who all got 30 points, but Count Banjola prevailed and got the big check! I read that "The Gong Show" was voted one of the worst TV shows of all time, but I've been watching some YouTube videos of the popular show "Britain's Got Talent," and that show not only could not have existed without "The Gong Show," I saw an act that I know for a fact I saw on "The Gong Show" before where four guys were performing with hammers on pans covering their crotch!

Monday, July 15, 2019

PRINCE OF DARKNESS / It Is Evil. It Is Real. It Is Awakening! - 1987

Here's one I saw at the theater back in the day, I personally thought I got ripped off... Anyway, a sinister secret has been kept in the basement of an abandoned Los Angeles church for many years. After the death of a priest belonging to a mysterious sect, another priest opens the door to the basement and discovers a vat containing a weird green liquid. The priest contacts a group of physics graduate students and their teacher to investigate the ominous container, they go there to stay until its purpose is examined. Unfortunately, they discover that the liquid contains the essence of Satan himself, and they also find that he will release his father, an all-powerful Anti-God! The liquid later comes to life, turning some of the students into zombies!

This one stars Donald (THE MUTATIONS) Pleasence, Jameson (SIMON & SIMON) Parker, Victor (PAPER DRAGONS) Wong, Lisa (DEAD AND BURIED) Blount, Dennis (YEAR OF THE DRAGON) Dun, Susan (THEY LIVE) Blanchard and more...

There's the church on the left. The Priest and Prof. Birack show up in a stretch limo, they go inside to see what's going on there...

The two find the mysterious room with the large vat of green liquid. They peruse the text from a book they find, it has confusing Latin writings with illustrations.

Alice Cooper plays one of the homeless people that seem to be under some kind of strange influence. Man, Alice is one weird looking dude!

Here's a shot of some of the grub the homeless are chowing down on... Hey, you hungry? Help yourself to a few maggots, I'm full...

Things start going south when one of the students is in the room with the vat of liquid, when, the liquid flows to the ceiling and then squirts into her mouth...

There's a meeting of the gang where a battle plan to uncover the secrets of the liquid is discussed. Love that big old boom box!

Then, the infected girl starts passing the liquid around!

And then, another girl is now typing out this creepy message at super high speed!

The son of the Anti-Christ shows up with a message, he then dissolves like the radioactive people in THE H-MAN, but instead of slime, he's full of black beetles...

It's this guy's turn, to show everyone he's insane, he sticks a sharp object into his neck!

Do you think this zombie dude's gonna to get his head bashed in?..

Things are going straight to Hell, just about all the students are nuts and out for blood!

I guess, the Queen Zombie, is horrified by her own face as she looks into the mirror on her makeup compact. The priest takes an ax and lops her head off. So, she simply picks it up and puts it back where it kinda belongs, and viola, she's back in business!

Dad's on his way back to the physical plane.... In a last ditch effort, the Priest tosses the ax into the encasement, breaking the glass!

And, all the evil goes poof and the zombos quit moving around.

In the aftermath, Brian is having flashbacks and starting to act a little weird... You should probably check in again on Wednesday when Eegah!! will bring on more hurt, here, at The Dungeon!..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??