Monday, June 3, 2019

THE ALIEN / Mike High 'Monster Kid Home Movies' - 1979

Stupid Kids!.. You gotta love 'em, 'specially when they make Monster Kid Home Movies. Just look at this swell title card, made by a kid of course. It'd be nice to be able to read it, but, you know, kids! Anyway, it sez... THE ALIEN!

This one starts with a barrel and some fireworks to simulate a rocket landing. Not really that great, but, I've seen worse. Then, the Alien crawls out of the thing, wow, that must have been one Hell of a cramped ride!

Looks like he had time to stop by The Gap for some threads, but, how did he get those big old hands through those sleeves?!

This dude shows up and decides to chase the Alien, and, get's his ass knocked out!

The Alien is out for blood, and, it looks like he killed... ME! I don't remember anything about shooting this scene, how'd they do that?

Dude is back with his huge seventies Plymouth, Dodge or Chrysler. As the Alien approaches him, the guy slips (on purpose) and awkwardly gets up. He barely gets away from the monster and digs out big time.

The Alien's ready to choke this kid out, when...

Dude is back again! He shoots the Alien but when he checks to see if the thing's dead...

He ends up just another victim! I really dig that tongue hanging out, nice touch!

I want to know one thing, why would you give a deadly Alien baby blue eyes??

Here are the ending credits... Stupid Kids!! Hey, check back Wednesday when Eegah!! will do his best to give us another whacked out post.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY - "Unchained Woman" (1979)

 "Buck Rogers In The 25th Century," now this is what I call a real Saturday Night Special!

 This incarnation of Buck Rogers was on TV from 1979 to 1981. 
In 1979 I had a black and white TV that got three channels, my first daughter was born, and I was working seven days a week. Needless to say, I never saw any of this show when it was on the air!

 Season one, episode seven was titled "Unchained Woman," and had Jamie Lee Curtis as the unchained woman guest star, and it's up to Buck to get her out of prison so she can testify against her doofus boyfriend, a crook named Malary Panter.

 Buck Rogers first appeared on the big screen in 1934 in a short called "Buck Rogers In The 25th Century" that had John Dille Jr. as Buck, but the first big twelve episode serial came out in 1939, and Buck was played by Buster Crabbe!
(Switch their names around and it sounds like a country western duo......
Presenting Buster Rogers and Buck Crabbe.)
In the 1950's TV series, Buck was played by Kem Dibbs one season, and Robert Pastene the other.

 But in this 1979 version, Buck Rogers was played by Gil Gerard!
Gil is still working today, and has a couple of films in post-production!
Here he's arriving at the prison! Whack door looks like a big film reel!

 Mel Blanc who did every cartoon voice from Bugs Bunny to Barney Rubble is the voice of Twiki the robot. The other gizmo is a cross between a 1949 Ford headlight and a disco ball!

 Here's a fascinating shot of what personal electronics incoming prisoners have to drop off before entering! Buck's medallion there in the middle is a remote controlled bomb! I don't know what all the other things are, telecommunicators I imagine! That bulky looking one doesn't look too handy!

 Jamie Lee looks really excited about being rescued!

 The place blows to kingdom come and all the android guards are blown to smithereens, and now Buck and his unchained guest have to trek across the desert in search of some of civilization, and a way off this planet!

 But wait, this guard, the one who said his name wasn't Hugo is still functional, and is tracking the couple!

 Hugo is really the best part of the show from here on out, as the robot that takes a lickin', and keeps on tickin'. It's pretty funny, he kicks that styrofoam rock and it curves midair!

 Poor Hugo, the sand squids got him!

 Erin Gray always looks good as Colonel Wilma Deering, Buck's partner!

 A lot of the effects and locations in this show look pretty snazzy!

 Since he's not human, Hugo managed to totally destroy the sand squid in 2 out of 3 rounds!

 With his superhuman strength, Hugo breaks through the wall, and I laughed out loud. He's still on the trail of Buck because he has a bracelet with a transmitter in it, so they take the bracelet off of Buck, and put it on Malary Panter, and the results are pretty funny!

 Hugo chases Malary down with ease through this old movie set!

 Now they've got to deal with Hugo!

 It's really quite interesting that this episode revolves around Hugo, who was played by a Mr. Walter Hunter in his one and only time in front of a camera. I can't find out anything about this guy, not even a birth date!
This role was rough, maybe he just had enough!

So to all the Walter Hunters in the world, this one's for you!

I think it's pretty cool that Buck Rogers can fly around in his mini-jet car and punch out bad guys at the same time! That takes talent!

Friday, May 31, 2019

CIEN GRITOS DE TERROR / 100 Cries Of Terror - 1965

Here's my last Mexican Monster Movie for May, it goes like this... The film tells two stories equal in length, "Panic" is about adultery laced with murder, and "Supreme Fear," a tale of morbid claustrophobia, both dealing with the concepts of terror, fright, anxiety and dread.

"Panico" starts with a married couple moving into a home in a remote area surrounding Mexico City. But, unknown to them, there is someone (or, something) creeping around outside...

Then, they hear some screams and someone dragging something heavy down the hallway... Hubby finds some chains and the panic starts to set in!

Of all things, hubby needs to leave and take care of business, hmmm. After he leaves, this thing shows up and wifey faints and dies of fright!

It was all a plan to get rid of wifey and take a small treasure of jewels. His lover had dressed up as the monster but when they come back into the room, the dead wife's freakin' gone!

Now the two are hearing screams and and chains being dragged around. Dude leaves the room to search for the intruder and leaves girlfriend with a gun. After there's a scuffle outside the door, she fires off a few shots... OOOOPS!!

Anyway, girlfriend runs around and ends up in a room where wifey is lying dead, as before. When wifey moves and gets up, girlfriend actually dies of fright. She packs up the jewels and drives off into the night...

In "Miedo Supremo" there's a burial in a mausoleum, after the coffin is in place, the tomb is bricked up...

This guy goes to the burial but faints. After he wakes up, the place is locked up and now he can't get out.

He hears more of those 100 screams and realizes the person in the coffin isn't dead! He breaks the bricks away, pulls the coffin out and opens the lid. What we get is a freaked out woman with acute paranoia. He tries to help he but all she does is rant and rave and feel depressed.

Let's face it daddy-o, she's like, COO COO!!

In fact, she's downright MAD!! Look at that thing she's trying to stab the guy with!!

But, there comes the time you have to to defend yourself, like here, a nice choke will suffice. He kills her and bricks her back up in the musty old tomb.

When the workers come back in the morning and open the place up, he pays them to say that he was never there... Okay, that's the last Mexican Monster Movie in May, phew!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??