Friday, January 11, 2019

ORLOFF AGAINST THE INVISIBLE MAN / God Help Us... If They Rise Again! - 1970

This is a wild one, in this story, Dr. Garondet is summoned by Professor Orloff but people in his village are afraid to go near his castle. Garondet reaches the castle and the servants send him to talk with Cécile, the daughter of Orloff, she's worried about his mental health. When Dr. Garondet meets Orloff, the professor tells him what happened to Cécile sometime ago and his experiment with an invisible man, and, he explains that his daughter is deranged due to the incident.

It stars the awesome Howard Vernon, Dungeon super villain! Other actors include Brigitte (only acting credit) Carva as Cécile Orloff and Paco Valladares as Dr. Garondet.

So, here's Dr. Garondet, he's been let off near the castle of Prof. Orloff. He then walks through the woods to the castle from there.

The doctor finally meets Orloff in his lab. After putting his gun down, Orloff tells him what has happened around there in a flashback.

It starts with the premature burial of his daughter...

The maid Maria wants the jewelry that was buried with Cécile, so, she has a plan to get Orloff's guard to help her get it... He couldn't refuse an offer like that! There's quite a bit of nudity in this one, a little shocking for a movie from 1970. Bush City!

Inside the crypt, the two remove all the jewelry from Cécile, including pulling off her ring, which hurts her and she wakes from her sleep! She also gets stabbed when she screams.

When he finds out what has happened, Orloff takes his guard and shackles him up in the dungeon. Maria is found wearing the jewelry and gets brutally whipped by Orloff.

Later, when Dr. Garondet goes into the dungeon after hearing screams, Orloff locks him up too! Thing is, the professor needs women to complete his experiments with his Invisible Man! He wants the women to bear the monster's children! Luckily, the doctor uses a torch to burn through the board holding the iron gates closed and escapes!

He finds Cécile, she shows the doctor how to use flour to see when the thing is getting near!

After knocking the doctor out, it grabs Cécile and takes her into the bedroom, then pulls her clothes off! Horny little devil, he is!

The monster, now semi transparent from having flour tossed on him, reveals a freakin' APE!

After the doc knocks the thing out with a fireplace poker, Cécile runs to him!.. Interesting!!

Then, pops tells his daughter to take the doctor and run away, as, the monster was going to burn the place down, which it does!!

When the monster tries to escape, Orloff's dogs kill it! Welp, there you go, weirdsville all the way! Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! should have sumpin' special for us, later dudeskis!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

NIGHT EDITOR - "It's A Nightmare! With Convulsions!" (1946)

It's time for another Weird Ass Wednesday from down in The Dungeon! Tonight's feature is a special for for all the quadruple F'ers out there, you know, the card carrying members of the Freakin' Femme Fatale Fanclub!

 "Night Editor" doesn't seem like a very exciting title, but it's a movie that was based on a very popular radio show of the time, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

New York City, circa 1946.

Not the New York Times, but the New York Star!

Love this shot of the storyteller with the cool silhouette in the background! So it's newspaper guys sitting around waiting for something to happen while playing cards and shooting the shit!

This story is about New York police Lieutenant Tony Cochrane as played by William Gargan!

Tony's got lots of problems! He's a happily married cop with a psycho socialite girlfriend, and because of it, he doesn't have a lot to gain, but he sure has a lot to lose! Femme fatale Jill Merrill is played by Janis (The Woman On Pier 13) Carter!

Tony and Jill have parked it and are smooching when a car comes speeding in. They see the driver beating a young lady with a tire iron, and when approached, he runs off into the night!

Tony's got a big problem now! He's a cop, and he's witnessed a murder, but he can't do anything about it without damaging his career and his marriage!

And it doesn't help things one bit that Jill is a total bitch!

Tony arranges to meet Jill in the library where they can talk undisturbed!

In the meantime Tony realizes that the rich sleazy weasel Douglas Loring is the guy he saw running from the car! Douglas is played by the classic Frank (Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers, End Of The Beginning) Wilcox.

Now it gets really complicated. Tony finds out that Jill and Douglas are good friends, and that she also knew the dead girl, a little matter she never told Tony!

Tony is now officially screwed!
A lot of the time William Gargan reminds me of  Eddie Constantine in one of his Lemmy Caution roles! Not quite sure why, but I think it's his demeanor.

The only person who has any sense is Tony's partner Ole. Police Lieutenant Ole Strom is played by Paul E. (The Mummy's Tomb) Burns. Paul was also the janitor in the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "Escape Clause."

If that's not all bad enough, Douglas and Jill are also lovers!!

Not too subtle!!
 "Night Editor" is a simple enough movie, but it kept me plenty entertained! My copy is part of a four film set of Columbia Classics called "Bad Girls Of Film Noir," that also includes "One Girl's Confession," "Women's Prison," and "Over-Exposed," a pretty nice package that you really ought to check out if you like this kind of stuff!

Monday, January 7, 2019

DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE / Are You A Jekyll Or A Hyde? - 1941

In today's classic tale, Dr. Jekyll allows his dark side to run wild when he drinks a potion that turns him into the evil... Mr. Hyde.

This thing stars Spencer (IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD) Tracy, Ingrid (NOTORIOUS) Bergman, Lana (MADAME X) Turner, Donald (IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA) Crisp, Ian (DOCTOR BLOOD'S COFFIN) Hunter, Barton (UNKNOWN ISLAND) MacLane and many more.

Here's Dr. Jekyll working in his lab, he's experimenting on animals with two serums, one makes them hostile, one makes them gentle...

The doc decides to experiment on himself to see if the serums work on humans beans!

After downing a beaker of his 'bad side' serum, the doctor has hallucinations where he's whipping two white stallions to go faster. Then, they turn into the two women in his life! Something ain't right here. Man, Ingrid and Lana were so beautiful!

Mr. Hyde gets a good look at himself in the mirror!

He combs his hair and heads out to the pub. It doesn't take long before he creates a pile of trouble, including hurting people and starting a big fight!

Caught in conundrum, Mr. Hyde confides in his friend the secret he's been keeping...

He is really Dr. Jekyll in disguise!

But, there's a problem... Jekyll now turns back into Hyde without the use of the serum! He goes to see his girl, Beatrix, and scares the Hell out of her, then, kills her butler with his cane before he splits the scene!

Back at the ranch, the police show up. Apparently, Dr. Jekyll was attacked by Mr. Hyde and the cops are ready to leave when...

Jekyll's friend arrives (the one he showed the transformation) and begs him to tell the police the truth. While denying it, he changes back into Hyde and goes berserk!

So, Hyde is shot dead and he transforms back into Jekyll bringing our tale to an end - Join us again on Wednesday when Eegah!! will occupy this space!.. Later!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??