Monday, November 18, 2013

MOTEL HELL / United Artists - 1980

It's Southern Horror Hospitality Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. And, it's post #1700 in our attempt to be the largest online reviewer of the wild 'n' weird side of movies and TV!! It's also time to add some color since our last four posts were in black and white.

Eegah!! sent over a great little soundclip from this flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the atomic sausage making machine, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... MOTEL HELL!

Here's Rory (NIGHT OF THE LEPUS) Calhoun as downhome sausage packer, Vincent Smith. My advice, never trust anyone with a cutsie yellow Ford tractor!!

Here's Nancy Parsons as Vincent's sister, Ida. She's tending her special secret sausage ingredient garden, that's where they bury the victims up to their necks and clip their tounges so they can't complain while they're curing!

Then, Elaine Joyce and Dick Curtis play a kinky couple wanting a room for the night. I used to have a lil' crush on Elaine...

Well, the fun really never gets going because of Vincent and Ida's obsession for their special secret ingredient!

There's always something tasty stewing in the back room of the old sausage factory!!

Ida has a bit of a mean streak in her!

Wolfman Jack plays Reverend Billy, he got his start in movies with AMERICAN GRAFFITI in 1973. He was only 57 when he died in 1995, ending up with 21 acting credits which included playing Disco Devil on WONDER WOMAN.

Nina Axelrod plays Terry, a victim who's temporarily escaped from being a sausage! She has fallen for Vincent and they're celebrating their southern-style wedding.

When it's that time, the ones ready for harvest are hypnotized so they feel no pain when ropes are looped around their necks and they're dragged out of their holes with the tractor!!!..

Eventually, the rest of the victims escape from their plots to deliver some well deserved revenge to the number one asshole on their shit list, freakin' IDA!!

In the meantime, Vincent dons his gruesome pig head for horror effect and has a to-the-death chainsaw duel with his brother!

Rightly so, Vincent gets a screaming chainsaw right through his gut!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

DIE GRUFT MIT DEM RÄTSELSCHLOSS - Peter Thomas - "The Curse Of The Hidden Vault!" (1964)

Welcome to Edgar Wallace Saturday down in The Dungeon! Tonight's feature was originally titled "Die Gruft Mit Dem Rätselschloß" or as translated by Google, "The Crypt With The Mysterious Castle," but the real English title is "The Curse Of The Hidden Vault!" The music is once again by the phenomenal, the amazing, the always killer, Peter Thomas!

We love them all, Cellars, Crypts, Vaults, Chambers, Basements, Caves, Pits, Caverns, Tombs, Catacombs; they're all like cousins to The Dungeon!

Eddi Arent is Ferry Westlake. Eddi was in SO many of these German Edgar Wallace films, but his role is usually that of the comic relief sidekick, but in this particular film, his role is a little more out front!

The lovely Judith Dornys has the lead female role as Kathleen Kent! Ferry Westlake is supposed to be watching out for her! Judith's last film was made in 1969, and was titled "The Viking Who Became A Bigamist!" Really, I don't make this stuff up!

The multi-talented Harald Leipnitz has the role of Mickey Flynn, a guy who seems to be working both sides of the street! You don't know whether to trust Jimmy or not! He's kind of like an evil good guy! Harald had an awesome career and was in a lot of cool flicks like "The Sinister Monk," "The Brides Of Fu Manchu," and "Creature With The Blue Hand!"

Oh Yeah, Klaus Kinski is in there, creeping around, and lurking in the shadows and the bushes!!!

And you can't have a solid German Krimi film without Werner Peters in it, that would almost be a sin! Just for example, Werner was in :The 1000 Eyes Of Dr. Mabuse," "The Return Of  Dr. Mabuse," "The Invisible Dr. Mabuse," Dr. Mabuse vs Scotland Yard,"  "The Carpet of Horror, "The Phantom Von Soho," etc, usw.

Good shot of Eddi Arent amost getting skewered like a shish-kabob!

Naturally, Siegfried Schürenberg is in there once again for the gazillionth time as the always entertaining Sir John!

I love this shot of  Eddi and Judith!

Creepy mobster guys wear their shades at night!

Judith is pursued through a dark and dank basement storage area!

The giant gears of justice grind down to a halt!

The hidden vault itself is well buried, and booby-trapped and almost as difficult to get into as Superman's Fortress of Solitude! Like a whole lot of other Edgar Wallace gems, "The Curse Of The Hidden Vault" can be viewed for a pittance at Creepster TV!

Friday, November 15, 2013

LA CASA DEL TERROR / Diana Films - 1960

It's South of the Border Friday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots a wild 'n' weird movie starring Dungeon pal, Lon Chaney, in a Mexican production where he plays a mummy brought back to life, then, of all things, he gets turned into a werewolf when the old Moon is full!.. What the Hell.

Eegah!! sent over a swinging little soundclip from this flick for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the werewolf mummy, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's an earfull of... LA CASA DEL TERROR!

Germán Valdés aka Tin Tan, works in a horror wax museum that's a front for a doctor working his strange experiments. Germán was in other Mexican horror films including TRIP TO THE MOON, DOS FANTASMAS Y UNA MUCHACHA, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERETTA and of course, Jerry Warren's FACE OF THE SCREAMING WEREWOLF, which uses footage from this film.

The very identifiable Yerye Beirute plays Professor Sebastián. Yerye also starred in THE BODY SNATCHER, PEPITO AND THE MONSTER, HOUSE OF FRIGHTS, BRING ME THE VAMPIRE, FEAR CHAMBER, ALIEN TERROR and THE INCREDIBLE PROFESSOR ZOVEK. Sadly, Yerye died at the early age of 44 on Dec. 25, 1972.

The Professor notices this article in the paper. Hmmm...

At the unveiling of the famous mummy, the lights go off and when they come back on, the mummy has mysteriously disappeared. The Professor and his pals have stolen it and make a hasty getaway back to the lab while being chased by the police.

The crew use their special equipment in an attempt to bring the mummy back to life.

Get this, here's the spinning hibernation chamber used in FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON complete with electronic sounds from FORBIDDEN PLANET!

After all the work done to revive Lon, the Professor thinks he has failed yet again.

But, after everyone leaves the lab for the night, an electrical storm brings Lon back to life. The full Moon appears and he changes into his famous schtick.

The Professor has a special light beam that controls the werewolf when shined on it's head. Man, those Mexicans can really come up with the coolest shit!

Germán fills in for the psychiatrist, here, he gets the feeling that he's being watched!

Mirrors are always fun when the monster gets a glimpse of itself in it!

Germán tries to save his girlfriend from the wolfman and has a few adventures!

What else, the lab catches on fire at the end, bringing this fun 80 minute flick to a screeching halt.

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??