Friday, February 5, 2010

LA MARCA DEL HOMBRE-LOBO - Ángel Arteaga - "The Vampire Of Dr. Dracula" (1968)

What the Hell? A movie called "Frankenstein's Bloody Terror" but it's really about werewolves and vampires?? I just think that writer and star, the late Paul Naschy, just liked to try and confuse the viewer, so that when you think, what the F is going on, you're not surprised that, you don't know, but also that maybe you don't even possibly care! Sweet concept! And when I found out there were alternate titles "The Vampire Of Dr. Dracula" or "The Wolfman Of Count Dracula," it cracked me up!! If not Paul, somebody was working it!!!

The art designer for the American version of this film was Creepy/Eerie comics artiste supremo Gray Morrow in a rare film outing!

Here's a damn fine reason for paying more attention to the credits; these two gents are the fathers of the two respective main players, besides Paul Naschy, of course, and even with the IMDB's help, I don't know who the heck they are, but let's have a bloody toast anyway!! To The Kids!!!!

Boy Howdy! Here's a mouthful for you, Dyanik Zurakowska as Countess Janice von Aarenberg and Manuel Manzaneque as Rudolph Weissmann! With names like that, they just might deserve what's going to happen to them, in fact, I'll admit it, they do deserve it!!

Enter our hero, Paul Naschy, as the venerable sleazeball Count Waldemar Daninsky! The music at the party by composer Ángel Arteaga is like weirdsville!!

Janice, here's the wine you wanted! Waldemar has cut in and Rudy is essentially cut out of the picture!

Here are the Happy Dads again, this time with a vintage Volkswagen. They have an inkling, but are pretty much in the dark as to how Waldemar is slowly replacing Rudy in Janice's life.

Classic picture of Paul Naschy. As you probably know, Paul just passed away last November, after having a career than included at least 95 films, most of them horror roles, and a lot of them pretty damn strange!

Now here's a woman after your heart, Nascha the Gypsy tramp, played by Rosanna Yanni, who the last time we saw her, was hanging out with Janine Reynaud in the Jess Franco flick, "Küß Mich, Monster!" In the top photo, she's helping push the wagon out of the mud, now that's my kind of gal!!

Here's a great lobby card featuring Rosanna!!

But I didn't say that Nascha was smart, her boyfriend Gyogyo and her unleash the Devil all in the name of getting drunk and having fun!! Yeehah!!! You ought to be more careful, kids!!

Yet another classic shot of Paul!

So the guys all get together, and instead of drinking beer and playing poker or watching football, they wear funny hats and then go hunting for werewolves!!! Paul doesn't wear a funny hat because he wrote the story, and it might mess up his hair!!

Because he wasn't wearing a hat, Waldemar got bit by the unleashed werewolf, and the results are predictable!

Paul Naschy always seems to really throw himself into his roles, and I wouldn't be the least surprised if some of the actors actually got hurt when he goes on one of his rampages! He's a wild man, literally!!!

Because Janice loves Waldemar, and Rudy loves Janice, he is willing to try and help her get Waldemar some help, and so they get ahold of some specialists in the field of helping werewolves!!

So now we're introduced to Julián Ugarte as Dr. Janos Mikhelov, and his spouse Aurora de Alba as Wandessa Mikhelov, who don't look the least bit freakin' suspicious!!

Aurora was in a couple of Zombie flicks too, and Julián has been in some interesting titled flicks like "The Vampire's Niece," "Blood Pie" and "They're Coming To Get You!"

Needless to say, they might be specialists in their field, but they're not much help!!

Unless you consider turning the people who were calling out for help into vampires!!

The Mikhelov's have taken over the whole movie now, and Waldemar, even though he's a werewolf, is the only one who can help! He's the hapless victim, and the hopeless killer, and as it turns out, he's going to have to be the hero too! But once again, what do you expect?? He wrote this confounded story!!

I've taken all I can, and I can't takes no more!!

Rudy, Janice, and their helpless fathers get one last shot!!!

Vampire bastard Dr. Janos tries to take off with Janice one last time!!

Waldemar finally breaks out, and in one last final triumph, kicks vampire ass all over the place!!

Don't forget to take a peek at the new link on the sidebar to "The House Of Black Wax" if you're interested in more weirdness!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


PRC Tagline sez... "The most sinister love story ever told!"

Welcome to Tabonga's Wednesday Oldie Moldie Bijou Theater with an 'earrific' soundclip and rare stills from another forgotten flick from the forties... Today's is probably John Carradine's favorite role for a few reasons. He was rarely actually 'the star' in any movie, he gets to sing, and it's where he met Sonia Sorel, mother of Keith, Robert and architect Christopher. She is also the mother of actor, Michael Bowman, from her second marriage to beatnik painter, Michael Bowman!! She obviously was a very cool lady, and just passed away in 2004.

John, also known as 'The Voice,' belts out the theme "Night Train To Mundo Fine" in Coleman Francis' 1966 mind numbing, RED ZONE CUBA!

John was seen in 344 known movies or TV episodes, making him 'King Of All Actors In Appearances!' Donald Crisp comes in second, Sir Christopher Lee is number three!


Lil' mini dude, Piff The Gnat, getting another running start at big old red 'GO' button... Here he come... bzzzzzzttttttttt.. splat! ...Alright, he doodit!

Start le show!!.. SACREBLEUBEARD!!

Paris, Seine River, eighteen hundred, something-or-ruther. Ladies' bodies showing up in river, floating face down!

Gaston Morrell, marionette master, invite three gurlies to come to next performance.

They show up and are intrigued by Gaston' marionette show.

Craftsmanship of marionette... par excellence!

Gaston falling for young Lucille, played by Jean Parker. He invite her up to watch him perform...

He getting all serious an' stuff...

Gaston have models come so he can paint for studies for marionettes, and are same ladies showing up in Seine River.

French state police question Gaston about ladies, but, he know nothing! It is strange, though...

Old dude need to put eyeball back in skull!!.. Hate to see what he used to!

Tabonga learn in art class that if you going to make oversized portrait, you better do extra special good job or people gonna laugh!

Gaston on the stairs...

Sneaky gurl listening in!

Nice sets as Ludwig Stössel pay Gaston a visit. Ludwig play Jean Lamarte, dude who find the models for Gaston.

Uh, oh, now he doing portrait of Lucille!!!

...Then, something just go 'snap' an'... Well, you know.

He spill all the beans to Lucille. He not evil, just crazy!

You can definitely tell when Gaston snap his twig!

Bluebeard's fate is same as his victims, drowned in le old, cold Seine River!

Goodnight, everbloody!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??