Season one, Episode six from the 1989 TV show "Alien Nation," is the best of both worlds, it's science fiction and they did incorporate Halloween into the story too, and that's what brings us to this day six of this year's Countdown To Halloween on a Milky Way Wednesday in The Dungeon!
Gary (Robot Jox) Graham) is wise-cracking Detective Matthew Sikes. Gary's had a busy career, and has quite a few projects currently in production too.
Detective Sikes' partner is Detective George Francisco as played by Eric (Invaders From Mars) Pierpoint!
These two are a good match. They were both born in 1950 about five months apart. Gary has a total of 106 acting credits, Eric has 92, and they are both still working today!
Well, that's a different looking spare tire!
This couple are at a used car dealer, and when they look in the trunk, this Alien body with one hand is what they find!
There's a serial killer on the loose, and he's only picking on the newcomers!
This episode titled "The Night Of The Screams" aired on Halloween night 1989, and that's where the Halloween tie-in comes into place. Michele (Airwolf) Scarabelli is George Francisco's wife Susan, and their daughter Emily Francisco is played by Lauren Woodland! Lauren has been on the daytime soap opera, "The Young and The Restless" for 21 years or 387 episodes as Brittany Hodges
I despise soap operas, but that's remarkable any way you look at it!!
In this scene, Susan is not really happy to be mutilating an innocent vegetable just to participate in some ancient pagan ritual.
The bodies keep piling up, and they all are missing hands!
Emily wants to be popular with the other kids, so she practices bobbing for apples!
Misconceptions, stereotypes, prejudices, fear, and hatred, it's all here, only it's presented in a different form!
You gotta admit, these guys make a good lookin' team!
Looks ominous enough, but this is just an innocent trick or treater!
Thanks again to Lord Litter in Berlin for unearthing this one for me!
I'll be back on Saturday with even more thrilling chills as The Countdown continues!