Saturday, December 29, 2018

PUPPETMASTER - "Evil Comes In All Sizes" (1989)

 As if the puppets in "The Spirit Of Christmas," and "Diver Dan" weren't enough, my year end Saturday Night Special is the 1989 film "Puppetmaster," because let's face it, we're just all puppets in the game more than ever these days with all the strings being pulled by politicians on all sides, greedy corporations, and social media, so why not just come out and admit it?

 The "Puppetmaster" series of films is now legendary!

 And Charles Band is still pumping them out some almost 30 years later,

  The latest offering is "Puppet Master: Blitzkrieg Massacre," that was released just a couple of months ago! Some things just refuse to die!

 There are thousands of places that look like this along the California coastline, but I swear I've been here before!

 Beautiful place! Too bad it's not real!

 I used to live about 25 minutes from Bodega Bay, and I can guarantee you that there is not a building this majestic within 100 miles or more. In fact, this is actually the Castle Green Apartments in Pasadena, California which hasn't seen a coastline lately!

Yes indeed, the same Bodega Bay that was featured in Hitchcock's "The Birds"

 The same Bodega Bay that today hosts the radio station with the coolest call letters in the whole damn world, KWTF! Oh, Yeah!

 And besides having the coolest call letters in the world, KWTF also has a weekly show by Lord Litter that is always worth listening to! Trust me, if you like timeless music, give it a try!

 So I had to use this cool shot, because if I showed you pictures of the actors like the amazing Paul Le Mat, I'd have to go on and on how I couldn't get over the fact that I thought I was looking at Wayne Newton, and how did Wayne Newton, with all his money, get involved in a mess like this!

This is not Las Vegas Wayne!

Gone the way of the phone booth, this was a 1989 ATM machine.

 Because after that, we got this guy!

"Puppetmaster" is a comedy no doubt, and this pinhead dude is the comic relief!

The Drill Head doll makes me want to remind you once again that those call letters were:

I really don't want to know the significance of this female doll and her retching lethal leeches. 
Rated R for 'Raw!

This was the best shot of this little shit!

Pinhead's disproportionate body is so over the top, and then he gets continually thrown around like some rag doll little bitch, and even after he has his head removed, he still takes a lickin', keeps on tickin', and is a real pain in the ass! What a mini-stud!

So never count out the dolls, or the puppets, or the marionettes in your life, human or otherwise, because someday, they will all come back to haunt you! 
18 out, bring on 19! I had some fun, I hope you did too!

Friday, December 28, 2018

MOON 44 / In the Outer Zone... You Need A Friend! - 1990

In today's space adventure, an unconventional corporate agent is given the task of shaping a group of violent criminals and technical wizards into a helicopter defense force assigned to protect a mining station on a remote moon.

This one stars Michael (LUNARCOP) Paré, Lisa (NOCTURNE) Eichhorn, Dean (MARTIANS GO HOME) Devlin, Brian (THE TERMINATOR) Thompson and Malcolm (CALIGULA) McDowell.

At a maximum security prison on Earth, a small group of inmates are chosen to join a defense detail on a distant moon. They give high fives as they exit the Hell hole.

Here we go through space on our way to good old mineral rich, Moon 44...

The troops are met by the always sweating, angry, out of control, Master Sergeant Sykes, played to the hilt by Leon Rippy.

They prepare one of the mini heckalopters for a defensive test run to get coordinated with their technical team who's guiding them through the cracks and crevasses on Moon 44!

Malcolm plays the corrupt Major Lee, he's thinking of ways to undermine the detail...

Looking the part, Brian Thompson plays Jake, head inmate tough guy pilot.

Cookie, part of the technical team, makes his own drugs and keeps the stash in his boom box. After irritating some of the tough guys, well...

Cookie slips a few capsules into dude's drink, which, turns him into a freakin' zombie!

Word is though, don't mess with the nerdish technical team!

Here's a shot of one of the helicopters so's you can see what they look like as they fly around on Moon 44.

Then, they have to protect themselves from these guys, robotic thugs that are attacking the mining machines and installations.

Remember, this movie was made in 1990. So, in the year 2038, this is what the computer graphics for the technical team look like?! What a hoot, how can anyone even tell what the Hell's going on!

Well anyway, Major Lee becomes the victim of his own device, and gets all blowed up!!

Back on Earth, our hero threatens a company big wig before giving the military proof of the sabotage going on, on old Moon 44! Tune in tomorrow where Eegah!! probably has something special to share with us, til then... Later!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

DIVER DAN - Episode 15 - "An Unusual Fish" (1961)

Tonight's post X-mas Wacky Wednesday post is called "Diver Dan" and was a very short kid's TV show that ran for one season in 1961. The fish with the cigarette in it's mouth is classic!

Although "Diver Dan" should have been completely in my wheelhouse, I do not remember this series at all! Not even a tiny bit!

I see they've got episodes numbered up all the way to number 102, but it looks like there was only 35 of them, and there's not much info on most of them. This episode titled "An Unusual Fish" was episode number 15!

Each episode of "Diver Dan" was about seven minutes long, so there's not a whole Helluva lot going on at any given time! Frank Freda was Diver Dan!

Dan's just tromping around at the bottom of the sea in his diving suit, and talking to some fish with names like The Captain!

The unusual fish in the title is this guy named Horace! He's an old friend of The Captain's, and a fish unlike anything Dan has ever seen before!

In fact, Horace is so unusual, Dan decides to take a picture of him!

The queen of the sea, this mermaid was played by Suzanne Turner. Neither Suzanne or Frank Freda have any other acting credits!

I don't know what it is with me and puppets lately, but they seem to be popping up all over the place for some reason!

Episode 15 is about a continuing trial for nefarious bad guy fish Baron Barracuda who has been accused of all kinds of crimes, but mostly, he's just a two bit thief! Since he is a newcomer to the scene and should in impartial, Horace is asked by the mermaid to be the Judge in the case!

The whole concept of underwater marionettes is pretty fascinating, and they actually do a pretty good job with it!

I love how they have Baron Baracuda held captive with a ball and chain!

Here's an album I actually don't have, but if you're interested in all sorts of different music, check out my new store front on Discogs. I only have a little over 150 records listed so far, but if I ever get done, it will be in the thousands. Just like "Diver Dan," it's been fun thus far, so, if you like good music, come on by and see for yourself!

Monday, December 24, 2018


This is the funniest stuff I could come up with for your Xmas present, more Tabonga! Xmas Laffs. And especially this year, we all could use a big laff or two, so, here we go!..

Hope your funny bone got satisfied, Eegah!! will be here on Wednesday with more funny stuff, so, like, be there or be a trapezoid...

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??