Wednesday, September 9, 2015

YOU TRY SOMEBODY ELSE - Etherl Merman - Max Fleischer (1932)

Welcome to another installment of Weirdsville Wednesday down in The Dungeon!
I've got a good one for you tonight, and if you don't like it, then go try somebody else!!

"You Try Somebody Else" might just be one of the first ever music videos, and to think MTV thought they were doing something new and innovating some 50 years later!

"You Try Somebody Else" starts off as a cartoon!

Just unroll this jailbird's stripes and he's ready to join society again!

But it just so happens that this cat is incorrigible!  He's not out two seconds, and he's already looking for trouble!

The first house he goes into has an unprotected safe!

What's inside the safe?  A chicken, a fish, and some eggs!!!
Seems like there was a fine line between a refrigerator and a safe!

The fish pleads for his life! After all, he's got a family!

Here comes Betty Boop to save the day! What Betty Boop is doing in an Ethel Merman singalong or what Ethel Merman is doing in a Betty Boop cartoon is anybody's guess!

Betty's got that bad cat in her sights all right!

The jig is up, and she marches him off to the authorities!

SO just what the Hell is going on here anyway? Good luck with that one!

The bad cat sees a picture of Ethel (Everything's Coming Up Roses) Merman in the paper..................

.............and now it's time for the famous "bouncing ball sing along!"
a oneuh, a twouh, a three....Hit It!!

"You Try Somebody Else!!"
"You Try Somebody Else (We'll Be Back Together Again)" was written by the mighty force of Ray (I'm Sitting On Top Of The World, Bye Bye Blackbird) Henderson, Buddy G. (Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries) Desylva, and Lew (Beer Barrel Polka) Brown!

Now what this song, and this prison break scenario have in common is way beyond my conception!
I literally have no freakin' clue as to what the connection is, except for the fact that they have nothing in common at all! I guess when you're on the inside, you have no choice but to try somebody else!

There's nothing that's much merrier than an army of prison guards shooting a bunch of prisoners!

The final shot is of a bunch of prisoners getting electrocuted together!
I guess their chance to try somebody else is over!
All I can say is seriously...... WTF?!

Monday, September 7, 2015

THE STRANGE CASE OF DOCTOR RX / Universal Pictures - 1942

Time for a blast from the past on this Labor Day holiday, it's all about Jerry Church played by Patric Knowles, he's a private eye hired by a criminal defense lawyer after five mobsters he's gotten acquitted are then murdered by a serial killer named Doctor RX. Patric Knowles also appeared in these movies... THE WOLF MAN, FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN, FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON and his next to last credit was for TERROR IN THE WAX MUSEUM in 1973.

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our tore up gorilla cage, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... THE STRANGE CASE OF DOCTOR RX!

Great start to the story, another acquitted mobster found hanged in his bedroom...

Then, time for a little comedy with our Dungeon pal, Mantan Moreland as Horatio B. Fitz Washington, you can hear him and the telegram delivery boy hash it out in the sound clip.

I threw in this pic because of the size differences between Patric and Mantan. Patric was 6' 2" tall, Mantan's height was not given in his bio but you can see he was just a little guy!

At the next trial, this gangster takes a poison pill instead of his heart medicine right after he's acquitted. Strangely, Lionel Atwill is there as Dr. Fish, sounds fishy to me! Anyway, he's there in court for some unknown reason and pronounces the guy dead!

Shemp Howard is in this one too, as Det. Sgt. Sweeney, it's always great to see his ugly puss!

Doctor RX kidnaps Jerry, you can hear in the sound clip the fate the doc has in store for him. Crash Corrigan plays Nbongo the ape, what else?!

Jerry is in a tough situation, and...

Horatio is forced to watch the gruesome goings on!

Check this out... I had one of these radios, it had the plug missing and I thought it was not in working condition. I sold it as is to a guy from Australia on eBay, he wrote me back, he added a plug cord and the damn thing worked perfectly! I could have gotten quite a bit more for it had I known that.

Okay, okay, here's pretty little Anne Gwynne as Jerry's estranged wifey, Kit.

It seems that Doctor RX released Jerry and Horatio before anything real bad happened, he just wanted to scare them real good. Jerry's in the hospital now after him and Horatio were found just wandering around town. Jerry has apparently been scared senseless and a group of people have came to watch Dr. Fish examine him.

The jig is up and the real Doctor RX is exposed, it was all an elaborate set up to trick the murderer, and it works, case closed!!

Fun ending as this little group of detectives give their farewells... Check back Wednesday as the Dungeon Express keeps on tooling down the track!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

THE BRAIN LEECHES - Fred Olen Ray - "An Odyssey Of Terror" (1978)

Welcome to the bottom most pit of The Dungeon. Tonight's movie is historical for one reason, and that's because it was a film made by a very young Fred Olen Ray! Great title! Bad movie!
Made in the late 70's, this film was never released I guess until Sinister Cinema unearthed it some time in the last 20 years! In reality, it probably should have stayed buried forever, but oh, well!

I really think they got the decimal in the wrong place, but if Fred really did spend $298.00 on "The Brain Leeches," then at least 97.3%  must have gone toward the price of the film!

With all due respect, and I do respect anybody that has tried to make a movie, Lord knows we tried more than once, but sometimes you just have to tell the truth, and the fact of the matter is that "The Brain Leeches" is a piece of shit at best! Lovable? No! Crappable? Yes Indeed! To his credit, Fred Olen Ray was only 24 when this film was made, and he now has 139 titles to his name, and I'm guessing has made more movies with the word 'Bikini' in the title than any other person in the world, like "Bikini Airways," "Bikini A Go Go," "Bikini Chain Gang," "Ghost In A Teeny Bikini," and "Super Ninja Bikini Babes!" I think I counted 17! His current project coming out this year is titled "Small Town Prince!"

The highlight of the whole movie is the title song performed by Paul Jones & Sugar Lee and presented here for your listening pleasure! The second highlight of the film was another tune Paul & Sugar performed during the closing credits! (Maybe the $298.00 went to them!)

Okay, let's get the action going with a guy fishing for an indeterminate amount of time!

After a while, he's attacked and gets killed by some incredible lake somethings!

They must have filmed "The Brain Leeches" on a Wednesday!

No, Sir, I'm afraid it's not possible to get your money back!

Omigawd!! I can't take, take, take, take it no more!

Highlight number three! The calm before the storm!

"The Brain Leeches" isn't even an hour long, and yet there's still plenty of utterly useless and completely worthless scenes like milling around in the kitchen for 3 or 4 minutes doing absolutely nothing, aka filler!

I will not lie to you, after watching about 17 minutes, this is exactly the way I looked!

Highlight number four, he wasn't really sleeping!

Minus one point for his wife getting attacked by the leeches that came out of his mouth, and her amazingly pathetic and tepid overdubbed vocals that you'll hear at the end of the title song if you listen to it!

The space aliens are observing the whole thing!

I seriously hope the misspelling of copyright was a joke!
Fred Olen Ray will be turning 61 on September 10th! Happy Birthday Fred!!
Thanks for the mammaries!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??