Saturday, June 7, 2014

NIGHT MUST FALL - Ron Grainer - "I'd Like You To Go Away" (1964)

Well, I finally have to admit, after almost 7 years of doing this, I never knew how many freakin' strange movies there were out there, and tonight's Saturday Night Special falls right smack dab in the middle of that field, so without further delay, welcome aboard the good ship "Krazy Train," next stop Weirdsville!!

"Night Must Fall" is a Brit movie filmed in the year 1964! The referenced genres on IMDB are 'Crime' and 'Thriller." I'm thinking 'Psycho' and/or 'Whack Job" would be much more fitting descriptions!

This is a 28 year olde Albert Finney as suave but insincere nutjob Danny! Albert Finney is not a name you would normally associate with the word psycho, so that's probably what makes him so good at it! Danny has some serious mental problems, and the makers of this movie don't mind telling you about it straight out of the box! Nothing is absolutely etched into concrete, but the opening scenes show Danny running through the forest and cavorting with a hatchet and what appears to be a body that he disposes of in a shallow pond!

Danny has come to visit his girlfriend Dora, and meet the olde lady she works for, because Dora is in a Motherly kind of way! Dora is played by Sheila Hancock who has a long and varied career that includes being in John Lennon's "How I Won The War!"  For a while in the early 70's, she had her own 30 minute sitcom called "But Seriously, It's Sheila Hancock!" She was Helen A. in three episodes of "Dr. Who," and that just scratches the surface! She is also still working to this day! Since they don't ever try and explain it, I'm just going to suggest that possibly Tommy Roe's hit song "Sheila" has something to do with Danny's mental state, and I quote, "Never knew a girl, like a little Sheila, her name drives me insane!"

This is Dora's Boss, Mona Washbourne as Mrs. Bramson! "Hey, Hey Mona's" face should look familiar to any followers of Pop Culture because of movies like "The Brides Of Dracula," "Ferry Cross The Mersey," "The Collector," "Mrs. Brown You Have A Lovely Daughter," "The Bed Sitting Room," and "O Lucky Man!"

 So anyway, Danny weasels his way into the Bramson home by sweet-talkin' Mrs. Bramson, and lying out his rear about everything from his family to his decorating skills, so she lets him move in for a while to do some work for her! This is about how far he gets in one room before he gets bored!

Time for Danny to start showing his true colours! In a somewhat friendly manner, he forces himself into the room of Susan Hampshire as Mrs Bramson's daughter Olivia! She's not pleased by it, and asks him to leave repeatedly! From "Expresso Bongo," to being an uncredited dancer at a disco in The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night," this three time Emmy winner has been a staple on British TV for the last 40 years! Also, this is the scene with the coolest music of the film in it, so here's just a taste of what it sounds like when "Night Must Fall!" The swingin' Ron Grainer was the composer, and another staple of British TV who created music for "The Prisoner," and the theme song for "Dr. Who," that has been used in over 650 episodes!

Albert Finney plays Danny to perfection, and it's a good thing, because he's the main character on the screen probably about 60% of the time! He's got lots of twisted looks!!

It's kind of weird, but more than once, when he puts on this big grin, Danny looks like either a ventriloquist's dummy or a marionette that might have been Howdy Doody's evil cousin!

Oh, Yes, and then there's the 'what's in the mysterious basket he keeps in his room' scene! Without the cinematography by the brilliant Freddie Francis, this film would have undoubtedly been less interesting!

Since she's pregnant, Dora is really concerned about when they're going to tie the not, Danny less so! He's got other things on his mind, and he doesn't even know what they are!

Olivia's boyfriend was a real loser, so she tells him to bug off! Later, she gets roughed up a little by Danny, and after they have some fun time together, she ends up falling for him!

The local authorities dredge the lake adjacent to the Bramson estate, and eventually find the headless body!

This guy could really use some help! Danny is plagued by a horde of uncategorized demons!

Olivia needs to get away for a while and seeks solace in town at the local movie theatre! I love the guy sleeping in the background!!

Mrs. Bramson just loves Danny to death,  because he reads to her, and pushes her around the garden in her wheelchair, and plays with her, and makes her laugh! Right here, she's about to get whacked in the head by a pillow balanced on the top of the door!

But Mrs. Bramsom is olde, and she gets tired after 20 or 30 minutes, but Danny doesn't want to stop playing, and...................

.................................Something snaps!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's it for Mrs. Bramson, there's no secrets, no hidden agendas, just good olde fashioned madness!

Albert Finney does a terrific job, and I just can't stop thinking about what a great couple Danny and Catherine Deneuve's character Carol in "Repulsion" would make! Now that's a movie somebody should write! Which one would go madder sooner and kill the other one? I think it sounds like a marriage made in heaven!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE / American International Pictures - 1971

It's Freakin' Friday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots a bit of a mess with this $700,000 AIP production, it has Herbert Lom in a Phantomesque role and they reused the TROG monkey suit, to boot! It also stars Jason Robards, Lilli Palmer and Michael Dunn.

Eegah!! sent over a soundclip from this flick for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button next to the smelly old phantom mask, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a taste of... MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE!

I'm in a weird mood today and this movie doesn't help, so, I'm going to go off the tracks and make a joke out of every still, just for the Hell and Fun of it all!..

Excuse me! Can I please have your attention?!.. Did anyone lose this?.... Anyone?!

Lookit, I know this is your first time and all, but, no, you don't put coins in any slot!

Wow, that was some good shit, better burn some incense!

Hi, we're lost and my friend here is famished... Could you please direct us to the nearest restaurant?

I don't know how you's done it, but, I know you's done it!

Mummy, can I borrow three hundred dollars?..

Wait! Am I in the right movie?!.. Isn't this TERROR IS A MAN?!.. NO?!!.... Crap, I'm outta here!

No, don't stare!.. She gets all weird if she thinks you're noticing her recent weight loss!..

Mummy, Tommy took my mask and won't give it back!!


Him: Oh God, please, don't let her find me!!

Her: That son of a bitch is dead meat, he ruined all my underwear!!..

Yeah, sorry about the bars, but, gotta go relieve the old weasel, now!

Gorgo makes a surprise appearance!

This is the very last time I ever order oatmeal here again!

Make an appointment to be here tomorrow at 5:13 pm PST to see what Eegah!! is up to!..

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

7 UOMINI D'ORO - Armando Trovajoli - "Seven Golden Men" (1965)

Someone in our Research Department failed their job miserably and I was led to believe that tonight's feature was another secret agent flick with a '7' in the title, but in reality it is just a bank heist movie, but I'll say this, at least it's a good one! The employee who provided the false information won't be seeing any daylight for quite some time, but on a positive note, the Iron Maiden was just his size!

Nevertheless, "Sette Uomini D'Oro" is an interesting movie and it has a lot of those kind of special features in it that make these kind of movies so great!

Here's just a sample of some of cool high-tech gadgetry used in this caper! That's the man in charge of calling all the shots! He's known as the Professor because he's so damn smart! Right here, he's monitoring what the other six golden men are up to!

The Professor has an intricate plan that involves his men posing as city workers, going underground through some water where they come up under a Swiss Bank that is the gold depository for the whole country! Believe it or not, it was illegal in Switzerland to film a bank robbery, so the Director had to fudge on the script to be able to get this footage shot! Now that's Gonzo film making!

If I just picked out certain stills like this with no explanation, you might just think this was a Science Fiction film!

The seven golden men are named Albert, Adolph, Aldo, August, Anthony, Alfonso, and Alfred! None of their characters are too fully developed because these guys are on a mission, and they don't have a lot of time to stand around chattering mindlessly!

Actually, the Professor is the one named Albert, and he's played by Philippe Leroy, a bit of an overachiever himself! With 183 credits to his name, Philippe has been on the big screen and the tube constantly from 1960 until just a couple of years ago!

The Professor continues to monitor the whole operation on his sophisticated video equipment!

Four of the A's are guiding a giant drilling machine positioned directly beneath the gold depository!

 And the walls come tumbling down! The music for "Uomini D'Oro" was composed by Maestro Armando Trovajoli who also wrote the scores for "Hercules and the Captive Women," "Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules," Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory," and "Hercules in the Haunted World," among his total of 218 credits! Here's a just a taste of what the Maestro can serve up during a chase scene!

During a tense moment, there's an impromptu security inspection before the robbery is complete!

The golden men are forced to hold their facade in place from below!

Everything is obviously secure, so the big vault door closes back up!

The Professor's plan is meticulous, and the gold men clean up after themselves like nothing ever happened! "7 Golden Men" has a runtime of 95 minutes, and it takes them almost an hour to get  from the opening credits to here! Two thirds of the film is the execution of the robbery itself!

The female lead and the eye candy in "7 Golden Men" is the Libyan born, and ravishing Rossana Podestà as Giorgia, the Professor's main squeeze! Rossana also starred in the sequel made the following year, "Seven Golden Men Strike Again!" Rossana just passed away this past December at the age of 79!

Just like the dinosaurs, it's kind of sad to know that grandiose cars like this will never ever be produced again!

The flatbed truck carrying the stolen gold disguised as brass uncontrollable plows into a news stand!

There's a mad and greedy scramble to snag some free gold, and even the kids get involved!

Giorgia double crosses the Professor, but he takes her back, the Professor double crosses the other six guys, and they lose all the gold, but they forgive him, and before the movie is over, they're already working on a new heist together!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??