Monday, January 6, 2014

GLEN OR GLENDA In Color / Screen Classics (II) - 1953

It's another Wild 'n' Weird Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. I like to collect colorized versions of movies because it can make them look fresh and fun to watch again. This nutty little film is no exception, so, enjoy, I threw in a few extra stills as they are super cool! Alternate titles for this movie include I LED 2 LIVES, GLEN OR GLENDA: CONFESSIONS OF ED WOOD, HE OR SHE, MALE OR FEMALE, I CHANGED MY SEX and THE TRANSVESTITE.

Eegah!! sent over a wild little soundclip of some killer rock 'n' roll from this flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the blonde powdered wig and tube of lipstick, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our excellent audio offering for... GLEN OR GLENDA!

You've been warned, kiddies!

Bela gets to chew up a lot of carpet in this one, playing the devil's advocate and all.

Lyle Talbot plays the Inspector, he's called out to investigate a suicide and finds out that the lady's actually a guy. The doc seems to be checking to see what the dude had for lunch!

Here's the murder weapon... You're under arrest!

Ed makes a pretty hot chick!

Love this paste up job, check out the story under that headline!

In America, this hayseed is the epitome of male hunkiness, especially in the south.

In Africa, the male really knows how to attract the girlles! ...Yabba Dabba Doo!!

This looks like a fun sex dream I'd like to have.

Here are two real cross-dressers mentioned in the warning still earlier.

Ed talks to a friend about his problem. The guy he's talking with got divorced after his wife caught him dressed in her clothes... Nice pad!

Ed and Dolores get married, but, Ed ends up telling her his little secret! You can see the devil has joined the ceremony.

Is this a great shot or what?!

Once the devil pops up, the really interesting things start to happen! Nice illusion, but, she's wearing panties!

This hot 'n' horny gal attracts a rapist with a red silk top!

Here's a great shot of Dolores Fuller! Besides being married to Ed, she has 19 soundtrack credits that include songs for Elvis movies! She died in 2011 at age 88.

My hero, makeup artist Harry Thomas, did the wild looking makeup for the devil. Things look teriffic when they're lit correctly!

Awwww.. Phooey!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

HYSTERIA - Hammer Films - Freddie Francis (1965)

The Krazy Town Bus doesn't have any planned tour stops in 2014, and once you get on, it's going to be a bumpy ride, so hold on for tonight's thriller from 19 and 65, it's freakin' "HYSTERIA!!"

"Hysteria" is a Hammer film that seems to have slipped in between the cracks! It's directed by one of my favorite directors, Freddie Francis, so you know there's always going to be different angles!

"Hysteria" stars the well-known face of Robert Webber! You might not know his name, but he sure does have a familiar looking face! From damn near the beginning of TV, Robert was in there on shows like "Out There," "Tales Of Tomorrow," and "Outer Limits!" Not normally a lead role actor, in "Hysteria," Robert here has the role of Chris Smith, a man who has lost his memory, and is just about to get released from the hospital!

The only clue to Chris Smith's past is a tattered picture of a beautiful woman!

An unknown benefactor has supplied him with a ritzy apartment!

Searching for the source of a glamour shot can lead to some risque situations!

The quite stunning Jennifer Jayne is the mysterious gal in the photo! She doesn't look like it here, but Jennifer was in a couple of great films, "The Crawling Eye," and another Freddie Francis classic, "They Come From Beyond Space!"

Chris Smith's problems are just getting started!

This one's for Doug! Here's the big man in a small role, Kiwi Kingston blocking the door as the French girl's boyfriend!

Chris Smith is surrounded by beautiful women, but his memory is so shot, he almost can't remember how to have sex!

Then he has a major flashback!

Damn, that knife looks familiar!
 Damn, that woman looks familiar!!

Jennifer Jayne slips Chris Smith a Mickey, and nothing looks familiar any more!

When he comes to, what else should he expect but a dead body in the shower?

Now what the Hell is going on?

Just screw it! Have another drink!

One thing you'll find out is that Chris Smith is not the killer everyone thinks he is! Speaking of killer, the music from the killer soundtrack was writing by Don Banks in one of his swingier moments, with music direction by the workhorse Phillip Martell! Catch it if you can!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

THE CREEP / 13 O'clock Theater, Wray Film Productions - 2001

It's my first post of 2014, so, I thought I'd feature our first lil' Dungeon flick all about a for real creep that lives just outside the city limits, that's right, in a big old hole in the ground! Above is the DVD case artwork.

I got to make the props, this 13 O'clock clock was lots of fun, it strikes 13 and has a coo coo skull instead of coo coo bird!

Forry was a great sport, there was no problem getting him to host the show. My favorite time with him at his place was when we all sat on his bed discussing the details, in his badroom!! We love you Forry, forever and a day...

Eegah!! sent over a soundclip sampler from our flick for your earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the 13 O'clock clock, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's an earfull of... THE CREEP!

The story comes from a little dream Eegah!! had where he said his hair was all greasy and discheveled, and then the title comes up... THE CREEP! Pretty weird, huh? The Creep, aka Eddie, lives in a hole in the ground, only comes out at night, eats out of a garbage can, has a bad attitude and carries a club and ice pick! Our pal, Rodney Lee, plays the part perfectly.

We even used real bums off the streets, like this blind guy who agreed to be in this scene... Just kidding, that's actually Eegah!! there on the ground!

Any old brick just laying around is another calling card of Eddie's.

Greg Carpenter was our assistant director and played a cop. He's now stuntman, Dr. Danger, with his own show on the History Channel!!!

Eddie begs for candy on Halloween by getting on his knees to make it look like he's just a kid!

Eddie's checking out this gal in her slip through her bedroom window, but, he's caught when he bumps his face on the glass!

Mel Sparks plays Det. Stickler and Joey Garza plays Det. Lopez. Joey appeared on THE CAROL BURNETT SHOW and turned down the lead role for CHICO AND THE MAN!!

Eddie's underground hideout is discovered when two kids are playing in the fields one night and catch Eddie coming out of his hole. They tell their moms and the moms then contact the police.

In the meantime though, Eddie's being especially devious because of the full Moon that night. Here's a couple that are soon to be the Creep's next target!

The detectives find these two rotten heads in Eddie's underground room, and, it solves two decapitation murder cases from a year earlier!

Eddie finishes off his night with one last gruesome murder, using his ever-handy ice pick!

This is a great shot as he trudges back to his lair. Our photography director was Forry's favorite, Karen Chow-Del Rio, who works for Warner Bros. and directed the recent THUMBS series.

Finally, Eddie's cornered by the two detectives after a lengthy pursuit on foot.

As a last attempt to escape, he runs blindly into the street where!...

...He gets run over by an ice cream truck!!

And, don't forget.. You can purchase THE CREEP on DVD directly from us by using the PayPal link there on the right, or, leave us a comment that we will not publish. This is a sealed, professionally produced DVD and features Forry Ackerman in his 96th movie appearance! We will also throw in our second feature, SILVER ANGEL vs THE DEATH ZOMBIES on DVD-R, in a plain envelope, Eegah!! and I play robots! Both discs for only $10 - YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE - There's FREE SHIPPING!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??