Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ONE STEP BEYOND - "Where Are They?" (1960)

Welcome to Wacky Wednesday down in The Dungeon! So just exactly what is "Beyond Step One?" Why that would be the rest of the staircase, what else could it possibly be? So I was rooting around the torture chamber, and I found this disc that I had totally forgot I had! It has four episodes of the 1950's-60's TV series  "One Step Beyond" on it, so let's get steppin' already!

Okay, so the real title was "Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond," and this was your host John Newland. John was an actor with 38 titles to his credit including "13 Lead Soldiers" in 1948! He also played Victor Frankenstein in the TV series "Tales Of Tomorrow' episode titled "Frankenstein" that we'll be bringing to you in no time at all! John also directed "One Step Beyond," along with a host of other TV shows like "Bachelor Father," "Thriller," and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents!"

"One Step Beyond" was a show based on supposed truths, not fiction like "The Twilight Zone," and each episode was composed of a couple of short vignettes!  This was from Season 3, Episode 12, and was titled "Where Are They?" This is Joan Tompkins as secretary Jenny Call! Joan was all over TV in the 60's from "Father Knows Best," to "Bonanza," "Thriller," and beyond!

This tale is set in Chico, California, and for some damn reason, big rocks are falling directly out of the sky!

They even beaned one guy who wasn't smart enough to get out of the way!

Some big city slicker newspapermen come to town to check it out, but they're obviously not the sharpest knives in the drawer!

Look in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, NO,  run like Hell, it's a bunch of rocks!! That's it, that's the whole story, that's the way "One Step Beyond" rolled! Bottom line, stay away from Chico, man,  you never know when the rocks are going to return!

The second story starred Dungeon great Richard Devon as wack job Charles Elton! Richard is no stranger to any regular readers of these pages, because he was in some classics! He was Molak in "Space Patrol," and played Satan in "The Undead," and was Detective Dunston in "Teenage Doll," and was Detective Sergeant Stewart in "Blood Of Dracula," and was Dr. Pol Van Ponder in "War Of The Satellites" etc. etc.

In this story, Richard has invented a pill like object that when dissolved in pure water, turns water into gasoline! Pretty Good trick! These scientists are drinking the water first just to prove he's not pulling a fast one!

Drop, drop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is!! Richard's willing to sell his invention to the government for a mere 10 million bucks!

BUT....... before they can get the okay, he disappears just as quick as he showed up! Bummer!!

The biggest mystery of the whole show is how did Yvette Mimieux's name get in the credits? It even says it on the box. We can't really be expected to believe that somebody got Yvette and Joan Tompkins mixed up just because they were both blondes now. Maybe there's something to all these mysteries after all!!! Whatever, something strange was sure going on!

Monday, September 2, 2013

NURSE SHERRI / Independent International - 1978

It's time for more independent International content with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our feature is another mind boggling venture into storytelling by the infamous Al Adamson crew... You have been warned!

Eegah!! sent over a fun lil' soundclip from the flick that sounds pretty much like a DARK SHADOWS rip off followed by some sinister belly laughs, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button across from the atomic powered pentagram, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... NURSE SHERRI!

In a confusing beginning, taking place what looks like somewhere in the hills north-east of LA, this black dude gets involved with that demented professor of the occult there, Reanhauer, who's trying to reanimate another black guy. I'm not going to try and explain much of the plot because it will give me Excederin Headache #313, so, just get a copy and watch it, you can find out all about it for yourself. They're pretty cheap on Amazon.

Before she's possessed, Nurse Sherri is a mousy little tart. Her boyfriend is poised for a false scare. See, his hand is bloody, it could be the monster you know!

What, you blind?!.. I CAN'T SEE!!.. You jive turkey!

Sherri gets a visit from Reanhauer's evil spirit after he dies and becomes possessed by him. She's his nurse at the hospital after his heart attack.

Here's an interesting looking shot of some apartments on a busy street in LA, complete with graffiti.

Classic 1970's spiritual image...

Now, Sherri's doing the devil's work, she even has her own pitchfork!

Threw this pic in just for the Hell of it!

From the grave, Reanhauer keeps screwing with the black dude!

Okay, it's confirmed, Nurse Sherri is 100% whacko.

Love this shot as one poor soul gets tossed into the incinerator!

Two nurses from the hospital save the day, they go to the graveyard and use gasoline to burn Reanhauer's soul back to Hell. This scene is totally distracted by seventies drive-in boob queen, Marilyn Joi, as she walks around without a bra. We watch, hypnotized, as the load shifts from one side to the other!

In a tricky twist on PSYCHO, Sherri comes out of the shower to scare the holy crap out of her boyfriend!

Sadly, even when Reanhauer's possession of her is gone, she remains insane at the sexy asylum with the electrified chicken wire fence.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

BATMAN: The TV Series Movie - Nelson Riddle (1966)

"Batman: The Movie" was made for only one reason, that being to capitalize on the immense popularity of the 1966 TV series of the same name! The amazing swinging version of the theme for the movie was created by Nelson Riddle! Nelson was no relation to The Riddler! Bam!

Adam West is Batman, and Burt Ward is Robin! Together they were known as the notorious odd couple, Batman and Robin! As bad as this movie is, it is arguably the truest to the original version of the comic! The TV series was awesome, but it was only a half an hour long, at almost three times that length, I have to admit, it gets a little tedious, but I only fell asleep five times!

The iconic Batmobile was created by the Maestro of Motors, George Barris!

In hot pursuit, Batman's leg gets a chance to experience how tuna feels on a regular basis!

Lee Meriwether has the role of The Catwoman! On the TV show, The Catwoman was played by Julie Newmar! Personally, I preferred Julie!

I never did like the painted on cowl eye makeup! That's my biggest complaint!

Any long-term reader of this blog knows that I love to use olde English! The original rebels dropped the e's as a slap in the face to the British hierarchy! Pow!!

This power trio from Hell couldn't save this film no matter how hard they tried! Left to right, Burgess Meredith as The Penguin, Cesar Romero as The Joker, and Frank Gorshin as The Riddler!!!

These sky written riddles express my feelings about this film to a tee! Fore!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

FIVE BLOODY GRAVES / Dix International Pictures Inc. - 1970

It's another Friday Night Drive-In with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. I have a number of Independent International 'Blood Collection' movies on DVD and have been watching them again, this time listening to the Sam Sherman commentary, which is usually lots more interesting than the movies themselves. Even though this flick is a straight western, it was marketed as horror. Sam Sherman, head of Independent International, started his career working for the great James Warren and learned a lot about gimmicks. An interesting note.. Nearly all of Sam's film titles had the word 'blood' in them, when they were shown on TV 'blood' was unacceptable and the titles had to be changed!

Eegah!! just sent over a soundclip from the flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the bloody atomic tomahawk, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a little taste of... FIVE BLOODY GRAVES!

Robert Dix produced and stars in the movie, he was also in other Al Adamson films like BLOOD OF DRACULA'S CASTLE, SATAN'S SADISTS and HORROR OF THE BLOOD MONSTERS. He also played Crewman Grey in FORBIDDEN PLANET and Police Detective Dillon in FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER. In this story, he helps a group of stranded travelers try and make it through Indian territory to safety.


At least there's a cat fight!

Of course John Carradine's in it, you crazy or something?! He plays a leering old man of the cloth.

Jim Davis plays a crazed, horny cowboy. He has found the clothes of Scott's girlfriend, who's bathing in the river, he takes them and inhales the aroma. Scott catches the pervert and beats the holy snot out of him!

John reads some phrases from his bible to Jim's angry rifle toting pal and totally befuddles his sorry ass!

When faced with death, Jim's all sorry for the bad stuff he's done and junk!

Nice grouping!!

One good stab deserves another!

Robert and this injun dude get their freak on in the desert heat!

Wait!.. There are only FOUR BLOODY GRAVES!! What gives?!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??