Saturday, June 23, 2012

LL PLENILUNIO DELLE VERGINI - "The Devil's Wedding Night" Hosted by Elvira!

I'd never seen "Devil's Wedding Night" before (Imagine that), so after adding the poster to the last rendition of our splash header, I was really looking forward to it, but honestly, this film is so bad, I had actually decided not to do it until I remembered it was an Elvira hosted flick, and then suddenly it all seemed worthwhile!

I'd have to say that after Zacherley, Elvira is my favourite horror host of all time, and and if you don't dig Elvira, then you must really be some kind of freak!! Here's just a little taste of why........

Mark (THERE IS NO 13) Damon does double duty as two brothers! That's always a money saver!

Here's a little clue as to why "Il Plenilunio Delle Vergini" or as it would read in a literal translation "The Full Moon Of The Virgins," doesn't really make that much sense!

Rosalba (LADY FRANKENSTEIN) Neri as La Contessa Dolingen de Vries faces off with Mark Damon!

These two faces are almost a perfect puzzle match!

There's plenty of steamin' sex going on, but not a whole lot of much else! Definitely not a film for the kiddies!

It's hard to conceive of, but Cassandra Petersen as Elvira is even better looking without the makeup! Here she ponders why this film was even made!

I really do like this shot! My biggest gripe is I'd like to know who the brainbat was that came up with the horribly misleading title of "The Devil's Wedding Night!" This is not a movie about Satan or The Devil, it's a movie about vampires!!

Is this not the weirdest transition shot you've ever seen? Eye in the nose? Blame Cinematographer Joe D'Amato I guess!!

You don't want to forget about these guys, or the International Black Hood Society is going to be banging at the door demanding equal time!

When I watched this, I was just as perplexed as Elvira as to what was going on, then at some point you just give up even caring!

It's no wonder that the Mr. Potato Head vampire's last name is Papas, the same as the Spanish word for potatoes!

"Those cuts were fast as lightning, everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting!" Hi..Yaahhh!

In this shot, it really looks like Elvira is going to completely open up her top, but she doesn't! Elvira has very rarely ever appeared unclothed!!

This big ring is what all the excitement's about, but if you really want excitement, watch any of the other 1400 plus films we've written about instead!

Then in one of the worst green screen scenes ever, La Contessa Dolingen turns into a giant bat!!

Meanwhile, Elvira shows off her vast array of talent, after another character, known as her Auntie Virus is introduced into the scene!

Enza Sbordone as Tanya the Innkeeper's Daughter gets in the last word! Must have been a pretty embarrassing experience, because it seems like nobody except Mark Damon and Esmeralda Barros were working under their real names on this movie, Enza was credited as Francesca Romana Davila, Rosalba Neri was credited as Sara Bay, and the Innkeeper Carlo Gentili was credited as Mort Baxter!

Elvira is really the only reason to get this movie from Netflix, but one reason is one better than none at all!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

MIGHTY JOE YOUNG In Color / Argosy Pictures - 1949

It's Friday Night wif' Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our special feature is a colorized version of the last giant ape flick from the producers of KING KONG and SON OF KONG. Stop-motion animators Ray Harryhausen and Pete Peterson both worked on this production, Pete went on to be the special effects designer and creator of the creature in THE GIANT BEHEMOTH, and, we all know what Ray went on to do.

Eegah!! gave us a soundclip to listen to, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over there, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's some sounds from... MIGHTY JOE YOUNG In Color!

Here's an awesome look at Tanzania, Africa, home of our hero, Mr. Joseph Young...

Some cowboys show up from an expedition there capturing wild animals to take back to America, and, Joe just don't take that kindly to them!

Hollywood promoter Max O'Hara offers to make Joe and his owner famous by taking them to star in an African-themed club show. Robert Armstrong plays O'Hara and Terry Moore plays Joe's owner, Jill Young. Robert played Carl Denham in both Kong movies, Fay Wray's bro in THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME for RKO and was part of the "Warner Brothers Stock Company."

Jill half-heartedly takes Max up on his offer, so, it's off to America they go...

The club interior is insane, twirling costumed natives, lions behind glass in the bar and lots of well-to-do lushes doing what they do best, being obnoxious twits!

Joe and Jill's performances are spectacular to say the least, Jill plays the piano as Joe lifts her stage over his head!

The muscle men show the audience their feats of strength!

Joe wins the tug-o-war contest against the strongman crew.

A cute twist on the old organ grinder routine!

And, speaking of obnoxious twits, here are Douglas (CATWOMEN OF THE MOON) Fowley, Nestor (THE MOLE PEOPLE) Paiva and Paul (SPACE PATROL) Guilfoyle playing three royal jack-asses! Here they are harrassing the cigarette girl, what else.

Nestor and his pals get Joe drunk after the show, so, Joe goes wild and destroys the place, allowing all the wild animals to escape! Oh boy, what a mess...

The authorities are threatening to lock Joe up for good so Max, Jill and Gregg, played by Ben Johnson, pack up Joe in a van and make for the port where a boat is there waiting to help them escape and get back to Africa.

But, on the way there, Joe helps rescue some children from a fire, proving that he is nothing but a super hero!!

Everything turns out fine, the gang all make it back to the place they belong and Joe is a happy camper once again!

A special signature ending from the big guy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

THE FLESH AND BLOOD SHOW - Cyril Ornadel - "Come And Join The Show" (1972)

Director Peter Walker is known in some circles as one of the finest exponents of UK horror, and his film "The Flesh And Blood Show" is everything the title implies, but not all that much else! After making a few smut flicks like "School For Sex," and a thriller called "Die Screaming, Marianne," this was Peter's first real venture into horror! Other titles under his belt are things like "House Of Whipcord," "Schizo," and "The Comeback!"

A Group of mostly out of work young actors converge on an abandoned theatre at the end of a pier in the middle of nowhere to rehearse for some weird project that not really any of them know anything about! One of the taglines makes for the prefect description: "An Appalling Amalgam of Carnage and Carnality!" I couldn't agree more!

Jenny (Scars of Dracula) Hanley has the role of Julia Dawson! Take note how Director Walker is already playing with your mind! Julia is smoking in a posted non smoking area, but it's okay because the sign is reversed even though it's not a reflection in a mirror!

There's plenty of the "Flesh" part of the title, and the boob count is pretty high!

Obviously some very creepy shit has happened around this place before, but if you really wanted to keep people out, wouldn't you have boarded it up?

In this, his first filmed role, David Howey's character has a bizarre sense of humour!

I think Joan Jett would have been very good in the role of the librarian!

Olde newspapers give clues as to what potential problems may be incurred at the theatre if the kids continue to stick around!

I think it's a standard policy that if you're a woman in some weird environment and you're undressing, and you hear some strange noises, the most common reaction is to just keep on disrobing!

Turns out it wasn't a killer at all, just some old distinguished pervert! Oh, excuse me young lady, I'll just turn away, so you can get dressed!

Everybody needs one of these things!!

Time for the 7th inning stretch!! C'Mon everybody, get your butts up off the floor!

So what the Hell was this show all about, "The Flintstones?" That's Robin (Computer Killers) Askwith in the middle as Simon! Robin is still quite active in film today!

Not everybody's dead yet, there's still time left for some girl/girl action between Judy (Twins Of Evil) Matheson and Luan (Lust For A Vampire) Peters!

I like this shot of the seats in the theatre, gum under the seats, and all!

This warning came at the beginning of the movie, so now it's time to pry those cheap crumpled up cardboard 3D glasses out of your sweaty mitts!

Patrick (Black 13) Barr is the thespian gone mad!(If you want to fill in the blanks, go to Netflix, but don't expect it to be in 3D!)

The very interesting Guzanos-like music in "The Flesh And Blood Show" was created by the very talented Cyril Ornadel! Cyril's first soundtrack recording was in 1953, when he wrote a song called "Hey Presto" for a film called "The Limping Man," but not this one, "Hey Presto!" He also wrote the classic song "If I Ruled The World" that has been used in more than one film! Cyril passed away almost exactly one year ago at the age of 86!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??