Monday, September 6, 2010


Hello everbloody!.. Here we are with another installment of Moldie Oldie Monday, here at The Dungeon.

ATOMIC MONSTER is the reissue title of this very decent sci-fi flick starring Dungeon favorite, Lon Chaney, Jr. Director George Waggner was also busy writing and producing some quality productions in the thirties and forties, and ended up directing a ton of TV shows! Check out some of these titles he wrote scripts for!.. GORILLA SHIP, HE COULDN'T TAKE IT, GIRL O' MY DREAMS, THE NUT FARM, THE COWBOY MILLIONAIRE, DIZZY DAMES, KEEPER OF THE BEES, SEA SPOILERS, BLACK BANDIT, MYSTERY PLANE, STUNT PILOT, QUEEN OF THE YUKON and THE CLIMAX!

Tonight's Eariffic Earclip has plenty of electrical shocks comin' at'cha, so be prepared for a brainfull o' monsterous type static!!

And, so's not to get any static from our lil' Dungeon helper, Rufus The Gnat, here he is to push the big red 'GO' button and start the show!.. MAN MADE MONSTER!

'Dynamo Dan' McCormick, a sideshow worker, is the only survivor when the bus he was in careened off the road and into an electical tower. Dan sure doesn't seem very upset that the all others died in the crash!!

Lon did ONE MILLION B. C. in 1940, but this was his first starring role in horror flicks!

He's invited to the home of Dr. John Lawrence, to be studied as to why he's immune to high voltage electricity.

While there, he's under the care of psycho scientist, Dr. Rigas, played by the great Lionel Atwill.

Never has Tabonga ever seen such a flagrant use of shadows!!!

After many experiments on Dan, Dr. Rigas finally produces his secret atomic superman!

Dr. Rigas orders Dan to touch Dr. Lawrence, then tells him that it's his fault the doctor's dead because he touched him! Pretty clever.

Dr. Rigas gets to go to the hearing for Dan, he holds him in a trance and Dan finally confesses in a slurred hypnotized tone... "I.. killed 'em!"

SEE!!.. But, they don't use slang in newspaper headlines!

Time is up and Dan is taken to the electric chair for his execution!

Durr... Hey, them dials never done that before!!


Dan escapes from the prison and heads back to the lab for his insulated suit. In the meantime, he starts a hayride on fire with an electric bolt!

Dan shows up at the lab and puts an end to Dr. Rigas and all his evil plans for atomic supermen!!

All the coppers can do is watch as Dan's suit gets tangled and torn in the barbed wire, thus dispelling all his life forces...

Dan didn't want to be a monster. Our little friend Sparky puts the icing on the cake... Ghoulnight Everbloody!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

DIE WEISSE SPINNE - Peter Thomas - "The White Spider" (1963)

Bug Kudos to Sinister Cinema for bringing out the series of Edgar Wallace films, "England's Master of Mystery & Horror" at a very reasonable price, and for including titles like "The White Spider" which even though it isn't an Edgar Wallace film, or English, it falls into the category of "And Others He Inspired" quite nicely!

No strangers to the strange world of Edgar Wallace, director Harold Reinl, and writer Egon Eis are able to spin this tale of a mad makeup artist as well as the master himself!! Harold Reinl also directed "Room 13" and the three best Jerry Cotton Movies! Mystery movies just don't get much better than this!!

A staple in German films of this era, Dieter Eppler shines like a bald diamond as the multi-faceted, and multi-faced Summerfield! Eye patch AND sunglasses at night, now that's a wild cat!! Summerfield is a very bad dude, and besides car crashes, he also has a penchant for cable and hangings!

Karin Dor as Muriel Irvine, the tortured widow left behind, made a successful transition from German to U.S. film, with her roles in Alfred Hitchcock's "Topaz" and Ian Fleming's James Bond vehicle, "You Only Live Twice."

Is the little white spider good luck or is it bad luck? Muriel's husband dies in a fiery car crash as he was leaving The Club, but what's really behind the whole thing?

The Germans have their own special ways of dealing with employees that they have a disagreement with!

Meet Horst Frank as Kiddie Phelips, one of the most devious henchmen you don't ever want to meet. He looks harmless enough, but he is a vicious killer! Last time we saw Horst was as crime boss Larry Link in the classic Jerry Cotton feature, "The Traps Snaps Shut At Midnight!"

The last, but definitely not least major player in "The White Spider" is yet another Dungeon iconoclast, Joachim Fuchsberger as just plain ole Ralph Hubbard!

Ralph is literally up to his ears in trouble as the smartass ex-con trying to help Muriel sort out all the problems after her husband's untimely demise!!

The music for "Die Weisse Spinne" was composed by one of the Dungeon's major musical heroes, and all around nice guy, the masestro Peter Thomas! Peter's work is always just one step above the rest, driven by boundless imagination and unpredictable jazzy scores. Besides everything else, he wrote the music for "Raumpatrouille" the German Space Patrol, The Jerry Cotton films, and a score of Edgar Wallace movies. Just a couple of titles we may have never mentioned before are "To Hell With School," "The Mysterious Magician," and "Face Of The Frog!"

Kiddie and Summerfield have a brief disagreement, and Summerfield quickly shows Kiddie who's the boss with one of his cable lasso tricks!

Ever want a cheap but very effective scary ass Halloween mask? Well, don't forget about the old silk stocking over the head routine, it always looks freaky!!

There's also a very mysterious force being emitted by the authorities, and even the local law enforcement can be subject to intense interrogation!

I can't count high enough, so I don't know exactly how many different personas Summerfield takes on during the course of the film, but I'm pretty sure it's more than Tony Randall in "7 Faces Of Dr. Lao!"

Here's even a couple more, let's hope he got paid salaries for each different character, it would only be fair!

In the film "The College Girl Murders," I wrote that Joachim Fuchsberger was chewing gum throughout the whole movie, in this one, I think he's munching on something about half the time! What a great character!

Joachim is the only one smart enough to carry wirecutters around with him!

I'm not sure exactly who to credit for set design, but isn't this a wild amalgamation of objects? There's a skeleton, a Balinese carved mask, a poster of a polka trio, and Lord only knows what else just for starters!

In The End, this whole amazing film gets a most deserved standing ovation, kinda like when CREAM reunited, it's an all-star ensemble!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello everbloody, and welcome to Friday Night Drive-In, here at The Dungeon! Tonight, we gots what would be considered Euro Trash, but with nice jungle locations, Ursula Andress's boobs and plenty of animal cruelty! SLAVE is the edited print, MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD is the uncut, R-Rated English version.

The story has many of the same elements as Mr. Big's THE CYCLOPS! It's about a scientist who has gone missing in the New Guinea jungle, his wife and her brother mount an expedition with the help of another scientist, and uranium is involved!!

The music is by composing heavyweight tag-team brothers, Guido and Maurizio De Angelis, who worked almost exclusively in Italy and are still working today!!

Okay, Ralphie The Tarantula is all set and ready to push the big red 'GO' button and start our Eariffic Earclip! So, here's... SLAVE OF THE CANNIBAL GOD!

'Nuf said?..

Well, they're off to New Guinea, guess they ignored the above warning. Look at Ursula's wild hair from the helicopter's wind draft!

Stacy Keach meets the notorious Manolo...

Then, Stacy meets up with another snake!

Time out for an important message...

Owie, owie!.. Leg cramp!!

The flick definitely gets some kudos for convincing cave cannibals!

Hey, here's one for the ladies!

This is Ursula's long lost hubby, yuck-o!!

They rub his decomposing ooze all over themselves, barfaroni!!

The cannibals believe Ursula to be a Goddess, so tie her up and... Hold on a sec... Hey pal!! Watch the hands!!

...Lunch is served!!

You just have to love those primitive alter pieces, and the dude's geiger counter looks very cool!

Ursula and one lucky guy get a break and hightail it the Hell outta Hell!!.. Ghoulnight Everbloody!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??