Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Dungeon SATURDAY AFTERNOON FLICK - "King Kong vs. Godzilla" - 1963

Dungeon bringing you real classic 'rock'em sock'em' total action feature this afternoon! Star everbloody favorite, King Kong + Godzirra wif' lots-o cool stills to satisfy happy place in you nut brain!

Japanese version have music by Akira Ifukube, who else?.. We have nice clip where kid get to sing on magic radio, thank you Eegah!! He always make it fun!

Okay, now we startin' the show!.. KING KONG CAN'T MAKE A MONKEY OUT OF US! Ha, just keep saying that to you silly self!

Dirty ratz-a-fratz!.. Drunk Navy guy crash brand new atomic sub into iceberg, let us see wha' hoppin'.. Hey, guess what?! Godzilla wuz asleep in there!!! Pretty sure called 'double whammy' in professional gameshow world!

Now Godzilla all grumpy and pissed at same time, was almost ready to score in excellent dream he was having! Better take cover, human jerk!!

Lots of weird adventure tracking down big hairy ape King Kong on lost island!

Easy to trick stupid animal when it come to taste buds!.. Knock out drops in ice cold beer! Hey, where is King Kong' pillow, anyway?.. Yawn!

And, when I wake up, King Kong wuz in Japan!!.. Come on, WHAT HELL!!

Uh oh, Godzilla still pissed!! He need anger management class!

Crap, Bireley's closed!!!

To get King Kong to fight area they first humiliate him with giant balloon flight over downtown Japan!! KK say in interview later, "Everbloody could see my butt!"

Now, four action still to enjoy!!

See, nice!!

These guy know how to fight!.. DIRTY!!!

Might as well document it, can use for blackmail later!


The world watch as King Kong swim back to his lost island! Goodbye, old pal! And, thanks for helping tear the crap outta Japan!.. Again!! Thanks!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

MEMORIAL VALLEY MASSACRE - Jed Feuer - "Valley Of Death" (1988)

Well, it's a hot time, Summer Friday night, and 38 years from last Wednesday, and to celebrate we have one of the best worst movies I've ever seen, but a Helluva lot of fun to break down, "Memorial Valley Massacre"!!! The music was composed by Jed Feuer in one of his rare outings!

The great thing about movies like this, is that you don't have to spend a lot of time justifying it's existence, it is what it is, and that ain't much, so take it for what it's worth and don't expect a lot, drink a couple of extra margaritas, and have yourself a good time without having to have to think a whole lot!! How bout we all get it from Netflix on the same night, and celebrate 'Give Your Brain A Break' night!!

It's the big Memorial Day weekend and all the happy campers are going to the new campground that just opened up!

But it seems they got a big hitch in their didgywidget and a lot of the stuff isn't ready, like the restrooms!! Veteran actor still working today, John Kerry plays George Webster, the ranger in denial!

So the owner of the project, Cameron Mitchell, who I dare to say has been in as many slasher and horror films as anybody, and the 'big' name in this film, throws a shit fit in a small role as Allen Sangster!!

But the real problem that nobody knows about, is that this guy, John Caso, in his solo acting venture, and who looks and acts like a cross between Ben Stiller and Ted Nugent, with a vicious streak to challenge Jason or Jack The Ripper also lives in this valley, is severely socially dysfunctional, and doesn't like space invaders!!

It all starts off innocently enough with a couple of snakes!!

Even the party ready bikers sense something ain't right, but it's okay because they got free product placement Tecate!!

Then after a couple of people get killed, it starts to rain on the party for real!!

Most of the campers go out on a search party, and this big dummy finds a skull in a cave with a bunch of other stuff belonging to the killer, and decides to keep it because he thinks it's cool!! I forgot what his number ended up to be!!

Another big name in the small role of General Mintz was William Smith! Linda Honeyman played his wife, and you gotta love it, Pepper Mintz!!

Pepper says, "Do you smell gas?" So much for The General and Pepper saving the day!! So, who's the hero of this movie gonna be??

The biker chicks are terribly distraught, but still have a good grip on their beer even though like 9 people have got killed in the last day or two!

Despite all the death and dismemberment, this gal still decides to walk into the woods alone in the dark! How sympathetic can one person be when that kind of idiocy prevails??

There must have been too much free beer on the set, they couldn't even get "Tecate" spelled right in the credits! That couldn't have gone over real well!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

THE FLYING SAUCER - 1950 / Colonial Productions - Mikel Conrad / UFOs in Alaska

Well, here is Wednesday already! Time for lil' 1950 weirdie produce by and star Mikel Conrad, only flick he produce. He also appear in PHANTOM VALLEY, ARCTIC MANHUNT, ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER, BORIS KARLOFF, FRANCIS, THE TALKING MULE, THE BANDIT QUEEN, HOODLUM EMPIRE, UNTAMED WOMEN, GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS and more!!

Music by Darrell Calker in this early UFO flick. This is very first movie he do in 1950's!

Interesting what they think Flying Saucer sound like back then! Tabonga' pets Ralphie and Piff taking nap, so, here is UFOs In Alaska!!

Mikel Conrad play Mike Trent, alcoholic egotistical jerk playboy reporter!! He get special assignment to go to Alaska and look for UFO some people been seeing there! So, he get all drunk and shove off!

Hard for Mike to concentrate on special assignment!

Did Tabonga mention that Mike having big problem concentrating on special UFO assignment?!

Whoa, better hide balloons!

Oh no, alien from other planet!!!....... Wait, no, just bear from Alaska!

Mike is total pathetic booze hound!

Holy crap, Denver Pyle!! He play bad guy!

Hey, look what old fisherman find on chunk of ice floating in ice water!.. Mike, after he get plastered!

Mike make lots of Russian enemy in Alaska, then, ice cave in on bad guy and Mike escape!!

At least Flying Saucer wuz cool, look like B-2 Stealth Bomber from certain angle!! Turner start it up and whiz away into wild blue yonder, 'cept!..

"It was a small bomb, but, Turner didn't know it was there!"

Monday, June 22, 2009

MIL GRITOS TIENE LA NOCHE - Librado Pastor (CAM) - "Pieces" (1982)

I should tell you out front, I'm not a big gore or slasher fan, (No, it's all right, I know a lot of you out there love this stuff), it's just that I personally would rather just bludgeon people! I also really never thought I'd be writing about a film made in the 80's, but shit happens, so get ready, because here comes tonight's madcap feature, "Mil Gritos Tiene La Noche", and despite all that other jive, Senor' Librado Pastor supplied the flick with some pretty damn smooth and groovy music as a backdrop for all that evil bloodletting!!

Fancy that, a near nude girl swimming in the moonlight with nothing but the faint sound of a chainsaw off in the distance drowned out by the suave sounds of CAM!!

Can you believe that? The Killer has mental problems!!! What will they think up next?? He made a puzzle with the victim's face on it, how quaint!!

There are more than just a few suspects on the campus!!

Hey, what a perfect time for another dance rehearsal workout, this time accompanied by a "Funky Town" style groove brought to you by CAM!

Does heavy breathing or panting constitute as liking something??

The literal translation of the title of this film would be,'The Night Has A Thousand Screams' and that's where a good chainsaw comes in handy!!!

Did I remember to mention that the music was by CAM!!!??

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??