Friday, April 10, 2009

INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS - Charles Bernstein - "Graveyard Tramps" (1973)

"Invasion Of The Bee Girls" from 1973, which comes as double feature with "Invasion Of The Star Creatures" on DVD surprised me when I watched it, not because it was good by any means, but because I thought it was going to be a lot more tongue-in-cheek camp like "She-Devils On Wheels" or some similar feature, but instead it takes itself quite seriously, and is actually quite brutal in places!

Admittedly, it is obviously the 70's!

I don't know what it is about fight scenes where guys get their heads cracked up against concrete block walls, maybe it's the dull thud, but whatever it is, it bugs me!!

And while we're on the subject of bugs, this transformation scene, from human to bee girl, coupled with a buzzing soundtrack from the extremely talented composer Charles Bernstein makes for some interesting moments! Charles Bernstein is still working today and has had a long and varied career in film and music of all genres, and deserves another round of applause from us all!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I BURY THE LIVING / Maxim Productions - 1958 / Music by Gerald Fried

Here is flick that remind you of TV show! Maxim Productions make one production... Tabonga give you 3 guess at what title is...

Dungeon love Richard Boone, aka, Paladin, since Dungeon dudes basically grow up with him on TV!.. HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL was definite fave, he look so cool, dress all in black, and, he look damn good wif' mustache!!

Hey, decent British poster, too!

Mr. Gerald Fried is total veteran here at Dungeon! A few other flick he work on for lil' reminder is... THE VAMPIRE, THE FLAME BARRIER, THE CRY BABY KILLER, CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN, THE LOST MISSILE and tons o' TV like THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS ON GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, THE RETURN OF THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E and STAR TREK: NEW VOYAGES (2004)!

Music is best part of tonight flick, it definitely more interesting than usual and even feature harpsichord!


Richard run a hi-tech cemetary and... Whoa! Mostly folksinger guy Theodore Bikel look suspicious!.. Tabonga bet he the bad guy!!

What, that one?!

Hey, double doobie! Herbert Anderson and '57 Ford cop car!

Uh oh!.. Something seem to be very wrong here at modern art museum!

Richard think he kill someone by mistake, so he run around in graveyard like crazy monkey and have many weird delusion!

He only have one choice to make up for stupid blunder...

Now, there a happy pair for ya! Anyways, Richard find out that Theodore playing big funny game on him!!

Then, since he deranged, Theodore start hearing imaginary voice of people he murder in head, probably like Dick when he try to sleep at night...

Theodore start having Hillbilly Heroin flashback big time!!


Cop pop in blasting at last second to save Richard from whack out sick puppy Theodore!!

Cool end is when bad guy pull modern art cork board down with sorry ass, for final well composed 'Game over, man!' shot!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

INVASION OF THE STAR CREATURES - Jack Cookerly - "We Saved The World" (1963)

One of the most fascinating movies of the year 1963 was "Invasion Of The Star Creatures", which was probably one of the worst films ever made, but believe it or don't, was actually one of Tabonga and yours truly's favorite movies, as long as it played in a double feature with the equally hilarious but of equally dubious quality, "Creature From The Haunted Sea!"

Jack Cookerly gets the credit for the "electronic sound effects and music," and actually went on to do music for a number of well known TV shows like "Hazel" and "Mr. Ed!" He was also responsible for the "electronic music" in the 1957 classic we all love, "The Black Scorpion"!

What would have driven any normal adult insane was feast and fodder for a couple of out of control teens! To us, the antics of Robert Ball and Frankie Ray were no different than the shenanigans of the Stooges, the Bowery Boys, Abbott and Costello or Soupy Sales, just not quite as good, but in retrospect, Man, it's hard to sit through now!! Kind of like the way today's kids are going to feel about rap music 40 or 50 years from now!! You just don't get it when you get old, either that, it loses it's coolness, or you just don't care any more!!!

Roger Corman must have had an incredible effect upon some of his base camp, to the point that they forgot they were just actors, and decided to take on other chores of film making, so you get veteran actor Bruno VeSota, doing a horrible job of directing a terrible Jonathan Haze written script! As actors, those two guys are our absolute heroes, but as director and writer, and it pains me to say this, they sucked really bad!!! So, the worse it gets, the more it had to be, well, "What would Roger do?" And in the end, you get something like "Star Creatures!!!" What could Bruno possibly been thinking??

Very effective use of what appears to be Jello molds in this scene!!

The dolls are Gloria Victor as Professor Tanga and Dolores Reed as Dr. Puna! Now I'm starting to remember why we liked this movie so much, and I'm sure they spent at least 100 dollars on this set!!

Wow! Ultra scary monster!!!

Ultra scary monster becomes third stooge and does funny dance with tree!!

Pretty damn exciting right about here!!!

Absolutely amazing super happy ending with astonishly beautiful space girls falling head over heels in love with idiot bastard sons of Earth!! What more could you possibly want from life???

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

THE SNOW CREATURE / Planet Filmplays - 1954 / Music by Manuel Compinsky

Alright! What it is!.. Tabonga Tuesday splash down once again, tonight we go to Tibet in Himalayas to find elusive SNOW BALL! Errr, SNOW CREATURE!! Director W. Lee Wilder and son Myles make two classic sci-fi B-Flick in early fifties, PHANTOM FROM SPACE and KILLERS FROM SPACE! Of course, W. have very famous brother, Billy. Myles go on to write for TV and include BONANZA, WAGON TRAIN, McHALE'S NAVY, MR. TERIFFIC, GET SMART, DISNEYLAND, THE DORIS DAY SHOW, THE BRADY BUNCH, THE ADDAMS FAMILY and many more!!

Muzik dude Manuel Compinsky work only 1954-6, he also compose for KILLERS FROM SPACE and was in muzik department on AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS!

So, here is tonight offering, Tabonga gonna be pressin' big red button by self because pets on vacation in Cancun!! Tabonga have to stay here and make post, you know! Okay, big red button time!.. SNOWY, THE SNOW CREATURE!

Paul Langton and alcoholic buddy get crew together for scientific expedition.

Later, they think light snow might come, so they head pall mall to nearest cave for shelter and settle nerve wif' stiff drink!

Sorry to say, Snowy not a real bright star in the heavens! He get so mad when he see dude in cave, he pull down part of cave wall and knock self out cold!! Make real easy for guy to tie up and take back to LA on sleek Constellation!

Big 'frigerator seem like very smart way to drag Snowy around until he learn how to rock it back and forth!


This is great action, Snowy punch guard right in face! Notice how costume all bunched up there where tucked in?!

Lock Martin supposedly was Creature, he look half undressed most of time during big fight scene. Probably pretty hot in full fur costume!! Phew...

Say goo'night, old Snowy!!

Paul Langton and William Phipps have big laugh after it all over. Yeah, so very funny...

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??