Friday, February 6, 2009

EQUINOX - Jaime Mendoza-Nava - "The Beast" (1970)

Welcome to the new Funky Friday Night Out Of Control Freak-Out! Just pay attention and nobody will get hurt! Just for kicks, we're going to venture off into the 70's for a few weeks on Fridays, and let's get it going with yet another Jack H. Harris Überclassic, from the year 1970, "Equinox"!!!!

Kudos to Bolivian composer Jaime Mendoza-Nava for an outstanding soundtrack! The music playing on the radio in the car is beyond classic sleaze! This film was also released under the title "The Beast" and used the voices of our hero, Forrest J. Ackerman, Chuck Niles of "Teenage Zombies" fame, and also had 8 time Hugo award winning Science Fiction writer Fritz Leiber Jr. in it. What other movie can make those claims?

This young man is David Fielding played by Edward Connell in his first acting role!

Sound man Jack Woods has his only acting job ever here as Asmodeus, or as he is also known, "The Boss!" Did I mention that Jack Woods also wrote and directed this film?

Then Cinematographer Mike Hoover starts throwing this stuff at you!

I'm sure all you TV freaks out there recognised the voice of Herb Tarlek, that crazy plaid pants salesman in 89 episodes of "WKRP In Cincinnati" from 1978-1982 played by the fabulous Frank Bonner here in his first credited film role!

When you first see "Equinox" all you can think is how bad it looks compared to something like Harryhausen's "The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad," but in retrospect, this movie really isn't half bad!!!

The Boss comes back to finish up some business!

I can't figure out why David keeps calling out for some guy named Mike Ross! I don't see any other reference to a Mike Ross anywhere else in the film or in the credits! Very Freakish!

Now you can see why this was also Edward Connell's only and last film role!!

I've got two words for you, it's that simple! "Equinox" Rocks, and that's why we're here! Raise your freak flag high!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

THE NAVY vs THE NIGHT MONSTERS / Standard Club of California Productions Inc. - 1966 / Music by Greene, Salter + Stevens

Tonight, Tabonga feature Triffid-like cousins, THE NIGHT MONSTERS!! Boy, this is some whack out flick, too, no kiddin'...

Unspecial music is stock from composers Walter Greene, Leith Stevens and Hans J. Salter. But, anyway, here is THE NAVY vs THE NIGHT MONSTERS!

When flick begin wif' dude like this, well, you in for bumpy ride!!

Two second later, he accidently let go of balloon and it fly away! And, he do it twice!!

Okay, back to story... They find big plant in Antarctic and airplane that carry it crash on island where Mamie Van Doren working as Candy Striper! Anthony Eisley star as base commander.

Dude was nominated for Academy Award, but, he not win!..

Tabonga throw this in for all guys out there!!..

You welcome!

Okay, back to story!.. Doctor and top brass out for walk on Saturday morning and almost step in poop!

Bobby Van have short movie career!

Lookit this! A lil' baby Night Monster bite big tough guy and he faint!.. Then, take two guy to capture puny lil' baby monster! Dang!.. That one reason why 'Monsters Rule!!'

Dungeon pal Billy Gray was real trooper on set! For small bump, he let Night Monster rip left arm off!! So, you think you so tough?!!

Not since ATTACK OF THE (THE) EYE CREATURES have Tabonga be so confused about what time is it?!! And, like, where in Hell did jungle go?

Make you glad that it over though!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

EL MUNDO DE LOS VAMPIROS - Gustavo César Carrión etc. - "The World Of The Vampires" (1961)

Ola!!! Hey, I am here tonight to tell you that "The World Of Vampires" is one loco flick, and I hope you really really like organ music!!!!

Guillermo Murray as Count Sergio Subotai carries the whole show!!

Personally, I'm thinkin' that Vampire World would be a good name for some amusement park, and right here is one of the major attractions!

The count is looking like he needs a little more blood and a little less cheese as he pumps out this pre Iron Butterly classic!

There ain't nobody that's going to try and argue that this bone organ isn't pretty damn cool!!

When The Count shows up, you just never know how people are going to react, but one thing for sure is, indifference is non-existent!

Not only checking out The Count, everybody seems to be checking out somebody else too!!

The Count does what appears to be "The Hustle" or maybe possibly 'The Funky Chicken!"

And catches the attention of all the ladies in the room!!

Cut to the distinguished Rudolph Summers doing a demonstration of his 'ugly music' that makes babies cry and dogs howl! He's sure, and I'm sure, you won't understand!

I think I've said this before, but a lot of the time this whole vampire thing doesn't really seem to be that bad of an idea!!! Welcome to Vampire World!! We hope you enjoy eternity!!! Hell Yeah!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DESTINATION INNER SPACE / Harold Goldman Associates - 1966 / Music by Paul Dunlap

When Tabonga close eyes during tonight sound clip, feel like going to Mars or see John Agar. That be the riddle of the night.

Music Master Paul Dunlap appear at Dungeon many, many time, tonight music is recycled from earlier flick, natcherly... DESTINATION: BIKINI BOTTOM

Boredom start when they drop Scott Brady off in middle of ocean and he go down, down, down to model in big aquarium.

Scott play Commander Wayne, now he in charge of ever'thing! And, ever'thing great 'til stupid model of UFO show up!.. Now what?!

Dudes finally get up courage to investigate UFO, so they bring along gurl! But... Gurl can't ride in sub!

Inside of saucer confuse Tabonga!! What, monster have to stand whole way? Where is easy chair?!.. If monster is fish and all wet, why polish floor?!.. And, how it know where going? Is stupid fish!! Hey, what would be funnier if had big steering wheel like Pirate ship! And that hole in floor, not good in space!! DUDE!!

Here stills from action in sound clip, you know, gasmask, monster, etc... Oh, look, there Gary Merrill too!

So, somehow, they get monster into their lab, so to make sure it attack Commander' love interest and finally try to create some excitement!!

Here how you tell who win!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??