Monday, July 23, 2007

EEGAH! - Arch Hall & The Archers - "Vickie" (1962)

No matter what, and despite the fact that there is a giant caveman running around, In 1962, there's always time to stop & reflect for a moment or two, so just like reality, you have good and bad, sappy and mad all happening at the same time. Arch Hall is a genius, & you should make an effort to find and buy every piece of work he was ever involved in. Period! Sit back, relax, picture yourself poolside at some cheap motel and enjoy "Vickie" by Arch Hall and The Archers!

Arch Hall - Vickie

ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE - Marlene Willis - "You're My Living Doll" (1958)

It's 1958, a time of giants & small people in Bert I. Gordon's world, but whether big or small, Albert Glasser would be called in to do the score again. This time from "Attack Of The Puppet People" we get Marlene Willis doing quite a remarkable job of singing this cute little tune despite the fact that she's teeny tiny & a crazy person is about to do whatever they want with her, but somehow here's "You're My Living Doll." The Irony of it all!! The lead-in is some swinging dance music.

MOSURA (Mothra) - The Peanuts - "Mosura No Uta" (1961)

The Peanuts, Emi and Yumi Ito, would have some brief success in the U.S. after the release of Mothra. The group recorded an English only album with covers of such songs as "California Dreamin" and "Proud Mary" & also were on The Ed Sulivan Show. Here, from the 1961 Toho film "Mosura" we have The Peanuts doing "Mosura No Uta" with music by Yuji Koseki. If this is weird enough for you, go out & buy or rent the DVD or buy a Peanuts CD!

Sorry, the soundclip is no longer available!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A BUCKET OF BLOOD - Fred Katz - "Opening Credits/Beat Poetry" (1959)

The opening scene of "Bucket Of Blood" is brilliant, with sleazy music by Fred Katz & the overstated beat poetry of Maxwell H. Brock played ever so perfectly by the late Julian Burton. Lay back & dig! Dig?? Without a doubt, one of THE best movies ever made!! "You'll be sick from laughing!" And yes, he did say "sour cream of circumstance."Bucket Of Blood-Opening Credits

THE BEACH GIRLS AND THE MONSTER - Frank Sinatra Jr. - "Dance Baby Dance" (1965)

Now, we're dealing with some big names, so, MEANWHILE, BACK ON THE BEACH..........It's 1965 & Frank Sinatra Jr. is probably trying to come up with a career plan, so he writes this song with Joan Janis, who not only wrote the screenplay for this movie, but before that was a writer for Mr. Magoo and Beany & Cecil cartoons. Oh, now it's all starting to make sense. "Dance Baby Dance" is the opening song for "The Beach Girls & The Monster" & performed by Frank Sinatra Jr. in a new modern style I'm sure they thought was going to propel him to the top of the charts! Actually, this is quite a fun song, & is another one that can really stick in your mind!

Frank Sinatra Jr - Theme Song.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

THE CRAWLING HAND - The Rivingtons - "The Bird's The Word" (1963)

Every once in a while, one of these movies would actually have some music or artist in it that you actually heard of. Not often, but that's the case in this 1963 flick, "The Crawling Hand," when the jukebox comes on & we hear the oh so familiar "The Bird's The Word" by The Rivingtons.
The Bird

THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED - Ron Stein - Pete Candoli (solo) - "S.F. BLUES" (1956)

The world is almost destroyed after a nuclear explosion, but a stripper always survives, so we hear and see the extra Greasy "S.F. Blues" written by Ron Stein with a solo by Pete Candoli, so she can explain how she used to do her act, twice in this 1956 film. "I said Shut-Up!," he said. Dig it, then Buy it!!
"The Day The World Ended"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??