Monday, March 4, 2019

THE OUTER LIMITS: The Chameleon / Season 1 Episode 31 - 1964

Today we have another great episode from the great sixties series... To save Earth from an invasion from space, scientists alter a human into a replica of one of the aliens. The human subject, Mace, is a remorseless killer, who easily adapts to the personality required. Giving up his body and life means little to him, he relishes this ultimate test of his chameleon powers. But how much loyalty will Mace have for his fellow humans?..

This one stars Robert (THX 1138) Duvall, Howard (JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG) Caine, Douglas (THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, KING DINOSAUR) Henderson, William (ICE STATION ZEBRA) O'Connell and Henry (THE LAND UNKNOWN) Brandon.

The military is keeping tabs on an alien spacecraft that has landed in a forest. They can't decide what to do, one option is to destroy the craft.

Leon Chambers, who works for General Crawford, locates Louis Mace after he's had an altercation with with an underworld character. His buddy takes off after Mace puts the screws to his pal.

Chambers enters the bar to find Mace holding the flyswatter that he killed the punk with! Pretty effing fly!!

Chambers wants to recruit Mace to try and infiltrate the aliens' craft to find out why they're on Earth. But, how will they accomplish such a complicated task? Hey, check out how to use Venetian blinds to create atmosphere!!

Well, it just so happens that Dr. Tillyard has the answer. He plans on using a serum that will transform Mace into an alien, plus he has tapes that will rewire his brain...

Sure enough, Mace changes into an alien! But, after the transformation is complete, Mace just giggles a lot, unnerving the others.

So, after Mace makes his way inside the ship, he's hit with a ray that tells the aliens what the transplant is up to, they know he is a human that has been changed into one of them!

This is a strange shot, the thing on the left is a weapon that Mace learns about from the aliens.

The two aliens like Mace and ask him if he'd like to join them on their long trip back to their planet. Mace says he'd like that, and helps them prepare for the journey.

Mace seems to have forgotten about his mission, so, Chambers pushes the 'remember the mission, come back' button. Mace takes the weapon and mists one of the aliens. He kills that alien and the other escapes into the forest...

But, after Mace chases the other alien down and is ready to kill him, well, Mace has like an alien epiphany and agrees to go back with the alien to his planet so that he has a friend to keep him company. Mace refuses to go back to the base, goodbye!

So, General Crawford, Chambers and Dr. Tillyard can only watch as the spacecraft heads out to space... Tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! will haunt The Dungeon once again! Til then...

Saturday, March 2, 2019

LADY IN CEMENT - "A Private Eye In Over His Head" (1968)

It's about time we had a Sinatra Saturday Night Special, so that's just what I'm gonna do!

2020 is the "Year Of The Rat," but I can't wait until then, so tonight's film will be an early Chinese New Year's celebration since it stars the leader of The Rat Pack himself, the Chairman Of The Board, Mr. Frank Sinatra!
We've featured all the other Rat Pack members except Joey Bishop at least once!
Dean Martin as Matt Helm was always fun, and Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford were both in 
but we've never featured Frankie in a feature of his own before, so let's get affair swingin'!

Frank Sinatra as Tony Rome, and his pal Pat (Matilda) Henry as Rubin, are out looking for treasure!

"Eleven Treasure Galleons Sunk" in this area, seems like it might be their lucky day!

Not so lucky after all......

......What Tony Rome finds is a blonde wearing cement shoes!
The guy responsible for staging the underwater scenes was Ricou Browning, who was the Gill Man in the underwater scenes of all three of the "Creature From The Black Lagoon" movies!
Ricou was also one of the original creators of "Flipper!"

Good ole Dan (Hoss) Blocker plays the literal heavy Waldo Gronsky!

On the right, that's Lainie (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) Kazan as exotic dancer Maria Baretto in one of her earliest roles! I'm happy to say that Lainie is still going strong and actively working today!

I used to drive a 1961 Ford Galaxie too, except mine wasn't a convertible, and the car I had after that was a 1969 Chevy Impala, and it was a convertible!

Raquel Welch plays a rich alcoholic! She's a beautiful woman, but she looks best in a robe and less makeup!

I wonder who has this painting today!

Dan Blocker was 6' 4" and Frankie was 5' 7 1/2" and it makes for quite a pairing!

Gulfstream Park in Florida is still alive and racing today, and is home to the now world famous "Pegasus World Cup!"

For me, Frank Sinatra and Raquel Welch are an odd match at best!

Richard Deacon has a very odd role as an artiste with a model who needs to get up and go to the bathroom! Richard was Mel Cooley in 82 episodes of "The Dick Van Dyke Show," he was in "The Birds," and "Piranha," and the star of the "Twilight Zone" episode called "The Brain Center At Whipple's."

Simplicity at it's finest, like a meal in a 5 star Michelin restaurant!

They have nice back yards in Miami!
 That's Richard (77 Sunset Strip, The Blue Gardenia) Conte reprising his role as Tony Rome's cop buddy from the first "Tony Rome" movie.
Richard was also in the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "Perchance To Dream."

As crowded as this place was in 1968, I can't imagine what it would be like today!

"Lady In Cement" is a sick, twisted, and sexy comedy!
For example, in this scene, Gronksky is watching "Bonanza" on TV!

This Japanese poster is one of the more honest ones as far as content is concerned!
I don't exactly get it, but in a few of the posters for "Lady In Cement," they have the nude body dangling upside down from a ball and tackle, and not in the water, and I say....
That's just weird!

Friday, March 1, 2019

THE THREE STOOGES In "We Want Our Mummy" - 1939

Here's a great little story with our pals... The Stooges go to Egypt in search of the mummy of King Rootin-Tootin for which a museum will pay a $5000 prize. They wind up in the mummy's tomb, but, are hassled by some bad guys who are also looking for the lost mummy.

The boys, dressed as two-faced detectives, show up at the museum to apply for the job... Whatever the Hell it is!

Their first assignment is to locate a missing professor in the museum. They end up helping the kidnapper load the crate on a truck with the professor inside! Both Larry and Moe get crushed by the crate with Curly piloting the damn thing!

So, the boys get the job of locating the mummy. When the cab driver asks them where they want to go, Curly says... Egypt!

The taxi makes it to Egypt, which is funny as Hell if you think about it. They also run up an astronomical fare for the ride there!

They fall through a trap door in the sand and end up in the tomb! They are now at the mercy of the crooks. First, someone throws a knife at Moe, then something with big claws takes out Moe and Larry, who end up behind bars.

Curly finds a mummy and thinks it's King Rootin-Tootin. But, when the thing gets out of the coffin and starts chasing him around, Curly goes into his 'get me out of here' routine... WOOB!

Curly gets stuck on a peg on the door. When Moe and Larry crawl through the opening, Curly conks them on the head! They ask him why he hit them and he says, I thought you guys were mummies!

So, Moe and Larry think they have found King Rootin-Tootin, Moe tells Curly to hide it.

When Curly bends over to pick the thing up, he gets a hot seat and falls on the mummy, popping it. Curly says... Hey, where'd you go?!

The bad guys are using a pick to get through the wall, so, Moe decides to dress Curly up as the mummy. When the crooks get into the room, well, they find one homely mummy!

After the head crook finds a newspaper where the jewels are supposed to be, he notices that the Yankees won the world series, so, Curly tells the guy that he made some bets on the game!.. OOPS!! The bad guys start chasing the Stooges around, but, fall in a well Curly had covered over with a rug!

The kidnapped Professor tells the boys that this is the coffin of King Rootin-Tootin, because, he was a freakin' midget!

Curly thinks he's found a mummified alligator, until it bites him on the rear end!

The boys and the Professor make a b-line to the taxi so they can get the Hell out of Egypt!.. Tune in tomorrow when we're back with even more Dungeon Cargo, just for you!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??