Saturday, February 27, 2016

A WITCH WITHOUT A BROOM - Sidney W. Pink - "A Very Hexy Motion Picture" (1967)

What a month! After well over 2100 movies now, the pickin's are getting pretty slim around here, and that's why The Dungeon Saturday Night Special for tonight is an odd little film from 1967 called "A Witch Without A Broom!" Were they trying to capitalize on the popularity of the awesome TV show called "Bewitched" I don't know, but it doesn't seem to be out of the question by looking at this poster!

"A Witch Without A Broom" is not a good movie by any means, but I'm willing to give Sid a bye on this one just because he also produced four pretty great movies, "The Angry Red Planet," "Reptilicus," "Journey To The Seventh Planet," and "Pyro...The Thing Without A Face!"

The very handsome Jeffrey (Dimension 5) Hunter is a hapless college professor who has a new and very attractive student in his class! His incredible story includes being cast as the original Captain of the USS Enterprise in the pilot episode of "Star Trek" as Captain Christopher Pike!  Jeffrey made the choice to not go with "Star Trek" and focus more on his movie career, and that's how he ended up in movies like this! It's truly sad that Jeffrey was only 43 when he had a stroke, fell down, had emergency surgery, and died from complications! What a shame!

The student in question is played by the lovely Maria (The Mad Executioners, No Survivors, Please, The Castle Of Fu Manchu, Horror Of The Zombies) Perschy!

Now you see her, now you don't! The professor is the only one who can see her, and he's quite smitten by her charms!

The professor is one of the first recorded people to take the "Ice Bucket Challenge!"

Maria is not a ghost, she's a witch from another time and place, and she knows how to bust a move!

She can also cut a pretty mean rug!
The cool sounds of Fernando G. (The Mistresses Of Dr. Jekyll, Cannibal Man) Morcillo make it easy to do!

Maria's Dad is a wizard, and while he was out of town for the weekend, she starts goofing with his stuff, and her and Jeffrey go for a wild ride through time getting into all kinds of messes like this! 

I'm pretty sure I saw these guys when I visited the Haight-Ashbury in 1967!

Cherish this picture of Maria and Jeffrey together! It'll never happen again!

One of the cavewomen really gets into this dance scene!

This is the little device she borrowed from her Father that makes all this time travel possible!

Next stop, 1999, and the end of modern civilization!

All that's left is this small handful of female survivors! There are no men!

Jeffrey just hit the sexual jackpot!

When the witch's Dad gets back home, she asks if she can go into the future and be with Jeffrey forever after he was returned to his own time, and he says yes! There's only one rule, she will have no memory of any of what happened, and Jeffrey will be a complete stranger to her, but their magnetism for each other is so strong, they will easily hook up again anyway!
It's unfortunate, because it has a lot of potential, and if "A Witch Without A Broom" had been a 30 minute TV show, it would have been excellent, but as a full length movie, I have to say, it fails miserably! Just fast forward through the crap, and you'll have a pretty good time watching it!

Friday, February 26, 2016

CARNIVAL OF BLOOD / Kirt Films - 1970

Here's a bloody little flick for a Friday. A maniac is on the loose at Coney Island in New York and he's ripping women apart in the process. A couple of amateur sleuths discover that prior to their gruesome murders, the victims all seem to have visited a dart game booth and the fortune teller who foresaw their deaths. This is a production from Andy Milligan clone, Leonard Kirtman, and, he also produced the very horrible, CURSE OF THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN.

I have a wild 'n' weird sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our broken down Wild Mouse ride, NOW, Rufus The Gnat!.. Here's... CARNIVAL OF BLOOD!

Just wanted to show this pic, for me and Eegah!! this is what the good old days looked like...

Here's the fighting married couple as heard in the sound clip, they're perfect for each other.

The Fortune Teller is a very excitable crazy person when she sees that someone is going to get murdered on a ride at the amusement park.

Here's another pic I like. You'll notice the U DRIVE 'EM sign there, well, here in California we had U HAUL. I swear, in the early fifties the slogan was U HAUL, YA'LL! The world has changed.

The lovely couple go on the spook house ride and wifey finally gets her big mouth shut for good... Thank you, God!

Wow, flashback!.. The early hippie days were really great until idiots like Charles Manson took over the movement and narrative.

Our amateur sleuths meet at the bumper car ride to discuss crimes and crashes. Love those classic vintage bumper cars there, they look like either a Dodge or Desoto, nice!!

Sometimes the killer dumps the bodies under the wharf.

Tom and Gimpy run the dart game booth, Tom's the boss. Here, they have a fun little conversation after a long day of giving out stuffed toys to winners. This was Burt Young's second acting credit as Gimpy, he's still working hard today with seven upcoming productions!

This is Gloria Spivak as the extremely annoying, Dumpy Woman. In the early sixties, my sisters had a Debbie Dunbar doll, so, Eegah!! and I called her Dumpy Dumbell and that really got them upset!

She gets her eyes ripped out by Gimpy, believe me, she deserved it big time!

It looks like Tom is giving Gimpy a big hug, but, he just inserted a big knife into his gut.

Anywho, Tom has some creepy little secrets to hide. Dan pulls off the mask to reveal Tom's dark past... I'm pretty sure Eegah!! has an interesting post for us tomorrow, later dudes!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A CAR-TUNE PORTRAIT - Fleischer Studios (1937)

I'm Beat! So here's a quickie from the Fleischer Studios in Florida, circa 1937!

"A Car-Tune Portrait" is the simplest of tales!

And they were able to do it with just a handful of people!

It starts with a cartoon artist drawing some of the different characters in a cartoon orchestra!

Then he draws the stage and curtains!

The lion conductor comes out and announces in no certain terms that tonight's concert is to show that a bunch of cartoon characters can actually perform seriously when they want to!
If you want to hear his speech, then click right HERE!
The lion's voice is done by actor and narrator David Ross!

The tune the orchestra chose to perform to show off their chops is "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" by Franz Liszt!

I like these two shots of the musician's silhouettes!

It was all going so well, but it doesn't take long for everything to go into the crapper!

As the whole thing breaks down, it turns into one calamity after another!

The lion can't take it any more and completely loses his cool!

And the whole stage turns into one gigantic free-for-all royale rumble!

The lion tries desperately to make them all stop, but it's too late, the damage has been done!

But it's not over without one last final insult!
As it turns out, animated characters can't be trusted to be serious after all!
If you've got seven minutes to kill, and you like frustrated lions, you can find the whole kit and caboodle on right Here on Youtube!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??