Wednesday, May 29, 2013

INFERNO PER POCHI DOLLARI - Egisto Macchi -"LSD FLesh Of The Devil" (1967)

Well, since this month has been chock full of psycho-delicacies, I thought I'd wrap it up with a hit of "L.S.D.," so set your psyber feelers on 13, and let's a-go-go!

Literally translated it's "Hell For A Few Dollars," or a few dollars more! It was also released as "LSD Flesh Of Devil!" The soundtrack was composed by Egisto Macchi, and the theme song was written by Tamponi and Marchett, and sung by Nicola Di Bari!!

Okay, so that's a hallucination I can deal with!!

Granted this is not the best copy of a movie in the world, but when the sub-titles are in Greek or whatever this is, it makes you realize how lucky you are to see a movie like this at all!

"Inferno Per Pochi Dollari" is not a drug laced hippie movie, but instead it's a spy thriller about some guys poised to take over the world by dosing important places internationally with L.S.D.

This is how guys in The Army act when they are slipped some L.S.D!!!

Since there were no cell phones back in 1967, any self-respecting spy would go ahead and get a communications device implanted in his neck! When it comes to saving the world, there are no boundaries!!

Looking cool and suave, Guy madison is Rex Miller!! Guy Madison was born in the little burg of Pumpkin Center, California,  just outside of Bakersfield, that I just drove through a couple of days ago and remarked how it hadn't changed in some 50 odd years, except that the remaining business names are all now in Spanish! Today, you'd be hard pressed to find anybody there that has even ever heard of Guy Madison!

Guy thinks out loud, "OMG, what have I got myself into?"

Long since gone, manly man Guy will always be remembered for his leading role in "The Beast Of Hollow Mountain," and for starring in 112 episodes of  "Adventures Of Wild Bill Hickock" from 1951 to 1958!  When things slowed down for Guy in Hollywood, he went to Italy, and made weird movies like this one and "The Devil's Man!" The non-existent pseudo-character created by Jerry Warren for his movie "Man-Beast" named Rock Madison, was formed from a combination of the names of Rock Hudson and Guy Madison!

The bad guys test out the effects of the L.S.D. on their own girl, and this is the results!!!

Weird ass hallucinations!!

When you're on acid, everything looks groovier through a kaleidoscope! Like, Wow!!

"Put your right leg in, put your right leg out, put your right leg in, and shake it all about, you do the Hokey Pokey, and you turn yourself all around, that's what it's all about!"

No bad guy involved with drugs like L.S.D. would make it on the street without a decent pair of shades!

"Inferno Per Pochhi Dollari" was graciously donated to the cause by Brian Horrowitz over at
"The Trash Palace!" Now I've got to see if I can track down a copy of "The Devil's Man" somehow!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

PHANTASM / New Breed Productions Inc. - 1979

It's Memorial Monster Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our feature is a weird one from 1979, it had a decent budget of $300,000 and starred the very distinguished looking Angus Scrimm as The Tall Man from another world. Two interesting things in the story are the deadly flying spheres and that victims are shrunk to half their normal size and reanimated as ugly little monsters!

Eegah!! sent over a cool soundclip for our listening pleasure, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the chartreuse and purple destruct button, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... PHANTASM!

Believe it or else, this is The Tall Man in stalking mode! It's easy to fool any horny dude in town into making a foolish choice.

Here are Reggie Bannister as Reggie and Bill Thornbury as Jody doing a guitar duet as heard in the soundclip. They both star in the whole series I-IV, Reggie has been referred to as "The Hardest Working Man in Horror."

The Tall Man, mortician and mausoleum owner, is seen wandering the streets during the day, here, he's checking on Reggie to see what he's up to. Reggie's the local ice cream man, what else, he's got that look.

Love this shot of Jody's lil' bro, A. Michael Baldwin as Mike, as he hides in a coffin from The Tall Man and some little monsters while looking for clues in the mortuary. The "A." at the beginning of his name stands for nothing.

The mausoleum caretaker is the first one to taste the steel of the flying sphere. It punctures his skull with a spike, then drills into his brain and finally drains him of all his blood!! Fun stuff, we'll see him later as a little freak...

Great shot of TTM and Mike in the mausoleum!

Mike gets a souvenir from The Tall Man!

This shot is just plain awesome, been there!

Jody, Reggie and Mike discover the white room full of weird alien pods, Jody cautiously takes a look inside one of them!

Mike's pulled inside a dimension beam and this is what he sees!

So, what will happen next, The Tall Man seems indestructible! And remember, there are parts II, III and IV yet to come!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

El ÀNGEL EXTERMINADOR - Luis Buñuel -"The Exterminating Angel" (1962)

Welcome to the Surrealistic Saturday Night Especial, deep, deep down here in The Dungeon!

"El Angel Exterminador" aka "The Exterminating Angel" is a masterpiece of uneasy-happy-sad-abstract poetic weirdness by Señor Luis Buñuel that might have been one of the the first movies to ever make a film critic utter those famous words, "WTF!?" I wouldn't recommend watching this film stoned, it might cause permanent damage to your otherwise delicate psyche!

It all starts off innocent enough. It's just a get together of a bunch of rich folks after a night at the opera!

They don't get much further than past the front door when you're going to realize that something ain't quite right here! The film loops or hiccups, and you are going to immediately think something is wrong with the DVD you're watching, but that's not it at all, there's something wrong with the mind of the man who made this film, Luis Buñuel, and this isn't going to be the only time it happens!!!

Most of the hired help has already left the building for some unknown reasons, and one of the two guys left, trips as he is getting ready to serve what appears to be stones, gems, and/or hard-cooked tofu!

No, but Mr. Buñuel does!!

Understatements, understatements, and MORE understatements!! Something strange? Really?

I read that Luis Buñuel decided to introduce bears and sheep to the party after having experienced a similar event in New York!

After dinner, there's a short piano concerto and this one attendee appears to carry around chicken feet in her clutch bag! You know, just normal routine stuff!

Well, the next thing you know, it's four o'clock in the morning, and for some unforeseen reason, no one has yet left the party, and in fact, they are all just crashing out all over the place like a bunch of hippies!

Disheveled and confused, these wealthy people wake up to find out that in anti-reality they aren't any better than anyone else, and Luis Buñuel is just getting ready to rub their snooty noses into it, and it's not going to smell good!

And so it goes for a number of days, and when there is nothing left to differentiate the wealthy from the poor, confusion reigns supreme!

The authorities and the media stand around outside also dumbfounded as to why the inhabitants can not leave the building, and are also helpless in their ability to do anything about it! Buñuel, of course will always be remembered for the 1929 short he made with one of the best artistes of all time, Salvador Dali entitled "Un Chien Andalou" or "An Andalusian Dog," that featured a gut wrenching, razor blade, eye slitting scene that can not be forgotten if you've ever seen it, but my favourite Buñuel film will always be the comedic "That Obscure Object Of Desire" made in 1977!

They break into a wall and manage to get some fresh water, and when the sheep show back up, they have quite a barbeque instead of starving to death!

When you're real hungry, paper makes a good substitute for food! Some salsa might help to make it go down a little easier though!

After a couple of days and nights of this bullshit, it's time for homie to break out his hidden stash of drugs!

A severed hand joins the party!

Yes Indeed, you either don't understand surrealism or you don't!

Finally, this gal realizes that they are all in the same place that they were when the first piano performance happened, so they all try and recreate their original positions, and bigger than shit, just the way Elvis would do it, they can now leave the building!

When it's all said and done, there is still violence raging in the streets, and all the sheep head back into the church, just like you would expect it to happen!

I was just tripping coming home tonight and thinking how interesting it would be if eating establishments had names like horror blogs. Things like "The Burger Dungeon," "The Crypt Of Waffles," "The Fried Chicken Chamber," or "The Vault Of Tacos!" Sound far fetched, you just might be surprised at what the future has in store! Remember, you read it here first!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??