Tonight's Wednesday Weirdness is a Russian movie made in 1956 titled "The Sword And The Dragon." The original title was "Ilya Muromets." I thought we had done pretty much every movie from the 50's and 60's that had a monster in it, then this thing reared up it's s ugly little head, and not just one, but three of them!
Here's one of the tag lines..."Eye-Filling Spectacle! Man Against Monsters!"
I'm sure if you were able to see a pristine copy of this film on the big screen, it would be absolutely captivating!
Here's yet another one of the tag lines....."The Largest Cast Ever Used in a Motion Picture!"
Crowd favourite Shukur (Dalyokie Blizkie Gody) Burkhanov has the role of Tsar Kalin.
Do you suppose that's a real bird that they just happened to capture a shot of, or a stuffed bird perfectly placed in position by the crew? Either way, it's a cool shot!
Here's another good shot of Tsar Kalin. What a smirk!
The Slavic Dragon seen in this film is known as Zmey Goronych, or Zuma the Fire Dragon, a mythical multi-headed serpent creature.
These types of creatures can go by many names like Zmey, Zmei, Zmaya, Zmeu, Zmiy, Zmaj, Zmij.
To read more about Zmey Gorynych, try this monstrously amazing Gojipedia Site, which will tell you the whole story!
The fire-breathing Slavic Dragon is so popular in Russia, there's a giant statue of one at a Russian theme park named Safari Park Kudykin Mountain. Did you even know there were Russian theme parks? I really never thought about it before.
This 50 Ft. high fire-breathing sculpture/statue is one of the main features of the park that is located in Kamenka of Zadonsk in Russia.
This Park is legit. This is how far you have to walk just to get to it!
For a very interesting tour of the Park, you can watch this short video, and the one that follows it!
Unfortunately for this Dragon.........................
........................The Sword got top billing!
Reminds me, I haven't had shish kebob in quite a while!