Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MY LIVING DOLL - "Boy Meets Girl" (1964)

 Here's a pretty Wild Wednesday feature for you!
"My Living Doll!"

 "My Living Doll" was a TV series that came out in 1964, and was only on for one season.
It was a show about a female robot and was filled with all kinds of innocent perversion! It's no wonder I liked it so much! This was the very first episode and it was titled "Boy Meets Girl."

 The 'star' of the show was one my favorite leading men from the 60's, Robert 'Bob" Cummings!
For me, Bob Cummings was like a better looking, not as stupid, and funnier Jerry Lewis! 
Bob's character is named Dr. Robert McDonald!

 But the person who steals the show is the absolutely stunning Julie Newmar as the robot doll!

 If my math is correct, Julie Newmar just turned 86 a couple of weeks ago. Julie is so pretty that it makes me believe there must be a God!

 On the right is Henry Beckman as a Dr. Carl Miller. The Doctor is upset and freaking out because he has lost an object called AF709, a secret project he's been working on! Bob tells him if he finds it, he will let him know! Henry Beckman is one of those special people with a line of credits as long as your arm, and he was in two "Twilight Zone" episodes, "A Thing About Machines," and "Valley Of The Shadows!" If he's got a familiar face, it's because he was also in so many cool TV shows in the 50's, 60's, and 70's that included titles like "Peter Gunn," "My Favorite Martian," "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.," and "The Munsters."

 Bob sees some bare feet enter the room, and looks up to see.....

 .........This gorgeous woman who is not quite all dressed!

 She kind of talks in riddles, and Dr. Bob is a little confused until she turns to leave!

 That's when he realizes that she is AF709, the object that Dr. Miller was saying that he was missing!

 On the right is Jack Mullaney as Dr. Peter Robinson who is going to fall in love with the robot on first sight. Of course, at this point, neither of them know she's a robot! Dr. Bob calls Dr. Miller to tell him that he found his 'project' and that she is exiting the building! Jack Mullaney passed away at the age of only 52 after having a stroke, but he still managed to be in a memorable series of flicks like Disney's "The Absent Minded Professor," "Dr. Goldfoot And The Bikini Machine," "Spinout" with Elvis, and "Little Big Man!"

 Julie Newmar dressed like this is sexier than a million or more completely naked women could ever be!

 Dr. Miller tries to explain things to an unbelieving Dr. McDonald, and then asks him to take the robot home with him for a couple of days, because he needs to leave town. (He ends up being gone for a couple of months!) Bob has no idea what to think!

 Julie Newmar is still probably best remembered for her role as Catwoman!

 Out in public, the robot is creating quite a stir, and Dr. Bob thinks he better get her to his apartment A.S.A.P!

 After being shown the control buttons on her back, Bob is finally convinced that she really is a robot, so he says something to her like, "Okay, first thing is, we need to get you out of those clothes," meaning get her into something more normal. She is a subservient robot, so she complies and starts to disrobe!

As much as he would like it, that wasn't really what nice guy Bob had in mind!

 Bob doesn't even trust himself with her now, and calls his sister to come over and act as a chaperone!

 "My Living Doll" was only a half hour program, so without commercials, it only lasts 25 minutes, and gets over way too fast, but if you have Amazon Prime, you can watch all 26 episodes for no extra charge! Hell, that's worth the annual price of an account all by itself! I know a lot of people have beefs with Amazon for various reasons, but I'm sure not one of them just because of stuff like this!

Speaking of Amazon, you know it's usually all fun and games around here, but if the Brazilian government doesn't get off it's ass soon, and do something about the out of control fires burning in the Amazon rain forest, we're all going to end up living in some cheap ass Sci-Fi movie about the end of the world!
In the meantime, I'm going to watch as many episodes of "My Living Doll" as I can, and I suggest you do the same!

Monday, August 26, 2019

POPEYE THE SAILOR / "Onion Pacific" - 1940

Here's a great Popeye cartoon where him and Bluto fight it out for a railroad franchise. Will Bluto outwit Popeye, or, does Popeye kick his ass?..

It's the big day for the race and Wimpy is the MC in this epic race. Of course he wolfs down a few hamburgers before the race starts.

Get ready, set, GO!!

Olive Oyl ends up in Bluto's cab, she tries to get into Popeye's train only to be a wishbone!

Both trains get to the trestle bridge at the same time and the guys have to hold on for dear life to get across without incident!

Then, Bluto grabs the wheel gear and tosses it away, so, our hero just simply becomes the gear! Makes sense to me.

Bluto flips the track switch and Popeye, Olive and the train take a detour and crash into a water tower, destroying the old coal burner...

So, guess what time it is... That's right, it's Spinach Time!!

Popeye reassembles the pieces into a streamliner, he backs it out and floors it!

He passes Bluto by so fast that his train spins off the track and it screws into the ground, losing the race big time.

Popeye gets the franchise and a big kiss from Olive, bringing our story to a happy ending. Hey, tune in again on Wednesday when Eegah!! will have anotheer great post, just for you...

Saturday, August 24, 2019

THE MUMMY - "Nerve-Shattering Shock!" (1959)

 This evening's Saturday Night Special is a classic from 1959, and even if it is basically just a cover tune, it's still a classic! Sometimes remakes are as good or better than the original, I'm not going to say that about "The Mummy," but at least it's in colour, and that's a good place to start!

 In 1957, Hammer Films decided to start remaking some of the classic themed Universal horrors, and the first one was "The Curse Of Frankenstein" with Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Hazel Court. Next up in 1958, again with Cushing and Lee came "Horror Of Dracula," and in 1959, they released tonight's feature film, "The Mummy," once again with the same two stars. Over the next ten or fifteen years, Hammer released no less than six Frankenstein sequels, eight Dracula sequels, and three more Mummy movies. Not stopping there, they also released seven more Vampire movies, a werewolf movie, two Dr. Jekyll films, and a Phantom of the Opera movie. It seems the only Universal classic monster they didn't try was "The Creature From The Black Lagoon," and I'm assuming that's because it was basically from the same era, not 20 years in the past

 Peter Cushing as John Banning is in Egypt on an archeological dig with his Pop! He can't fully participate because he's broken his leg, and will have a limp the rest of his life if he doesn't get it attended to, which he doesn't!

 George Pastell as Mehemet Bey, tells them they need to stop digging or they are going to be in deep shit! Boy, did he call that one right!
George racked up 80 exotic credits before passing away at the age of only 53. In the 60's he was in various "Dr. Who," and "The Saint" TV shows!

 The scroll inside the box is where it all begins!

It's always funny when the scientific geniuses are the stupidist ones! Some people just don't see it, even when it's right in front of them!

 Three years later!!!

 Homeboy is now considered 'mentally disordered.' These days he'd just be another homeless person!

 The large box that was being delivered to the new weird guy's home falls off the wagon because the drunk driver was driving too fast! (A D.U.I. checkpoint would really have prevented a disaster in this case!) was a mmumy in the box, and since he's already dead...

 Sir Christopher Lee has never looked better!!

 It was after visiting hours at the nursing home......That's number one in the revenge department!

Almost looks like The Creature in this shot!

 The brother who was also on the quest is the winner behind door number two!

 In a flashback scene, we find out that Kharis (The Mummy) was a man in another lifetime with a Cleopatra complex!

 And that's why he was subjected to an eternity of servitude and protection to his lover, Princess Ananka! (He's like, Damn, I really screwed up here!)

 The mummy is going for a triple play, and the last on the list is John Banning! The trippy part is that Princess Ananka is a dead ringer for John Banning's wife Isobel!

 Yvonne Furneaux had the double role of  Isobel Banning and Princess Ananka!
Yvonne was also in "The Death Ray Of Dr. Mabuse," and her last role was in a movie I have never heard of until tonight "Frankenstein's Great Aunt Tillie," in which she was Matilda 'Tillie' Frankenstein with Donald Pleasence and June Wilkinson! (I thought I needed to see it, but I just watched the trailer on YouTube,...Maybe Not!) Sometimes I feel like I'm on a giant international scavenger hunt! If I did the math right, Yvonne turned 91 last May.

 John Banning is ready! 
(Does anybody out there not like Peter Cushing? He is SO freakin' consistently cool!)

 The mummy is choking the crap out of John when Isobel comes into the room so John yells at her, "Let your hair down, Let your hair down!" so that she looks more like Princess Ananka!

 That immediately gets the mummy's attention!

Like in all good western movies, the hero rides off into the sunset!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??