Monday, July 14, 2008

DR. TERROR'S GALLERY OF HORRORS (Gallery Of Horror) - "The Ending Credits" (1967)

The other Dr. Terror movie that had the Biff Bailey Voodoo Jazz was so brilliant, you just knew any other Dr. Terror title would have something great in it!! Wrong!! Seems like "Dr. Terror's Gallery Of Horrors" is the biggest wannabe Hammer film ever, that makes it on absolutely no levels at all. It's filmed in Hollywood, the stories are terrible, the acting is worse and there's not even any credits for the music, but it does actually have one saving grace. The music from the closing credits is an inspired Zappaesque hodgepodge of sound that, well, while it's not worth sitting through the movie for, should be heard, so here you be, the very intelligent "Ending Credit Music" from one of the stupidest films I've ever seen! What a dichotomy!!!

John Carradine as the narrator is used once again for his name alone!!

The guy on the left looks a little like William Shatner, I guess that's a plus!

This guys pretty ugly and kind of creepy!!

This camera angle works really well when Freddie Francis uses it or in a "Doom" game, but it's overused to ill effect in this film!

Lon Chaney's talent is completely wasted, but it does look like he has three hands in this shot!!

This is exactly how I felt after watching this film too, so dazed and confused, even John Carradine couldn't bring me back to reality.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST / AIP - 1958 / Music by Alexander Laszlo


Here's music that haunts you, then, beats you up! Alexander Laszlo did themes for NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST, ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES and BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE, and, boy, they all sound very similiar! We've already archived those two other movies, so, check 'em out!.. But, for now!.. NIGHT BLOOD OF THE BEAST! (It really looks like that's what it says!)

The director of Blood Beast and Giant Leeches was a terrific guy that Rodan!, Eegah!! and Tabonga!! all knew, so, tonight's dedicated to Bernie! Did you know, Bernie's younger brother is the drummer for The Beach Boys!

Its lots of fun to watch Mike pull those levers, I mean, he pulls back on them like they're brakes on a downhill racer! Great acting!.. Okay, then, he crashes and dies!


I think making movies gave Edwin an excuse to light up whenever he felt like it! Interesting exhale pattern!

A good sci-fi movie is not complete without a scientist looking into a microscope!

But, cartoons?!!.. Oh, well, looks pretty weird, I guess, if you were a little kid!

Sometimes, old science pervs just gotta have a hot, young chick!.. "Hey, Mike's dead! C'mon!! Loosen up!"

There are some obvious similarities to THE THING, which, ain't a bad idea! I'm sure that's what Gene was going for at times, but, to spend only about 2 cents on the dollar?!!.. Sheesh!

This is Georgianna Carter, who, did one other picture, THE WILD RIDE in 1960. She happened to be Jack Nicholson's very first love interest!!

Whoa!.. Looks like they're X-Raying Georgianna!.. But, no, it's Mike after he wakes up and scares the crap outta the women!! Then, they discover this nest of babies inside him!! Little shrimpy sea horsies!.. Now, that actually was extra weird and shocking in 1958!!

Blood Beast decides to try a female this time!!

Boy, Mike needs to go on a diet!.. Oh, yeah, I forgot... He's pregnant!!

So, poor, misguided Blood Beast gets toasted at the end! In the '50s, the monster always lost!.. Sad!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

LA SOMBRA DEL MURCIELAGO (The Shadow Of The Bat) - Marta Romero - "Three Songs & A Wooly Bully" (1968)

"La Sombra Del Murciélago" is one more amazing Blue Demon movie, this time featuring the performances by the ever so talented Puerto Rican diva Marta Romero. The basic soundtrack music is provided by Jorge Pérez. 
The first song we get to hear is performed by Marta is "Con Un Poquito Este Noche" written by Armando Manzanero, as the Bat Boy, Guy, Wrasslin' Thing leers at the TV!! 
Bat Dude gets so worked up after that performance, he has to go wrassle with his buddy to get it all out of his system!! 
Isn't it about time for another number from Marta, okay, this time, how about "La Mentira," written by Álvaro Carrillo!! 
About that time, Blue Demon shows up!! 
Now what the Hell's going on?? "Wooly Bully" with a nutty sax solo! This movie rocks!!! 
You girls Go! Go! "Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully! Watch it now, watch it now!! 
Then Marta comes back with "¡Aye! Que Cruz" written by Federico Curiel, but all you really want is Wooly Bully" again or at least something exciting to happen! It's no wonder Marta turned to God in her later years, and ended her career as a gospel artist! 
Even the In Crowd is getting restless!! 
Finally something exciting happens, but is it too late?? 
Bat Guy Dude says, "I still rmember the days when it was two out of three falls, and a guy had a chance to come back and win!!! What happened??"

Friday, July 11, 2008

THEY CAME FROM BEYOND SPACE - James Stevens/Philip Martell - "The End" (1967)

This is probably my favorite lobby card, just because it has all the right elements, including googly eyes, and it comes to you courtesy of 
The spaceship in the living room routine is one of my favorites, what better place to hide an alien invasion! It could be happening in your neighbor's house right now!! 
Robert Hutton is forever a fave around here, and every bit as cool and suave as 007 all the way! Give the cat a break, James Bond never had to deal with aliens from outer space!! 
And what a gas of a cool car he drives, those aliens don't stand a chance!!! 
You're only going to get one warning, never, ever trust anyone you know or have met whose name is Lee, they are absolutely, and without a doubt Aliens! You got your conspiracy theories, I got mine, you've been warned!! 
The "Star Torture" room is unparalleled in film history, right up to, and including these guys, Adonis & Hercules, the alien door guards! 
"They Came From Beyond Space" is another one of those movies we didn't quite give enough space the first time around back in October of last year, so here is the music from the "Ending Credits" of this Freddie Francis classic. There's some extra bonus stuff, but, it's kind of a reprise of the beginning, so what else is new? It's some stylish music from composer James Stevens and conductor Phillip Martell, and well worth another listen!! Stevens did some great work in the movies, Martell's career is legendary! Dig in kids!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

THE DISEMBODIED / Allied Artists 1957 / Music by Marlin Skiles

Marlin Skiles dude like premanent fixture in music dept. in golden years of Hollywood! He also do tons of uncredited stock music for flick like QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE, THE HYPNOTIC EYE, SPACE MONSTER and WILD GALS OF THE NAKED WEST!!!Disembodied Music!
 You see, Allison have voodoo doll! 
She like to play fun game with it!.. Well, fun for her!!
 She pull hard and choke guy she hate because he SOB! 
HA HA!!.. Stupid jerkface!!.. You get what diserrrv... Hey, wait!... That her husband!!
 Oops!.. Allison have to quit choking, somebody come! 
In spare time, Allison like to play with neighbor kids!.. She good dancer too!!
 Dudes come from out of town to watch Allison and pals!! 
Allison ready to hit dude with dead chicken, hard!! 
 Then, she pick up big sharp knife! (Like one in Tabonga heart!) Hey, look how they fix her top, Allison have too much cleavage for little boy who go to monster movie back then!! 
She stab knife right in doll!.. She have good aim! 
And make dude cry for mommie!! 
But, anyway, Allison rule!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??