Wednesday, July 4, 2012

THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT - John Scott - "The 7th Continent" (1977)

"The People That Time Forgot" is based on a story by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of "Tarzan Of The Apes," and other books like.....

..."The Monster Men," a book I've had for years that has one of my favorite Frank Frazetta covers on it! Does that make it a good movie? Not exactly, but I did find it mildly entertaining for a few reasons!

If you really want to find some people that time forgot you need to either go to the bottom of the ocean, deep into some unknown jungle, or in this case, a distant frozen wasteland!

Voilà, once they get past the ice, there is a lush and green alternate environment replete with Dinosaurs and other remnants of the distant past!

The local cave girl is none other than Brit Pop Queen Dana Gillespie in another fine role, this time as Ajor! Last time we saw Dana, she was on another "Lost Continent!" John Wayne's son Patrick (Howdy Lewis) Wayne and Doug McClure get top credits in this film, but it's Dana that steals the show! Born Richenda Antoinette de Winterstein Gillespie, Dana has been the girlfriend of Donovan, has had records produced by Jimmy Page and David Bowie, and was Mary Magdalene in the original production of "Jesus Christ Superstar!"

"The television man is krazy, saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks, Oh man, I need TV when I've got T Rex!" - David Bowie, from "All The Young Dudes."

Dana still performs today as Dana Gillespie and The London Blues Band! Imagine if you will, it's said that as a schoolgirl, David Bowie used to carry her books for her!!! It was a year before this film was released that Bowie was in "The Man Who Fell To Earth," another movie we still need to get around to someday!

I took almost this same exact footage a couple of weeks ago, when it was so hot, the pine cones starting popping like popcorn!!

This place is not only inhabited by your everyday variety dinos, there's also critters like this big Scutosaurus. It's not too difficult to imagine the Scutosaurus farting and the resulting effects!

Bill Beavis didn't get credit for the cool scenic artwork, but he's the one who did it! I think the people who dwell here probably went to the "House On Skull Mountain" for vacations!

You've seen him here before, one of the Dungeon faves Milton (BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE, NIGHT CREATURES, DR.NO) Reid as the almighty and powerful SABBALA!

"The People That Time Forgot" may not be the best movie ever made, but I give them a lot of credits for some cool sets!

Here's the guy they have been looking for, Doug McClure as Bowen Tyler! Doug had an amazing career for a guy who only lived to be 59! Besides film, Doug had some incredible runs on TV, including 17 episodes of "Overland Trail" as Frank "Flip" Flippen, 70 episodes of "Checkmate" as Jed Sills, 249 episodes of "The Virginian" as Trampas/Tampas, and 13 episodes of "Barnaby Coast" as Cash Conover!

Joining Dana here for the big ceremony is Sarah (STRIPPERS VS. WEREWOLVES) Douglas as Charly! Among a horde of other things, Sarah was Ursa in "Superman" & "Superman II."

Sabbala attempts to have the last laugh at Ajor's expense!

The music throughout the whole ordeal was created by Maestro John Scott! Mr. Scott has almost 150 credits in almost every genre of film you can think of! I could write a whole blog on this one man's accomplishments, but I'll just tell you that he played both tenor and alto flute on The Beatles hauntingly beautiful number "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away," and that should be enough!

Not overly sexy, gross or gory for 1977, "The People That Time Forgot" can still be found on Netflix last time I checked!

Monday, July 2, 2012

THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON / Clarke-King Enterprises - 1959

It's Monster Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our feature is a flick that I saw back in 1959 at the theater, this time, actor Robert Clarke decides to cash in on the fifties monster craze by coming up with this 74 minute low budget story of a man turned into a lizard-like demon after a nuclear accident in a lab where he was working. That reissue poster looks to be from the eighties, dropping the adjective, 'hideous.'

Eegah!! made us a sounsclip all about the bar scene where Nan Peterson sings the monster classic love tune... "Strange Pursuit." Soooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there next to the exhaust port, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's a tune sans the fly from... THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON!

After being rushed to the hospital for radiation contamination, Dr. Gilbert McKenna, Robert Clarke, amazes everyone because of how quickly he seems to have recovered after the accident!

But, the first time he tries to catch a little sun, he freaks out the old biddy sharing the space with him! Pearl Driggs played the "Convalescing Woman on Roof," she was Robert Clarke's mother-in-law and also the mother of the singing King Sisters!


Wait, this guy who's trying to help Gil is pointing to a freakin' whale! Dude, no, lizard!

Here's the "Strange Pursuit" part in the soundclip... Even monsters need love (and cigarettes)! The decorations on the wall blow my mind!

Boys will be boys, so, Gil and singer Trudy's boyfriend, George, fight it out in the back room. Peter Similuk plays George, this was his last movie with a total of 10 acting credits. He also played a Russian pilot in THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.

After Gil leaves Trudy half naked on the beach, running off in his sportscar because the sun was rising, he goes back to the bar to apologize. But, George and his pals are there, so, they take him out back and beat the snot outta him! It's amazing how many bad bras got under tight sweaters of dames in the fifties, seriously!

Then, George finds Gil at Trudy's place in the daytime and makes him go outside, bad idea!

Richard Cassarino was the creator of the monster. The suit looks awkward on Robert as he lopes along, it riding up in places.

Back home, he discusses his hoplessness to his doctor friends.

I dig this photo the most with the gas station and classic '55 Caddy! That was the price of gas into the mid-seventies.

After getting a cookie from the little girl, he has to then listen to her tell him about the tea party she had with her stuffed toys!

His mind numbed, he has to get away before he punches her and runs directly out into the sun, what a maroon!

I did us all a big favor and only show him coming at you, if you know what I mean!! This last scene is hard for me to watch in spots because of my acrophobia, and, I did not enjoy being on top of the Space Needle in 1968 either...

Where I come from, we call that a mess!..

Saturday, June 30, 2012

FAHRENHEIT 451 (1966) – ‘Do you ever read the books you burn?’

Greg Goodsell here. With the recent passing of author Ray Bradbury at the ripe old age of 91, it seemed very timely than ever to dig out FAHRENHEIT 451 from 1966! This one has significant historical importance as it was the first sci-fi film to be directed by an important international film director, Francois Truffaut, perhaps best known for his 1961 classic JULES AND JIM! You’re in for a treat aurally as the score is by the great Bernard Herrman, which, IMHO, is his best score ever! It’s akin to spooning ice cream directly into your ears!

Bradbury was proudest of FAHRENHEIT 451, declaring it his “only work of science-fiction” – all his other stories and books, he maintained were fantasy. He had a special tombstone made prior to his death, which simply read RAY BRADBURY – AUTHOR OF FAHRENHEIT 451.

The story is a simple one – in a nightmarish dystopian future world, all books are banned, and the “firemen” in this world START fires, specifically burning books! FAHRENHEIT 451 is the temperature to which paper burns. One fireman, Montag, is asked by a girl on his monorail commute, “Do you ever read the books you burn?” The question sets him off on a journey of self-discovery!

Here’s something you didn’t know: Ray Bradbury DETESTED the fact that documentary filmmaker Michael Moore appropriated the title of FAHRENHEIT 9/11. Bradbury was adamant that Moore’s anti-American creed was little more than Cold War paranoia turned inwards, and was forthright in denouncing Moore as an “asshole!”

One thing never adequately explained: Since this is a post-literate future, with even labels on boxes of cereal reduced to numbers, how does Montag suddenly start reading? Here, the Goon Squad is set to incinerate some moldy old paperbacks!

One sees hesitation in Montag's eyes as he scorches another personal library. "Who am I to deny someone their right to read what they wish?" This question is lost on some very important people still operating in the world today, alas.

After a hard day of work, Working Joe Montag takes the monorail home to the suburbs, and into the arms of his drug-addicted, TV watching fish wife!

Austrian Oskar Werner, ne Oskar Josef Schliessmayer was a hot-shot international star in the Fifties and Sixties. He plays the lead as Montag, the fireman with a hidden intellect. Oskar's last film was VOYAGE OF THE DAMNED in 1976, and he passed away far too young at the age of 61 in 1984.

The beautiful Julie Christie plays dual roles in this film, Clarisse, the book-loving underground intellectual (pixie cut) and Montag's wife, Linda (long hair)! Is this Truffaut's clever way of saying that the thoughtful, intelligent Clarisse and the selfish, pill-gobbling Linda are the two sides of the same coin? Or that all women are alike? Julie is still working today -- she had a plum role in the Johnny Depp vehicle FINDING NEVERLAND as recently as 2004!

Back at home to watch a little telly. The one thing filmmakers did get right about the future was those giant TV screens in the walls!

In his production diary, director Francois Truffaut said he was displeased with the art direction in the film, in particular the one in Montag's flat. He said he wanted a chilling contrast between the ultra-modern and the antique, and what he got was mostly Swedish Modern looking stuff with carefully applied kitsch here and there, like those retro-telephones on the wall!

Like most jobs, the firemen are great gossips moving up the corporate ladder. Some things never change, even in dystopian futures, do they? On the left is top fireman Cyril Cusack who plays The Captain.

The firemen make a "book sweep." With their fashion sense borrowed freely from Benito Mussolini, coupled their stern, Reichstag German accents, the firemen provide a visual and aural reminder that such things HAD happened on the European continent previously.

Raiding an old lady's flat, the Captain and Montag find an extensive library of books ripe for burning! It is here that the Captain makes some powerful arguments AGAINST literacy -- philosophy, after all posits that the author is right and everyone else is wrong! "Tom Sawyer" offended the blacks; Nietzsche’s philosophies offended the Jews, and let’s not forget a shocking little booklet called "Mein Kampf." READING IS BAD.

Tired of a husband who can read, Julie "shops" Montag to the book-burning authorities! Gotta love that Technicolor Red!

Montag gets sick and tired of the captain's shit and lets him have it! YEAH! We've all felt that way at some point in our lives.

The word gets out about the murderous fireman and the police take to the streets with loudspeaker-equipped cars. Little boxes made of ticky tacky, Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same. There's a green one and a pink one. And a blue one and a yellow one, and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

Evading the clutches of his nefarious totalitarian state, Montag is killed by proxy on state TV for the benefit of the cowed populace!

Montag high-tails it to the outskirts of the city, where a whole hippie commune dedicates themselves to memorizing books in order to preserve the world's literary heritage!

Montag meets Clarisse once again, and finds a new purpose in life, in which he preserves -- rather than destroys, individual thought.

Ending on a note of fairy tale beauty, FAHRENHEIT 451 is a timeless story about intellectual freedom that needs to be rigorously protected -- regardless on which side of the political, religious or social side of the coin its adversaries spring from. One final factoid: while this is a film on very important subjects, Truffaut said he wanted to replicate the silly escapist fun of his childhood favorite DR. CYCLOPS (1940) with this title! In either case, this movie needs to be revisited.

Monday, June 25, 2012

We Need About A Week Off For Damage Control!

Sorry kids, but Tabonga couldn't make it tonight, he's busy moving files back into position, so, since we very rarely take a break, we're going to shut down for a week, and see how much damage control we can take care of! This is some very tedious busy work, but we've almost got all the pictures for 2012 back in place, the archives are going to take a while longer, and some might be out of commission for a weeks or months, but eventually, we'll get it all patched up again! We'll return on this coming Saturday with a new review from Greg Goodsell, his homage to the recently deceased Ray Bradbury, and then we'll try and get back on our regular schedule again, so stay turned on and tuned in, but don't drop out!!! We'll be back before you have a chance to miss us!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Don't Get A Smart Phone If You're Too Stupid To Operate It!!!

Okay Folks, here's what's happening! Don't get a Smart Phone if you're as stupid as me! I never wanted a phone, but I got one for Father's Day, okay, pretty cool! All these 1000's of pictures showed up in my gallery when the phone linked up on it's own with my Picasa account where Google stores all our photos, and so I deleted a couple thousand of them off my phone because I didn't want it to become constipated before I figured out that it was actually deleting them off the web site! The mess that you now see that used to be our blog is the result! You can't talk to anybody at Google or Picasa, and as far as I can tell, there is no chance for restoration, so we are slowly and tediously replacing all the photos, except one other problem is there's like some kind of time delay, and now some are gone that were there yesterday! We might have to take some time off because this is going to take days or maybe weeks to fix, like we really didn't have anything better to do! There is a very real possibility that this site is cursed!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??