Saturday, June 26, 2010

THINGS - Stryk-9/Familiar Strangers - "Things" (1989)

Eegah!! says: Okay Folks, I gotta take the night off, and go to my buddy's 90th birthday party, so, would you please welcome back, long lost guest host Zillagord, with something tasty he's cooked up for you called.........

THINGS (Canada, 1989).

Greetings and felicitations, denizens and disciples of the dungeon!! I, Zillagord, maven turkey knocker and cub movie reviewer third class, have broken free from the imperious ivory tower of academia to present to you a mind-numbing exercise in horror and gore, THINGS!! This Canadian import, the brain(dead) child of director/co-writer Andrew Jordan and co-writer/star Barry Gillis is a truly unique and disgusting experience, one that rivals the mighty BLOOD FREAK on my list of all-time, uh…greats?

Was that a “Pshaw!” I heard? Hyperbole, you say? Disbelievers and infidels, feast yer peepers on the following, an email I received from almighty EEGAH!! after he screened the film for possible inclusion on this here blog:

I just finished watching “THINGS!” Please remove my email address from your address book, because I never want to hear from you again. I will send you $10.00 cash ASAP, because I am going to destroy this disc so nobody else you know ever has to endure such punishment again. It was almost nice knowing you, but our friendship is now terminated forever!

Thankfully, fearless readers, our comradeship and my lucrative post were restored after hours of supplication on my part, aided and abetted by several pitchers of frothy margaritas. Moved by my heartfelt devotion to the blog (or was it the Hornitos?), EEGAH!! has charitably forgiven this humble scribe and allowed me to carry on in my duties here, with the caveat that I faithfully man the blender at his bidding whenever he flashes back to the complete and utter horror that is THINGS!! Thanks for the second chance, boss, you won’t regret it. Or will he…?

Surround yourselves with the incredible sounds here! For your amusement, I have included in my review much dialogue from the film because, frankly, these words demonstrate the sheer ludicrousness of the movie more ably that any turkey knocker could hope to articulate. Now, without further adieu…

THINGS is a film by horror fans, which is what makes it so fun: Jordan and Gillis brought the unbridled enthusiasm of Ed Wood and mixed it up with their devotion to horror icons George Romero, David Cronenberg, THE EVIL DEAD, and ALIEN, among others. Gusto only goes so far, though, and what results from this balls-out approach is what frequently happens when one’s balls are out: THINGS is one long episode of indecent exposure!!

The whole magilla starts with a prologue (natcherly), in which Doug (Doug Bunston) encounters this weird masked woman, and the raison d’etre (that’s college-speak for reason, dropouts) of the creatures is revealed.

Doug: “I want you to have my baby. My wife and I tried to have a baby, but we could never get one.”

She reveals the kid, and Rosemary’s Baby it ain’t!

Phew! It was just a dream sequence… or was it???

Doug’s wife is really pregnant, but with what?? Doug gives his wife some pills, “to help ease the pain.” Hey Doug, got any for us?? We’re gonna need ‘em….

My favorite shot in the film. Clearly, the sky is not the limit here.

Out of the Great White North and into the fray comes Doug’s brother Don (left, Barry Gillis) and his friend Fred (Bruce Roach). These dudes are ready to party! Nothing quite as festive as a house with an expectant mother whose belly is fulla critters!

These guys go straight for the booze, and find something curious in the icebox-- a book called “The Horror of 1000 Ugly Brutal Cuts” and a mysterious tape player with some creepy voices on it, leading Don to ask Fred, “How’d that movie start, that one you’re always talking about? You know, that weird one with… all those weird things?” Oh yeah, THAT one!

The creepy voices get a little dull, so Don urges Fred to turn on the TV. “They get the bestiality network up here.” Damn, in America, we’re stuck with only Cinemax.

This must be the Bestiality News! Porn star Amber Lynn proves that although she can’t remember her lines, she can at least read English in her portrayal of (get this) Amber Lynn, Newscaster!

Amber: “A medical discovery from the world-renowned Dr. Lucas of Grizzly Flats. If the human brain is exposed to ultra-violet light, a human’s lifespan will double. Scientists all over the world are very happy with this discovery.” So are the makers of Depends!

Cut to Doc Lucas’s lab for some gratuitous gore and some evil snickering so over the top, it’ll make you think Rocky Rococco is at your cervix! Meh-heh-heh, meh-heh-heh!

Fred: “Isn’t this Salvador Dali’s famous “Devil’s Daughter” painting? It was thought to be burnt years ago.” Gee, you never know what you’ll find in the Canadian wilderness!

Nothing better than watching someone watch television! Now THAT’S entertainment!

Don: “This beer tastes like cowshit. Must’ve come from a well in West Africa.”

Wow! They really DO get the Bestiality Network! I gotta change cable providers….

Finally, after a seemingly interminable 20 minutes of male bonding featuring beer, sandwiches, and television, the THINGS are unleashed! Well, a THING. You gotta start somewhere.

Being men of action, it’s quickly back to the kitchen table for more booze and exposition, as Don reveals to Doug and Fred that crazy Doc Lucas “artificially impregnated” Susan. This leads to one of my favorite stretches of dialogue in the film, as Doug launches into a left-field monologue like no other.

Doug: “I read a story once about something weird like this. It was in a sci-fi novel about a couple of teenagers who had nothing better to do one summer… than to kill a neighborhood boy named Harold…. When he was young, they all bothered him… because he was thin… as a toothpick. As he got older, they… they all laughed at him, because he was fatter than a fridge.” What the…? And that’s only the beginning….

Who are these people, and why aren’t they at the Duran Duran concert?? Meanwhile, the power in the cabin is lost, and Fred spontaneously combusts, off-screen of course.
Don’s explanation: “I think he went into the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimension.” Well, if Amber Lynn can do the news, I guess anything’s possible!

Don: “You never told me you were a kindergarten artist”
Doug: “Well, you never told me you were an asshole either, I had to find out for myself.”

Don and Doug spring into action… by drinking, telling bad jokes, and waxing philosophical.
Don: “How do you get paper children? You fuck a bag lady!”

Doug: “Does a toilet flush in a blackout?”

Finally (again—like Fred, times seems to slip into the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions during the film, it’s almost like the viewer is in a fugue state), Don and Doug head to the basement to restore power. But THINGS are lurking....

Don: “I’m not very good at electricity things.”

Sheer horror! Doug is bitten, his hand taken by the THINGS. The sound effects and Doug’s tortured screams in this scene are priceless, as is this line from Don: “The blood is just dripping like maple syrup!” These dudes even bleed Canadian!!

The THINGS overrun the joint, killing Doug. Don vows to his brother, “You’re dead…. No way am I gonna let the creatures eat you alive.”

Can a person spontaneously reassemble?? Somehow, Fred’s back, and boy is he pissed there’s no more of that West African beer!

Don makes a grisly discovery: “They ate Susan. They ate her to the skull.”

Fred then meets a similar fate at the jaws of the THINGS. His parting lines: “Don… this is the last time I’m goin’ on any of your trips” and “You little fucker! Come back here with my eyeball!”

Having survived the night, Don encounters good ol’ Doc Lucas, played by Jan W. Pachul. Folks, I have watched 100s of Grade Z flicks, and I must say that this dude is among the worst actors I have ever seen, and I mean that in the best possible way: he’s truly unbelievable. He also has the best line of the film, which concisely articulates the THINGS experience in only six words: “This is ghastly, horrible, brutal… insane!”

The Doc tries to pin the carnage on Don, who replies: “Your experiment fucked up and you’re blaming me? You’re the madman!”

Don, fed up with the Doc, shoves him into a bathroom full of THINGS. The Doc’s last words: “Creatures with no soul are devouring me whole!” And his feet are Longfellows! Don finally makes his escape by leaving through the front door— clever plan!!

Don emits perhaps the greatest man-scream ever committed to celluloid when he finds help!

But alas! It was all a dream… again! Well, part of it was. Uh… I think. What was that I was saying about fugue states? Anyway, Doc Lucas promises “Dead or alive, we’re all gonna getcha!”

And Don irrationally repeats “I’ll be okay” over and over as the dulcet tones of Stryk-9 begin to swell and the credits roll….

WOW! And friends and fiends, I didn’t even get around to a lot of other stuff in the film, including the greatest puking scene ever, an apparent nuclear attack, a Dippy bird, cockroach sandwiches, the song “Tailspin” by Fred’s (Bruce Horton’s) band Familiar Strangers, much, much more hilarious dialogue, and the closing dedication to Tony Iommi and Black Sabbath!

Plus, on the 19 ½ Anniversary DVD, there’s a host of extras, including a THINGS drinking game (take note, EEGAH!!). Folks, I don’t make pronouncements like this lightly: THINGS is the ultimate treasure trove for the trash cineaste. I promise you, if you dig cult horror, THINGS is the film for you!

I would like to thank Andrew Jordan and Barry Gillis for allowing us to use the photos and music from their film, and also for altering my reality with THINGS. You’ll never forget it once you see it, so see it already and let your lifetime resentment against me begin!

Order THINGS here:

Become a friend and fan at the THINGS Facebook page here:

And witness the further warped wizardry of Barry Gillis by checking out the trailer to his latest opus, WICKED WORLD, here:

I am hoping to interview Barry about his experiences with THINGS and WICKED WORLD soon, and I will post the wretched results here at Monster Movie Music. That is, if EEGAH!! doesn’t permanently blacklist me from the blog after this post. Stay tuned! Looks like I better stoke up that blender!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

THE GIANT GILA MONSTER In Color / Hollywood Pictures - 1959

Welcome to Friday Night Drive-In here at the Dungeon! Our feature, THE GIANT GILA MONSTER, is the follow up to last Friday's post, THE KILLER SHREWS, and was originally double billed with it. Again, these two are the only movies Hollywood Pictures ever made. Also filmed in Tejas.

Great tagline!.. "Only Hell could breed such an enormous beast. Only God could destroy it!" What?.. God is nitroglycerin?!

The flick starts with this teaser scene, we're introduced to the Gila Monster as it takes advantage of teens making out to a swingin' tune on the radio, exactly like at the start of BEGINNING OF THE END two years earlier!

The music is by Jack Marshall, he only had a total of 22 composing credits, mostly TV, between 1958-69 but includes a few good titles like THUNDER ROAD, MUNSTER, GO HOME!, TAMMY AND THE MILLIONAIRE and KONA COAST!

Dungeon helper Ralphie the Tarantula sez he's pumped and ready to push the big red 'GO' button and start our show rolling, right off the cliff!.. THE GIANT GILA MONSTER!

Life used to be a lot simpler, and some would say, better... Like, Tabonga!!

Hey! Gimme a snort of that there... Sodi pop!!

Shug Fisher plays the booze hound Old Man Harris, Shug was a member of the Sons Of The Pioneers!! Other movies he can be seen in are THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS, SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, UTAH, MAN FROM OKLAHOMA, SONG OF ARIZONA, UNDER NEVADA SKIES and THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE!

Desmond Doogh plays the hitchhiker in his only film role! Jeez, maybe the Giant Gila Monster really ate him!!!

"Hey man, you can't drive this car!" Chase informs disc jockey Horatio Alger 'Steamroller' Smith, played by Ken Knox. Ken had three acting credits that include MY DOG, BUDDY and BEYOND THE TIME BARRIER!

The gang go out looking for their missing friends in their hot rods, what else?

Come and give auntie a kiss!

They find the car, but no bodies! Chase's girlfriend, Lisa Simone, helps to get the car to the top of the ravine. Lisa was also in MISSILE TO THE MOON!!

Later that evening, our scaly fiend decimates a gas truck!

When you star in such fiftie's classics as TEENAGE ZOMBIES, THE MONSTER OF PIEDRAS BLANCAS and CURSE OF THE UNDEAD, you're a Dungeon Hero like Don Sullivan here! Hey, the guy sings and he got to make out with Jeanne Carmen!!! Nu'f said!

Shug sees something very weird on his way home, the Gila Monster derailing a train, but he's not sure if it isn't just the booze!

'Steamroller' gets the party started, looks like everbloody's gonna have a good time!!

Chase is interrupted just as he's getting to the good part!

Chase grabs some nitroglycerin at the local storage shed. It's hard to believe that it doesn't blow when he leaves to find the monster, he gets scratch and then drives 90 mph down some back roads in Texas!.. C'MON!!!

Four... Three... Two... One... KA-EFFIN'-BLOOIE!!!

Sweet dreams, you Giant Gila Monster, you!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

KONEC SRPNA V HOTELU OZON - Jan Klusák - "Hotel Ozone" (1967)

Hiyah Kids, Hiyah, Hiyah! For this weeks installment of WTF? Wednesday, I've got a real snoozer of a movie for you out of 1960's cold war Czechoslovakia, that translates as something to the tune of "Late August At The Ozone Hotel", and if you are in the mood for a nap, then this movie is your Diphenhydramine HCI! I know, I know I promised you the 750 times more exciting "Robo-Vampire," but it just so happens that I lied! So, WTF? This is what you get!

To be fair, when you've been living on a steady diet of "Hellzapoppin," Mexican wrasslers, and the Three Stooges, and the testosterone level on an arty flick like this is way down there south of the border in the negativo departmento, what's a guy supposed to do, but rest his eyes for a little while?

I really had hoped the end of the world would be more exciting than this!!

Time and time again, we're faced with the same old question, just because it's the future, does it really qualify as Science Fiction?

You know, like in that famous film festival in the south of France!

There isn't much of a story line in this film, nuclear holocaust, with only a handful of survivors, just trying to get by, day by day by day by day by day, and it's basically the perennial snail going for a joyride on the back of a turtle, but seriously, a lot of people really like this film for it's starkness, desolation, and underlying overtones. A lot of people like to watch paint dry!

So what if it was in musical comedy in colour, and these two gals were Jayne Mansfield and Jane Russell, but the pace, and everything else was the same.........I dunno...probably wouldn't have been any better!

The composer of the music for "Konec Srpna V Hotelu Ozon" was a gentleman by the name of Jan Klusák, who had a nice career in film that ran from 1960 to 1991, composing music for Czechoslovakian movies like "Revenge," "Chasing The Cat," "Krik" and "Strop!"

I read somewhere that somebody said this lady had the most beautiful expressive face they'd ever seen, and I agree, but is that really enough to base a movie on? I guess!

It's the end of the world, why should it be anything but slow and depressing, there's just not a whole Helluva lot to do! At least they have horses, and they do eventually meet an older male of the species still surviving, but it takes a lot of patience to get that far into the future!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??