Wow! That month went by really fast, so here ya go, this is our last offering in this Countdown To Halloween 2019, and it is a short animated feature from 1978 called
"Witch's Night Out!"
This is the home of the witch in the daylight hours. It just looks like a rundown olde mansion!
This is the star of the show, the witch!
The witch's voice is done by the always hilarious Gilda (99 Episodes of Saturday Night Live) Radner! It's a real bummer that Gilda passed away at only 42, a victim of cancer back in 1989!
These two kids out trick or treating are named Tender and Small!
The woman giving out the treats is called Nicely!
Fiona (Dr. Zonk and the Zunkins) Reid is the voice of Nicely.
Tender and Small try and scare something out of the krazy neighbor lady named Malicious, but that doesn't work! Catherine (Beetlejuice, and the voice of Sally in Nightmare Before Christmas) O'Hara is the voice of Malicious.
The kids are sad because they were not able to scare anybody, and even worse, everybody recognized them! The juxtaposition of the extremely simple artwork of the kids and the elaborate background works well together.
The townsfolk have all decided to go to the olde haunted mansion to have a spooky Halloween party. They don't even know the witch actually lives there!
The witch sees all the creepy people in her house and decides to vacate the premises for the evening!
It's not like they can mess her place up or anything like that!
It's not like they can mess her place up or anything like that!

She gets on her broomstick and takes off, and the next thing you know, she's crashed into this window!
Just by sheer luck, the witch has crash landed in the bedroom of Tender and Small.
While the adults are out, a guy named Bazooey is babysitting the kids. They tell the witch that they are not having a fun Halloween because they are not scaring anyone, and she offers to help them out in that situation!
With a wave of her wand, the witch turns Small into a werewolf!
Tender always wanted to be a ghost, and now she is.
Bazooey gets transformed into a Frankenstein character!
The kids finally have a good time and go back to the witch's house and scare all the adults!
Then everything goes to Heck and back. The witch loses her wand and can't change them back.
Malicious finds the wand and tries to change stuff into something with monetary value!
And in the meantime, the townspeople think the kids are missing and that these monsters must have them, and turn into an unruly mob. They only thing they are lacking is torches!
It all gets straightened out in the end, and the witch offers to transform some of the people if they'd like, and Nicely says, she'd always wanted to be a vampire, so...
presto, change-o!
Another character named Rotten gets changed into an angel, and Malicious becomes a fairy princess!
It's all fun, and nobody gets hurt, (just the way it's supposed to be) and the witch invites everybody back to her place for the time of their lives!
We hope you liked the show!