This Saturday Night Special was a muchly appreciated recommendation from KD, and lucky for me and you, I was able to find a decent copy of it on YouTube to watch!
"Without Warning" might seem like one long 77 minute public service announcement...........
............ but it's a really good one!
............ but it's a really good one!
There's basically two ways to do this. People are getting killed and the time in the movie is spent trying to figure out who is doing it, or you've got people getting killed, you know who the killer is, and the movie is about seeing how long it takes them to get caught!
"Without Warning" falls into the latter category, as you are introduced to the killer in the first few minutes!
This particular killer has a bit of a unique modus operandi, he uses a pair of garden shears!
The grisly murder is in all the headlines!
In the meantime, the cops start a manhunt!
No, it wasn't the milkman who did it!
Then all the weirdos come out and start confessing to murders they didn't commit! One idiot goes nuts choking that doll to demonstrate how he murdered the girl! (He was too stupid to know she was stabbed to death!)
The geniuses in the lab helped with a lot of the investigative work back then!
So here he is! He's a normal enough guy for being a gardener!
Adam Williams as Carl Martin was a staple on TV for three decades and was on "Science Fiction Theatre," "Thriller," "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," and two episodes of "The Twilight Zone," "A Most Unusual Camera," and "The Hitch-Hiker."
Carl Martin spots himself another possible victim! We don't know much about why he does what he does, but we do know he likes blondes!
So here's the message to all the beautiful young women in the world, don't trust strangers, even if you are a two-bit floozie, because something really bad might happen to you if you're not careful about the kind of people you hang out with!
Well, she was not listening very good at all!
He takes her where all guys go on their first date!
Like Nowhere'sville Daddy-O!
What did I tell you?
Angela (Creature With The Atom Brain) Stevens gets credit as the 'blonde!'
The two cops investigating the case are played by Edward Binns who was also in two "Twilight Zone" episodes, "I Shot An Arrow Into The Air," and "The Long Morrow," on the left. On the right is Harland (Donovan's Brain, The Monster That Challenged The World) Warde!
The plan is to send out all these blonde gals out to the local dives, and see if they can flush out this creep! Of course, they will all each be closely watched by a plain clothes cop for safety!
Marilee (The Rifleman, Rawhide) Phelps is the next potential victim!
Adam does a good job of being a lying sleazeballl!
It looks like they are finally going to catch this bastard, and then he notices he's being followed!
This time he leaves a weird clue, a steel suppository!
Byron Kane is the Police chemist.
What he's doing here is actually making a cup of coffee!
Byron was not only an actor, but he was also the associate producer of the "Peter Gunn" TV series. He was in "Gog," "The Monster That Challenged The World," and "The Twilight Zone" episode titled "From Agnes - With Love."
Sure made me wonder where they found this ramshackle shack overlooking the highway that they used as Carl Martin's home!
When they finally catch the rotten sumbitch, well, that's the end of the story!
See you in Hell Carl, you piece of garbage!
"Without Warning" has got an awesome cast, a swingin' soundtrack, and here's the place where you can watch it,
Para Nada, Gratis, like Free, so why not?