I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our haunted coffins, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a sample from... NIGHTMARE IN BLOOD!
A lot a time is spent in the San Francisco Comic Shop, our heroes' thinkin' spot. Ahh, the good old days, simple pleasures and plenty of that there eye candy!
Our guys end up on a local TV horror show to discuss the bloody murders.
Here's a warning for Eegah!!.. He's our resident golfer, and, many of his balls end up in the rough! I just want to let him know that there are maniacs out there just looking to slice up anybloody who loses their balls in the rough!!
Welp, in SF, if you're planning on hunting Draculas, you'll need this lightning bolt talisman!
Malakai sleeps in his coffin all day, then get's up to go work in his lab with his two little helper goons. There are always plenty of things to do, like...
Injecting this dude in the brain with a special double needled syringe... Fun stuff!
Our heroes use Malakai's own lab amenities against him and his pals, one dude gets a jar full of acid thrown on him! OUCHIE!!

Malakai gets the Star of David stuck to his head and he goes into freak out mode, looks like the little guy did the job!

But, to make sure, they bring in the big sharp stake to finish off the Dracula! Eegah!! takes the reigns on Wednesday, no telling what he will have for us, so, until then...