It's Viernes with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our south-of-the-border offering stars oddball comedian Gaspar Henaine as the extra nutty Capulina. It would be absurd for a Mexican comedian to never tangle with vampires during any of his vintage celluloid adventures, know what I mean?!..

We have a fun little soundclip for your enjoyment, so, push the big red 'GO' button there by the little green man,
now, Rufus The Gnat! Here are some sounds from...
It starts with Capulina reading a horror story about vampires...

Later, his boss gets a call from a mysterious woman and Capulina has to go on assignment at an old haunted house in the country. Yes, he walks there!

On the way, he gets some sage advice about vampires from this creepy stranger in a bar. Amazingly, it's not John Carradine!

Wow, this place reminds me of what I envisioned when I wrote the script for SPOOK JOINT, about a rock-a-billy band that gets stranded in an old house in the country on a rainy night.

One of the portraits sticks it's bright red tongue out at Capulina!

He goes exploring and discovers a lady vampire and a midget ghost buddie!

The Count orders a Bloody Mary...
Holy crap!!.. Them tusks would fetch a decent sum on the ivory market!

The guys try and figure out exactly how you kill a vampire.

The Vampire's helpers get the last laugh and torture Capulina by tickling his feets!

No legitimate vampire comedy would be complete without half naked girls running around in their see-thru nighties! I've said this before, my favorite dream is where I was chased around in the dark and hid from vampire girls in night gowns in a creepy old 2-story house.

I'll leave you to your own devices to analyze this baby bottle gag.

What a great set for such a low budget movie!

After the crazy adventure's finally over, well, it's time for a good night's sleep...
Here's the 1-sheet poster from this flick, I have three other Capulina titles in my library where he meets a witch, a mummy and goes into space!
man, this looks great! i've only ever seen Santo vs Capulina & Capulina vs The Monsters and this looks better.
Great heapin' gobs o'Momias,Vampiros and Franke'stein y el hombre lobo!your sound clips always crack me up..
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