Wednesday, November 4, 2020

THE PROFESSIONALS - "Stakeout" (1978)

"The Professionals" was a super cool British TV show that was on for five seasons from 1977 to 1983, and the Weird Wednesday part is unless you live in Europe, you most likely know nothing about it, and the only DVDs available are expensive and in a mode that you need an all-regions DVD player if you want to watch them.
CI5 were a group of highly trained individuals who worked on assignments so special, they answered to no one, hence the name "The Professionals."

"Stake Out" was episode number 10, and it aired March 3, 1978.
It's kind of funny that what was considered professional in 1978 would be viewed more as totally politically incorrect by today's standards! That's a big part of what makes it so much fun to watch!

Lewis Collins as Bodie was the one who had advanced military training and fighting skills. In 1964, Lewis was the drummer in a band called The Mojos, who released a song called "Everything's All Right," a song good enough that nine years later, it was covered by David Bowie!
Sadly, Lewis Collins passed away in 2013 at the age of 67 from cancer.

Martin (The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad) Shaw was Doyle, the ex-policeman and the one with the street sense of this real dynamic duo.

Gordon (The Quatermass Xperiment) Jackson is George Cowley, the only person Bodie and Doyle have to answer to.

The very swingin' soundtrack was created by Laurie Johnson, the man also responsible for the music in "The Avengers," "Thriller," and much more.

In "Stakeout," the boys are sent to a bowling alley to investigate some drug dealers, but stumble onto a much bigger and more deadly scheme.

Most episodes of "The Professionals" include a bevy of British birds, and this one is no exception!

Believe it or don't, but references to bowling have been found in ancient Egyptian diggings dating back five thousand years. The age of modern bowling dates back to 300 AD in Germany, and speaking of Germany, it's time for another shout out to Lord Litter for this marvelous discovery!

Despite being completely out of their element, Bodie and Doyle do their best to blend in!

If you take it seriously enough, bowling can be a very frustrating and challenging game!

In all the episodes I've seen so far, it's not often you find these two in an uncompromising situation like this!

And of course there is always a colorful cast of evildoers like these two characters!

Still trying to blend in, and still failing to do so!

Luckily, the boys get a break when they confiscate the camera of some perv in the bowling alley taking random pictures like this.

Okay, this has got to be one of the greatest story lines of all time, a miniature but very powerful atomic bomb hidden in a bowling ball bag!

There still might be hope, if we can just get the right wire clipped!

Monday, November 2, 2020

NIGHT GALLERY / "The Dead Man" - 1970

In today's creepy story, at his home, Dr. Max Redford is experimenting on a young man, John Fearing, that can mimic the symptoms of any disease. Unfortunately, him and the doctor's wife Velia are having an affair, and that creates some problems...

Rod sets the story up for us. This one stars Carl Betz, Jeff Corey, Louise Sorel, and Michael Blodgett. Carl played Dr. Alex Stone on THE DONNA REED SHOW in the fifties and sixties among other things and died of cancer at age 56. You will remember Jeff (with 237 acting credits) as Mr. Lomax in THE OUTER LIMITS episode, "O.B.I.T." Louise was on a ton of  TV dramas, usually playing a villainess and meddler, and did many daytime soap operas. Michael was in movies like THE TRIP, BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS and THE VELVET VAMPIRE.

Dr. Redford calls his friend Dr. Talmadge to show him what he's been up to. His patient can change from healthy, to having symptoms of many different deadly diseases.

John has been hypnotized to respond to taps with an object and can change back and forth depending on the tapping patterns. 

The doctor finally brings John out of the trance, and viola, he's back to normal. And he's as handsome as ever!

At dinner that night, Dr. Talmadge remarks on how vibrant Velia was looking.

Max doesn't seem that thrilled about his wife's change, and it shows.

Velia and John go for a walk after dinner, that's when Max tells Talmadge about his wife's affair with his patient. He's in a pickle and does not want to upset John and lose him as a patient, it could be a tremendous breakthrough in medicine and he wants credit for the years of work...

The next day, Max calls Talmadge in to show him a new trick. The doctor confirms that John is actually dead! Max laughs and taps his pattern... No response!

Talmadge screams, basically... KID, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!

Now the train goes off the rails, for real. Max is in panic mode and is trying to get an injection ready for John, when...

Velia comes into the room to discover her lover, dead!

Ho boy, Velia watches as a bevy of doctors and nurses parade out of the house, meaning, they tried everything they could to save John, but alas. And after the burial, Velia walks by herself back to their place, through the graveyard!

Months later, Max asks Talmadge to come over and take all of his tapes and notes to review, and see where he went wrong. Talmadge listens to some tapes and discovers what went wrong...

Max had (for some unfathomable reason) tapped three times and then once, but should of tapped three times and then twice! Holy freaking scheiss!!!.. Ricky!!

And guess what?! Right! Velia walks in while Talmadge was drilling that point into Max's thick skull! She runs through the graveyard to John's tomb. She pounds the correct pattern out on the coffin lid. Boy, don't you think something bad is about to happen?

Max chases after his wife while Talmadge grabs a flashlight before following, but he has trouble finding the tomb in the dark. But when Talmadge does find it, he pans the room with the light. First, he notices that the coffin lid is open...

And then finds Velia in shock, against a wall.

Max is dead on the floor, choked to death, he's been attacked by John's corpse.

At least John still has a nice head of hair! So, I guess we'll be back Wednesday, we'll just have to wait and see. Just kidding, we'll be back no matter what, even if it's the end of the world!!

And, we want to say goodbye to Sean Connery, the Real James Bond!! He freaking hated to wear suits, I'm with you Bro ~

Saturday, October 31, 2020

THE MUPPET SHOW - "With Alice Cooper" (1978)

 Well, it looks like we're gonna make it, so let's finish this Countdown To Halloween off in style with a Saturday Night Special going back to 1978 and "The Muppet Show" again, but this time with special guest star, rock & roll horrormeister Alice Cooper!

Of course Alice makes his first appearance on the show coming out of a coffin!
"Welcome to my nightmare, I think you're gonna like it!"

“Alas, poor Yorick!"
Alice is looking good in this vampire outfit, and does a routine with this ghost!

Alice channeling his inner Lon Chaney in "Phantom Of The Opera."

This shot looks like it came straight out of a Salvador Dali painting, and speaking of Dali, if you don't know about Alice Cooper and Salvador Dali's encounter in 1973, and Dali's creation called "Cylindric Chromo-Hologram Portrait of Alice Cooper’s Brain," then by all means, you can read Alice's accout of the whole story, by going right HERE!
One of the bits they do on this show is Alice tries to get Kermit to sign a contract, virtually selling his soul to the devil! The funniest thing is that to my knowledge, these days Alice is a devout Christian!

But you know what, he's got a good sense of humor!!

I don't know what the heck these singing things are!

The name his parents gave him was Vincent Damon Furnier, but he had it changed legally to Alice Cooper in 1975! Another krazy thing about Alice is that he is a scratch golfer. If you don't know what that means, it means he's REALLY good!!

There might have only been five episodes of "The Snoop Sisters" made, but just like "The Muppet Show," Vincent Price and Alice Cooper were both in one. Also in 1975, there was a TV Special called "Alice Cooper: The Nightmare," and Vincent Price was on it as The Spirit Of The Nightmare.

This touching moment proves there really is somebody out there somewhere for each and every one of us!

They did have enough time for a short segment of "Pigs in Space."

Little did they know............................

........................That some 48 years after they wrote the words "School's Out Forever"..................

...................In the year 2020, it would all come true!!!

If you just can't get enough of Alice in Monsterland, there's always "Monster Dog" to watch.

And if that's still not enough, another fun thrill ride is "Diary Of A Mad Housewife!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??