Saturday, March 6, 2021

THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER "Love/Hate" (1955)

This week's Saturday Night Special is called "The Night Of The Hunter," a film made in 1955, starring the always entertaining James Mitchum in a seriously creepy role as a serial killer posing as a preacher. Some call him a religious fanatic, but I see him as a predator, a con man, a phony, and a complete shyster, on top of being a murdering son of a bitch with no conscience, who preys on innocent and ignorant women and children! He's a real ladykiller all right!
"The Night Of The Hunter" is a dark, mean spirited, but beautifully filmed motion picture that was directed by screen legend Charles Laughton, and it's pretty damn obvious that a lot of thought was given to each and every shot!

The subject matter is a different story. The film opens with some kids finding a dead woman!

Cut to Robert Mitchum as insane killer Harry Powell. He claims to be a preacher, but I'd like to see his papers! Yeah, you guessed it, he was responsible for the death of that woman. Basically, the only friend Harry has, is his blade, kind of like "The Creep."
Cut to Dungeon Super Hero Peter Graves as Ben Harper. Ben is going down, and only his son knows where he stashed the money!  Peter Graves is the brother of "Gunsmoke's" James Arness, and besides "Mission: Impossible," "Killers From Space," "It Conquered The World," and "Beginning Of The End," Peter entertained me every Saturday morning for years as Jim Newton on "Fury."

Somehow Ben Harper ends up in the same cell as the freakazoid Harry Powell. Ben is going to be executed for his crimes, but before he does, he unintentionally and vaguely mentions the money he stole and where it might possibly be. 
Ben is put to death, and Harry is released and on the prowl, and it don't take much thought to figger out where he's headed!

Harry moves in on Ben Harper's wife and kids, and invariably, the females young and old fall for his phony ass routine!

Janis Joplin probably said it best, "Women is losers!"
Next thing you know, Preacher Harry, and Ben Harper's widder, are getting hitched, cause no woman wants to be lonely!

Ben Harper's ex-wife Willa is played by the always phenomenal Shelly Winters! Here she is on her wedding night, all ready to hop in the sack with the preacher.

But this is all he has to offer to her.....................He really is a bastard!

The preacher just keeps on waiting for the kids to slip up about where the money is hidden, but they're on to him! (I think, but sometimes you have to wonder)

Harry ends up slitting Willa's throat, and disposes her body in the river, so now he's the sole provider for the kids!

The kids escape Harry's clutches, and head on down the river. For me, this would have been as good a time as any to end this movie, but instead, the kids float down the river for a while, and they end up in what as might as well be, a new movie.

Harry kills some farmer and steals his horse to further pursue the children!

The children take refuge in this barn, but it doesn't take long before they realize that Harry is relentlessly pursuing them.

There's thirty minutes left, so they decided to start a whole new movie featuring these girls and the lady who is taking care of them. The two new kids fit right in.

It might have just been the drugs!
The kids end up at the home of Rachel Cooper, a very protective woman who takes in needy children. Rachel Cooper was played by the delightful Lillian Gish, who had been acting since freakin' 1912. Spunky Lillian passed away in 1993 at the age of 99.

Rachel gives Pastor Harry a good taste of fire and brimstone!

And then, the next thing you know, it's Christmas!
As the Reverend Tom Frost would say, Merry Bloody Christmas Everybody!!!
And once again, Gracias to Lord Litter in Germany for, among other things, reminding me I needed to watch this film!

Friday, March 5, 2021

BEANY AND CECIL In "20,000 Little Leaguers Under The Sea" - 1962

Welp, it's Friday and time for another Beany and Cecil adventure, under the sea!

The Captain and Beany are watching the baseball game on their TV while Cecil goes under the sea to watch the game from there...

All the baseball stars are there for the televised event.

Cecil Meets Little Homer, an octopus with real talent.

DJ shows up, he's hunting octopus. Little Homer is tricky so that dirty guy poses as a baseball talent scout representing the San Francisco Giant Squids. All DJ wants is for Little Homer to play ball with him!

Our old villain finds out what it's like playing ball with Little Homer!

Homer tosses a bell bottom ball to DJ...

And he has to chase his head down after getting it knocked off with a bat.

Little Homer tries to put DJ's upside down head back on.

Everything DJ tries backfires!

And when that dirty guy tries to spear the little guy, Cecil steps in to save the day as usual, and put DJ in his place!

It's pitching practice for Little Homer, and old DJ's noggin is the target! It's another happy ending in Beany and Cecil Land...

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

LITTLE RED MONKEY - "Monkey Madness" (1955)

It's Worthwhile Watch Wednesday in The Dungeon, and the feature presentation tonight is the 1955 British film, "Little Red Monkey," which was later changed to "The Case Of The Red Monkey," which sounds a lot less like the title of a child's book, I guess.

"You can call me names, you can get real funky, just don't go messin', with my "Little Red Monkey!"
This "Little Red Monkey" is a squirrel monkey, and I know quite a lot about them, since we had one as a pet when I was in high school. They will bite the Hell out of you, but they're not normally the murderin' kind!
I  think this "Little Red Monkey" falls kind of flat compared to many other films of the era and genre, but it's short, and has enough interesting elements to make it worth watching!  
Great shot of a 1950's TV newsroom! 

A series of high profile murders are are being perpetuated by this group of perpetrators, and the only clues the authorities have point to a squirrel monkey!

Another victim is shot despite the constant police protection!

I'm pretty puzzled myself because they never really explain what the damn monkey has to do with any of it. You can see the monkey in the top photo, and he's not doing anything, he's just there, so why does this killer bring the monkey around with him. I guess it's his only friend.
 What a loser!
A press conference is called, or in this case, a 1950's!
Just like in the "Godzilla" movies, they bring in an American as the star, who in this case is Richard The Godfather) Conte, who is real good at tying ties! Richard Conte was also in the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "Perchance To Dream."
His name is Bill Locklin, and his job is to bring an escaped and distinguished Russian Professor safely back to America from London.

This whole killing people routine takes it's toll on a person!

Dammit! They said the last one one going to be the last one, not the next one!

Time to cut to the club, and the budding relationship between Bill Locklin and the Chief Inspector's niece Julia Jackson as played by Rona Anderson. Oddly enough, Rona was married to Phillip Jackson, the head cheese in the TV show "The Professionals."

My beef with "Little Red Monkey" is that they spend far too much time on the relationship between Bill and Julia, and not enough time explaining what this whole monkey thing is all about!

All the monkey seems to do is creep around and look through people's windows mostly. It's his master that is doing all the killing, and the monkey is just along for the ride!

They whisk the Professor off to a Sanitarium, a place where they think they can successfully hide him from the monkey!

Time for Richard to tie his necktie again! This is another film that also has a ton of smoking in it!

Here's a look at some weird backseat shenanigans!

Freaky little Tommy McCollom is the son of the Supervisor at the sanitarium, and he likes to go around shooting patients with his ray gun!

This is obviously the coolest part of the movie. Tommy shoots this guy with his ray gun who is just getting ready to call the newspaper and tell them that he knows where the Professor is hiding, after spotting him in the hall.

The people who hired the monkey also show up at the sanitarium!!

And in the process of everything that's happening, little Tommy gets shot by Bill Locklin!
 Imagine the supervisor's despair!!
But as it turns out, it wasn't Tommy at all! There's a midget in the costume, and he's the guy who is the monkey's master, and the one who has been doing all the killing!

Bill and Julia are in love, but he has to go back to America with the Professor, and we never find out anything more about the monkey or the midget. Not a bad movie, they just put the emphasis on the wrong couple!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??