Friday, December 20, 2019

ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN / "The Evil Three" - 1953

Here's a stocking stuffer for you... In today's adventure, Perry White and Jimmy Olsen are on a fishing trip end up staying at an old rundown hotel. It has only three occupants, two men who want to kill one another and a wheelchair-bound old woman who laughs like a maniac. Superman races to help his friends before they fall victim to the crazies.

Well, here it is, the old Bayou Hotel, looks like it's seen better days!

Before Perry White and Jimmy pull up to the hotel, two men are battling it out inside. It has something to do with hidden money stashed somewhere in the joint.

Anyway, the boys are looking for a room for the night. The clerk warns them about staying but Perry says they're staying, and that's that!

So, at 9 o'clock, Perry goes out to his car and calls the office, Kent answers the phone. He tells Kent that he smells a story, and that he'll call him back in an hour with an update...

In the meantime, Jimmy is seeing and hearing weird stuff!

When Perry hears the maniacal laughter, him and Jimmy start searching around for a door, which he finally locates...

They go down into the basement only to be attacked by Macy and Col. Brand.

Well, it's 10 o'clock and Clark has not heard back from Perry, so, he heads off to the hotel. I was able to get this still capture of the spring board Superman uses to launch himself into that air. Also, it doesn't look like 10 o'clock at night!

Superman lands and has a little conversation with the coo coo Col. Brand, who tells our hero that Perry and Jimmy are not there. but, he'll take him to them...

Perry and Jimmy finally meet Elsa, she's actually the sanest member of the trio. The boys say they will help her recover the money so she shows them where it's hidden.

But, Macy shows up and pushes Elsa down the stairs in her wheel chair!

Superman has had it with Col. Brand's lies, he pushes him aside and heads back to the hotel.

In the basement, he uses his x-ray vision to see through the rocks. He finds his pals and rescues them from the death trap... YAY!!

So, the cops show up and everyone is taken away, the men in handcuffs. Check back in tomorrow where Eegah!! will have something special for us, here, at The Dungeon!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

THE LONE GUNMEN - "Diagnosis: Jimmy" (2001)

I seriously thought that tonight's Wacky Wednesday presentation was a Christmas episode from "The Lone Gunmen," but it wasn't, and you get to hear about it anyway!

"The Lone Gunmen" was a TV show from 2001 that ran for one season only. It was created by Vince Gilligan of "Breaking Bad" fame and fortune, so you know the stories are going to be good and the characters are going to be offbeat!

Well, it might not be Christmas, but it sure looks like it! The funny thing is that this episode, which was number nine out of thirteen, actually aired in April of 2001.

After "The Lone Gunmen's" less than stellar run, Vince Gilligan went on to produce 127 episodes of "The X-Files," after that came "Breaking Bad," and the rest is history!

Last year, I told you about the pilot episode of "The Lone Gunmen," but I barely introduced this wild team of investigative reporters, so, here's Tom (Nightmare Cafe) Braidwood as Melvin Frohike.

On the left is Bruce (The Flash) Harwood as John Fitzgerald Byers, and on the right is Dean (Dead And Deader) Haglund as looney toon Richard 'Ringo' Langly.

The fourth member is Stephen (Fancy Drinks) Snedden as Bond, Jimmy Bond!

The boys are trying to get some dirt on a known Grizzley Bear poacher, when Jimmy Bond has an unexpected encounter with a tree!

Jimmy has to be taken to the hospital!

Nurse Marilyn is quite smitten with Jimmy, and tries really hard to get his attention, but it's all to no avail. He's focused on trying to remember what happened so they can catch that poacher!

The really cute Nurse Marilyn is played by Shawn Batten who hasn't done any acting in the last thirteen years, but in the late 90's, she was Sara Cummings on 243 episodes of the TV show "Sunset Beach."
She was also married to Toto guitarist Steve Lukather for eight years.

The side story is that Jimmy Bond saw on "America's Most Wanted" that there was a fake Doctor who was poisoning patients, and Jimmy is convinced he works at the hospital that he's in!

Meanwhile, Larry, Moe, and Curly are spying on the poacher from their camouflaged van, when all of a sudden he starts shooting, and it scares the crap out of them!

It turns out that he was just doing some target practice!

The Mad Doctor also has a sweet tooth!

Disgustingly enough, the worst part is the poacher is killing the bears only for their gall bladders which are worth a lot of money in the Asian black market!

Richard (Starship Invasions, Duct Tape Forever) Fitzpatrick is the evil poacher! Richard has been a very busy man, and has almost 200 acting credits!

When I first quickly glanced at this show I saw this, which I thought was Rudolph!

Luckily, Yves Adele Harlow shows up at the hospital to save Jimmy a lot of embarrassment!
Yves is played by the always alluring Zuleikha (Once Upon A Time In Wonderland) Robinson.
Almost all of the characters also appeared on "The X-Files" at one time or another!

The boys tail the poacher and nail him and the people he's selling to before they get caught! 
Luckily, the Feds were on the case too, and save the day!

Monday, December 16, 2019

SILENT NIGHT, BLOODY NIGHT / The Night Earth Became An Inferno Of Horrors! - 1972

Here we go with an XMAS themed horror flick. It goes like this... Old Wilford Butler returns home on Christmas Eve and his house had been turned into a mental institution for the criminally insane. But, the day of his return, he's set on fire and dies! The towns people believe his death was an accident, but the institution-house is closed down anyway. Wilford leaves the house to his grandson Jeffrey and a few years later, Jeffrey decides to sell the house, the towns people including the Mayor have mixed feelings on keeping people away from the place, especially when a serial killer escapes from another institution and finds refuge there. Man, this movie is confusing even if you're paying full attention!

It stars Patrick (CHAMBER OF HORRORS) O'Neal, James (IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT - Died at age 40, this was his last movie) Patterson, Mary (TERRORVISION) Woronov, Astrid (THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR) Heeren, John (RED ZONE CUBA) Carradine, Walter (THE HITLER GANG) Abel and with Candy (KLUTE) Darling.

Here's Patrick as John Carter, him, the mayor and others are there to discuss the fate of the old Butler house. You can tell it's XMAS because of the tiny tree and the laurel hung on the window. Other than a few hints, you'd never know it was XMAS at all...

The mayor and his wife argue one angle, while Charlie Towman argues the counter point. John's hands were starting to look fairly deformed by 1972.

Then, a psycho shows up at the house. In the yard, he pulls out his blade, kills the guard dog and then disappears from sight.

John and his wife are having a nice quiet dinner at home. Later, they go to the bedroom and both are attacked by someone with an ax!! It looks like Patrick only worked for a day or two before getting knocked off, making him a minor character!

This shot reminds me of my cousins' house back in the early fifties where their bedroom was in the attic in a triangular shaped room.

Here's a young Mary Woronov as Diane Adams, I can't remember how she fits in, but she knows about the story and is involved with the grandson, Jeffrey Butler, somehow.

Then, there's a very long flashback scene starting in 1929, the owner of the house, Wilfred Butler is narrating the story...

He's noticing how piggish all his well to do friends are, filling him with rage.

Later, he wants to save his daughter from the institution, and in doing so, he releases all the freakin' inmates, who invade another dwelling after wandering around in the woods.

There's always at least one psycho in a sanitarium, and here he is! He breaks a wine glass and jams the shards into the mouth of a rich guy who's drunk and passed out!!

Back at the ranch, an old dilapidated Wilfred Butler shows up unannounced. He looks like the the guy in the Portrait Of Dorian Gray. Crappy print, obviously taken from a VHS transfer.

Anywho, Diane shoots his ass a few times and he's outta there!

Here's the weird ending as Diane wanders into the woods as a tractor comes to dig the murderer's grave. So, there you have it, another one bites the dust, here, at The Dungeon!!..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??