Friday, September 8, 2017

LIGHTS OUT: The Devil In Glencairn / NBC - 1951

Here's an episode of LIGHTS OUT from 1951 starring... Richard (THE MAGNETIC MONSTER) Carlson, Halliwell (THE UNDYING MONSTER) Hobbes, Tom (THE OLD DARK HOUSE) Poston, Jonathan (LOST IN SPACE) Harris and J. Pat (THE ADVENTURES OF SPIN AND MARTY) O'Malley.

The story's about Steenie, the best bagpiper in all of Scotland, and, he's about to be evicted if he doesn't pay his rent. After selling his pipes to raise the money, a mysterious stranger (the Devil) appears with a deal for Steenie, it involves money, bagpipes and his immortal soul!

WHOA THERE!!.. Back off, Jack!

Oh yeah, this is our creepy narrator, Frank Gallop. He will go on to host the TV series, GREAT GHOST STORIES, in 1961...

Steenie (Richard Carlson) goes to the pub to tell his story to his gal pal, Tibbie. He tells her that it all started a year ago...

In a flashback, he explains how he was forced to sell his bagpipe in order to pay his rent.

Ahhhh, the sweet smell of a bagpipe early in the morning... Mmmmm!


In the meantime, Steenie meets with Sir John (Tom Posten), to whom he owes the rent. He doesn't give a crap about the difficulty Steenie's having coming up with the rent... What, me worry? I'm as rich as a bitch!!

Then, the Stranger (Jonathan Harris) enters the scene. He has a deal for Stennie that he cannot resist, an easy way out of his mess...

He must go to the land of the dead and get a bag of silver and a receipt signed by Sir Robert (Sir John's deceased dad) as proof of his payment.

Sir John is baffled, he gives the bag of silver back to Steenie in exchange for the reciept, which he burns in a fire. He tells Steenie to never mention this incident ever again!

Then, back to the future at the pub, the clock strikes midnight and the Stranger appears.

He tells Steenie that's is time to go, he signed a contract and it's time to make a payment!

Steenie tells him to go to Hell, he did everything he was asked and will not go with him. So, the Stranger brings in Death to take care of business with his long blade, but, Tibbie tells Steenie to play The Lord's Hymm on the bagpipe, which he does! Guess what?! Yeah, the Stranger and Death can't take it and go... KA-POOF!!

Steenie keeps the goodness coming, a great way to celebrate a happy ending!! Eegah!! will pop in tomorrow with something we'll love, no doubt!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS - Season 01, Episode 09 - "The Long Shot" (1955)

It's time for more merry mayhem from the master of suspense,
Mr. Alfred Hitchcock! When things get bad, you've always got Alfred to turn to, and I seem to do it a lot!

Isn't everything in life pretty much a gamble? That's what makes it interesting, taking chances!

But as Alfred will tell you, one solid bet that you cannot go wrong on is using the products that sponsor his show!

It's his last quarter, and he wins big! The slot machine kicks out real fruit! (It was common on olde slot machines for the symbols to be fruit!)

I was going to try and cut back on my drinking, but out of the blue for some reason, I just got this overwhelming urge to pop open a cold brew! No willpower at all!

Original Ratpacker Peter Lawford is big-time loser Charlie Raymond! Can you believe Peter only lived to be 61? It would have been his birthday tomorrow! 

Charlie was so far in debt, he made one large bet on a horse race, so now, he's in super deep shit, because of course his horse didn't win! 40 grand was a lot of money back in 1955.

Underneath that beer mug, Charlie has at least discovered a way to get out of town!

John Williams is Walker Hendricks/English Jim! Besides being in 10 episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," John Williams also was the chief Inspector in Hitchcock's "Dial M For Murder." He also had the role of Shakespeare in "The Twilight Zone" episode titled "The Bard!"

If he lives long enough, Walker Hendricks is about to become a very wealthy man!
Unfortunately, Charlie has now found that out too!

Gertrude Hoffman started her career in Germany in 1917! She was in "The Ape," and had a small part in "War Of Worlds!" She worked all through the 30's and the 40's in mostly uncredited roles before scoring a gig as Mrs. Odetts for 36 episodes of "My Little Margie" from 1952 to 1955!
Gertrude moved on in 1968 at the age of 96!

"Long Shots are for Chumps!"

Monday, September 4, 2017


Here we go with the next pile of Movies Tabonga! Loves to Watch Again! These flicks are near and dear to my heart and hope you love them too...

Wow, I always enjoy CAPE CANAVERAL MONSTERS, it has a certain charm that newer movies can't match for me. We see Hauron and Nadja there, planning their next unearthly plot. Love this crazy little low-budget sci-fi thriller to pieces!

If Tabonga! didn't love to watch FROM HELL IT CAME again, well, there would definitely be something wrong with Tabonga!, if you get my drift!..

I saw FRANKENSTEIN 1970 in 1958 with my neighbors, we walked to the theater back then, it was like a 5 mile round trip, no prob. Anyway, I especially love that big old, mean monster!

A BUCKET OF BLOOD is one of Roger Corman's very best movies. My favorite thing about it is, and there's plenty to choose from, the fact that the club owner, Leonard, has discovered that Walter is using his murdered victims for his sculptures! But, rather than turn him in to the police, Leonard pretends he's clueless because he's making a lot of money from commissions by selling the pieces at the club! It is so freakin' funny watching the expression on Leonard's face when Walter shows him a new piece!! Too much fun...

ATOM AGE VAMPIRE is probably a movie that we don't think about that much, but, it's my favorite Euro 'needs radical disfigured facial surgery' flick there were so many of around that time. The scenes where Professor Levin gets into his domed atomic chamber and changes into the monster, alone, is worth the price of admission!

There is no way you can't love to watch THE HORRORS OF SPIDER ISLAND again, because, there's just nothing quite like it. I mean, the scantily clad gals, the dead guy, the spider, Gary, Gary as the monster, nude swimmers, the wild sexy party and music, etc, etc!

THE ANGRY RED PLANET was one of the first movies Eegah!! and I saw together at the theater. We loved it, lots of insane action and Martian creatures. Check out that photo on the lobby card... Man, something's very wrong there!!!

THE TIME MACHINE is another one that Eegah!! and I saw together. Damn, it was so freakin' interesting, Rod Taylor was just perfect for the part of our brave time traveler. And, don't forget those extra creepy Morlocks!!

THE SLIME PEOPLE is a horribly weird movie I love to watch again! I mean, like wow, it's totally insane, most of the time it makes no sense and the way the Professor destroys the fog machine at the end makes my gear slip a cog!! Here's another lobby card alert... Check it out, this shot of Bonnie and a Slime Person was taken specifically for a card, it does not appear in the movie! A couple of clues are, where's the fog?, and look at her blouse, it's undone and she's not wearing a bra!! An artist must pay attention to details!

Last on the list is ENEMY FROM SPACE, I was lucky to get to see this thing in 1957. Besides FORBIDDEN PLANET, this is second favorite flick from the fifties! Hope you enjoyed the trip, trip in again on Wednesday when Eegah!! brings on more Dungeon Cargo...

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??