Wednesday, November 9, 2016

THE THIRD ALIBI - Cleo Laine - "Now And Then" (1961)

"The Third Alibi" is one of the few movies I couldn't find a poster for. They must be either really rare or completely non-existent, one or the other, but no matter, this Grand National Pictures logo is pretty cool too!

"The Third Alibi" was released in 1961, but it looks a lot more like a 40's or 50's movie!
It's a simple but very effective film that has enough worthwhile moments to make it worth checking out!

 What a splendid and happy couple! Too bad that's his wife's half sister, not his wife!

Time to get this story rolling!

"The Third Alibi" is a cheeky little affair about a composer working on a new stage show, which allows it to share some nice musical moments! The composer is named Norman Martell and is played by the fine actor Laurence (The Crawling Eye, The Tell-Tale Heart, Vampire Circus) Payne!!
It's kind of strange that the music producer of this film is a real-life Martell, the prolific Phillip Martell! Here's just a taste of the swingin' scene!

Cleo Laine performing "Now And Then"  as written by Don Banks and David Dearlove is the frosting on the cake, because besides Cleo, that's the amazing Dudley (Bedazzled) Moore tinkling the keys!

Patricia Dainton is the neglected wife with a bad heart! After 22 credits, Patricia permanently retired to be with her family! "The Third Alibi" was her last film.

 This is what it looks like when you overhear your husband and your sister planning your murder!

 Here's a couple of 1961 Brit hotties for you!!

I'll bet good money that this phone was difficult to keep clean, and you sure wouldn't want to splatter any blood on it!

What the Heck? How can I kill her if she's not here?
This is really messing up the whole plan!!

 Tell me you don't think Lucy Griffiths wouldn't have made the perfect Olive Oyl! 
Ironically enough, the woman she is talking to is an actress named Olive Milbourne!

 "Here, have a drink, honey!"

No Shit?!? WTF?!? Are you kidding???

I'll leave you with this amazing picture I got when I did a Google image search for Lucy Griffiths. No kidding, those were two pictures that showed up side by side, and all I did was just crop it!
I don't know about you, but it cracks me up!!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Here's a wild one I've waited til now to post, one of my very favorite seventies flicks! Tobe Hooper at his best!! The story's based on events of Texan Cannibal, Ed Gein, and goes like this... On the way to visit their grandfather's grave (which has been desecrated), five teenagers drive past a slaughterhouse and pick up a sinister looking hitch-hiker before ending up at the old family home where they're plunged into a never-ending nightmare! They meet a family of flesh eaters who use power tools to make up for what they lack in social skills...

What's extra cool is that there were no big named actors in the movie. It gives it a more realistic feel as the terror mounts, love this damn thing!

On the way to the cemetery, the teens pick up a grimy, freaky looking hitch-hiker. After the guy pulls out his knife and starts carving on his arm, they kick him out of the van...

But, they make a stop near an old house and go to the door, a very bad choice indeed!

Inside the place, the teens are shocked at what they see, like, this couch decorated with bones, possibly human!!

Then, the terror begins!!!..

Marilyn Burns plays Sally, she gets the special treatment at the dinner table. She's strapped to a human chair and gets to experience the insanity of the family first hand!

Here's a creepy portrait of gramps, truly a ghoul and a half!!

Back at the dinner table, gramps gets to suck on Sally's fingers!! I'm pretty sure this is referred to as good old southern, red state hospitality! Yee-haw, ya'll...

JFC dude!!.. All the teens are being horribly slaughtered and there isn't much they can do about it, the family is just too insane to deal with!

Leather Face is another iconic seventies maniac along with Michael Myers from HALLOWEEN. This guy is a truly terrifying figure!

But, throw in a chain saw and watch the Hell out, you'd better run like a freakin' jack wabbit! So, there you have it, we're back Wednesday with more mayhem, here, at The Dungeon!!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

BLOW OUT - Brian De Palma - "The Sound Of Murder" (1981)

Blast-Off, Black-Out, Blow-Up, Blow-Out, there are plenty of ways to go!
Welcome to the Saturday Night Special version of The Dungeon!
That's a pretty cool poster!!

Tonight's feature is a 1981 Brian De Palma film titled "Blow Out!"
Here's 44.8 seconds of sound to get you in the right frame of mind!

Most everything is an illusion! "Blow Out" starts out as a horror movie within a movie!

The basic premise is that there is a movie sound man out capturing sounds one night when a fast moving car careens wildly off the road and into the river! The sound man jumps in to save a beautiful drowning woman!

The sound man is none other than John Travolta. Now I didn't used to be a big John Travolta fan because just like how "Major Tom" ruined David Bowie for me for years, "Grease," "Saturday Night Fever" and "Urban Cowboy" killed John Travolta to me, but in retrospect, I think he's a pretty good actor, and does a great job in this movie!

The sound man has some very sophisticated equipment!

The woman he saves from drowning is Nancy (Carrie, RoboCop) Allen! Nancy was married to Brian De Palma when "Blow Out" was made! They stayed together for five years!

When John Listens back to the recording he made, he realizes that it wasn't just the sound of a tire blowing out, but there was also a barely discernible gunshot at the same time, and that makes him realize that something fishy is going on around here!

Crab Salad!!

The always entertaining John Lithgow has the role of the creeper dude!

Nancy is not nearly as innocent as she makes herself out to be, and she has quite a bit of history she is going to need to explain!

What a terrific mess!

Watch "Blow Out" and you just might want to reconsider that whole gender neutral bathroom concept!

"Blow Out" is really quite a production! If I was making this movie, I would have just found a parade somewhere to use, but not Brian De Palma! No way!

"Blow Out"is pretty ominous, and the world hasn't exactly become a safer place to live since 1981!
Life is like one big boxing match kids, so protect yourself at all times!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

PREDATOR / Amercent Films, American Entertainment Partners L.P. - 1987

It's Friday the 4th, so, must be time for this wild adventure. The story goes like this... A team of special force ops is led by a tough soldier, Major "Dutch" Schaefer. They are ordered to go on a rescue mission to see if there are any survivors of a helicopter downed over a remote area of the South American jungle. Soon after they land though, the team discovers that they have been sent in under false pretenses when they find themselves being hunted by something not of this world!!

The movie stars Arnold (TERMANATOR) Schwarzenegger, Carl (ROCKY) Weathers and our hero, former WWF tough guy and Minnesota Governor, Jesse (DEMOLITION MAN) Ventura!

The heavily armed, buff team land and start their search for the supposedly lost CIA dude, but dammit, where in the Hell is he?!

Nice shot of Carl Weathers! Get this, the very first acting credit he received was for the classic war movie, MAGNUM FORCE, in 1973!

And, here's the man, Jesse Ventura, in a nice pose! He said that Arnie was disappointed that his arms were bigger than his! Pretty funny...

Then, crew members are attacked and they fire their weapons at an unknown target!

In other words, what in the freakin' Hell's going on around here?!!

Well, maybe because the damn thing they're fighting is, you know, fairly invisible!

So, Arnie is the last living member of the crew. He takes his famous mud bath to avoid detection by the monster, but, the thing finds him anyway!

We'll end with this nice portrait of the Predator. There are plenty more Predator flicks out there, including the weird fest, PREDATOR vs. ALIEN! Be back tomorrow for more cool junk from The Dungeon!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??