Friday, September 4, 2015


I bought this DVD for three reasons.. The title, Adam West and the fact that they used stop-motion animation for the monsters. After this post though, it goes up for sale on eBay.

So everybody knows, this is an MTV original TV movie... Nuf' said?!

Anyway, dudeski there wins an MTV contest to be in a reality show on some island thanks to his nutty sister and he simply wants to kill her.

I've got a sound clip from this thing for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over by our monkey farm, NOW, Rufus The Gnat!.. Here's a fun little sample from... MONSTER ISLAND!

Carmen Electra (records?) stars in this high school adventure. Here, she checks out the butts on her two dancing buddies, just the way the MTV crowd likes it!

It's not long before we get to see the bad old giant preying mantis monster in the woods.

Then, they get to meet Dr. Harryhausen (does anyone who watches MTV even know who the Hell Ray Harryhausen is?) and you can hear some of their conversation in the sound clip.

This is a nice portrait of Adam as he entertains the kids in his secret military lab.

These two big monsters battle it out and one gets its head bitten off!!

I swear, this is one cool shot as a giant spider pounces on one the kids...

Shot in Canada, here's a fun scene as the kids climb along a mountain ridge.

Well, the doctor and the kids find a hidden cavern full of monster ants that have enslaved some humans to carry out their antly demands!

So, will the doc and crew solve this mystery without getting their heads bitten off?.. Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will have a special post just for you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

BABY BOTTLENECK - Warner Brothers Studios (1946)

The Stork Club was a nightclub in Manhattan, New York City, which during its existence from 1929 to 1965 was one of the most prestigious clubs in the world according to Wikipedia!

The combination of alcohol and the job of delivering all the babies in the world is not that great of a match!  As you can see, the stress levels are running very high!

The great thing about this cartoon is that I don't have to explain anything, it's all written out in black and white!

Welcome to the future! Incompetent help is very easy to come by these days!

 The temporary help can't seem to get anything right!

No shit! As you will see, the mistakes are a bit worse than slight'! (Read the fine print! "No Exchanges Will Be Made!)

A baby skunk delivered to a duck!

A baby gorilla delivered to a kangaroo!

And a baby cat delivered to it's new parent, a mouse!

Yeah, Sure, Porky will get everything straightened up all right!

Especially since he has incredibly competent help like Daffy Duck!

Here's what happens when Daffy Duck gets involved!

Porky tries to get Daffy to sit on and hatch an egg!

It doesn't go well!

For either of them!

Porky and Daffy get all wrapped up together in a diaper and delivered to a Mother in Africa! My place of employment is also almost this efficient!

That's almost all folks!

Is it just a coincidence that the babyeating festival known as Krampusfest is celebrated at The Bottleneck in Lawrence, Kansas?  Maybe not!

Monday, August 31, 2015

LOST IN SPACE: The Raft / Irwin Allen Productions - 1965

Here's my last post for the month, it comes in the form of an adventure in space, the lost kind... Enjoy kids!

This story starts with the robot ready to launch one of Will's little experiments, kind of a message in a bottle shot into space... Lame!! Great shot though.

Will and Penny watch the fun from the safety of the ship...

After the launch, bro and sis go outside to see if the little rocket made it out of the atmosphere. It comes tumbling down after it explodes and dad steps in to save them with a force field!!.. What?!!

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our rocket piggy bank, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... THE RAFT!

You only have to watch a few of these episodes to see what a total jerk Dr. Smith is, it's always something with him.

And, here's a portrait of the selfish little doctor as he overthinks some simple problem.

Jeez guys!! Learn how to read your gauges, cripes!

Major West is putting the final touches on their 2-man space craft, aka The Raft. Gee, I wonder what Will has in mind here?..

Right, he and Dr. Smith decide to take the craft into space and look for Earth... Oh sure!

Dr. Smith thinks he's found the Earth and so they land on the planet.

This thing is just standing there watching the two wander around aimlessly. I don't think this is Earth Dr. Smith, you freakin' moron!

Of course, Professor Robinson and the gang have to track them down and dad shoots the poor bush monster in the back, bringing this adventure to an abrupt end...

But, wouldn't you know it, the crew encounters a meteor storm and sets up next week's episode. Check in Wednesday for more from... The Dungeon!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??