Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A 077, SFIDA AI KILLERS - Carlo Savini - "077, Killers Are Challenged" (1966)

Just like riding on the "Psychotron," the thrills never stop down here in The Dungeon, so without further adieu, it's time for another rousing round of our Wednesday Number Seven Spy Guy Series, so B.Y.O.B. and let's get this partito rolling with this little jewel from 1966 called "077, Killers Are Challenged!"

 I've still got two more spy movies here to watch with the word 'Seven' in the title, but I thought I was done with 077 after tonight, but after a quick search, I soon realized I still need to track down a couple of more titles like "077, Dalla Francia Senza Amore"(Operation Snafu) from 1961, and "Agente 077 Dall'oriente Con Furore"(From the Orient with Fury) from 1965, and the Jess Franco "Agent 077 Opération Jamaïque" from 1964, and possibly even an Indian movie from 1968 called "Golden Eyes Secret Agent 077!!" Wow!

Tonight's version of 077 is played by Richard Harrison as C.I.A. agent Bob Fleming! We last saw Richard in "Fantabulous, Inc," but his career has run the gamut of almost every manly genre imaginable! His first ever movie was "Kronos" where he played a pilot, and he was in a bunch of Spaghetti Western and Sword and Sandal flicks in the 60's, and them reemerged in the 80's in a buttload of Ninja movies, and even as last year was in something called "Fallen Angel!"

Since I just made it up, you probably don't remember the olde legend about how if you see your shadow on a tombstone, you're most likely the next person to die! Well, it's true, luckily it wasn't our hero!

So if you get right down to it, I'm willing to say that "077, Killers Are Challenged" is not the best of the lot of 077 flicks I've seen so far, but DAMN, it's got a fine bunch of gals in it that's pretty hard to beat! Off the bat, here's two Dungeon faves, on the left is the magnificent Mitsouko, and on the right is the Harvest Holidays Queen of The Dungeon, Janine Reynaud! So I could stop right here because, what more could you want, and what else do you need to know?  Two thumbs up!!

Yeah, there's other stuff too, like this guy needed a new identity, and a new face!

In Morocco, it appears you can get high legally! No, they're not in a plane!

It's a spy movie, right? You have to have a shot like this!

This is a fun part where this slick cat thinks he's cool enough to pull something over on Bob Fleming!

Bob Fleming wasn't born yesterday jerkoff!  Baldy waits for the mini-bomb he slipped into Bob Fleming's coat pocket to go off, but he finds out too late that Bob replanted it back on him!!

Here's another short but interesting take on the club scene with music supplied by Maestro Carlo Savina that starts out with a belly dancer, and then without warning......

.....The music turns to cinematic Italian Rock N Roll, and all the kids and the belly dancer start dancing in a less than traditional style! Here's a little sample to better illustrate what I'm trying to say with a lead-in of Savina scat that was so popular at the time!

Bob Fleming is cool! He can get totally schnockered, and still do his job!

I honestly didn't know that the doorknobs in Morocco are in the middle of the door!

Naturally Bob Fleming comes in contact with various dastardly characters who don't know how to play fair and fight clean! I mean, in a nutshell, isn't that exactly what's wrong with the world today?

Button pushing time!! I find moronic comedy relief characters like this cab driver as played by Giovanni Di Benedetto to be totally useless in quasi-serious movies! I can't tell you how many great Edgar Wallace movies I almost stopped watching because of Eddie Arent's characters. It's like putting Jerry Lewis in a James Bond movie! (The funny Jerry, NOT the serious Jerry)! It's not Giovanni's fault, and this isn't all that bad, but what the Hell, just have another fight scene!

You didn't think I was raving about the women in this movie just because of Mitsouko and Janine did you? Here's the wicked Wandisa (Miss Eurooppaa Metsästämässä) Guida! Dyn-O-Mite!!

One more time, there's going to be a test later, from left to right, repeat after me, Janine, Mitsouko, and Wandisa!! Three words that if you're depressed enough, just might save your soul some day!!!

It's a personal problem that I probably should have dealt with years ago, but I've really got a thing about patterns, hence, this is my favourite shot in this movie! The only thing that would have made it more perfect would have been a wildly patterned carpet on the floor!

I asked for a fight scene instead of the stupid cabbie scene, but what do you get but more unneeded slapstick comedy, this time delivered by a midget who gets involved in the melee, and a drunk who is oblivious to the whole fight going on around him! Why, why, why? I'll never get it!

I'll not let the midget idiocy bring me down because there is still one more beauty in this film, with exactly 13 acting credits to her name that include "Thor And The Amazon Women" and "Black Sabbath," the elegant Susy Andersen! Is it just me, or is she freakin' beautiful? "A 077, Sfida Ai Killers" is worth watching for her if nothing else, and in fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do! (But I will be fast forwarding through a few scenes!) Wanna see it? Where else you gonna find it? Cult Action! That's right!

Monday, May 26, 2014

~ More Late 1990s EEGAH!! & TABONGA! Tag Team Email Art ~

It's Memorial Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Here are 13 more pieces of Computer Tag Team Artwork Eegah!! and I did just for the Hell of it a few years back. At the time I was doing lots of highly detailed paintings, so, this stuff was like therapy for me.

This piece turned out great, here are The Fabulous Mop Tops posing for this shot.

I don't know why but I love this one, it's just twisted in all the right ways for me!

This is my second favorite piece that we created, I can see it as a large oil painting, look closely for the joke.

Look out for The Buggers!!.. No matter what they are, they're up to something weird! Not the stuff in your nose, rather, things that really BUG you, man!

Here are three Desert Mutants what like to hang out in deserts where atomic bombs were tested, and, have their own show on The Discovery Channel!..

This is another one that's plain crazy, looks like you never know what to expect when you get to Heaven!!

This is actually a cosmic comedy team from the Funnybone Galaxy, a million light years away!

What can I say?.. Monsters at a monster movie!

If you ever have to spend time in the slammer, well, these guys are there to entertain you!!

Here's a nice example of an exotic LSD Tiki, whatever that is.

This piece was created from a pencil drawing I did in 1977, recycling, Eegah!! added nails!

You know that weird family down the lane?.. This is what you'll find in their back yard!

This one is simply known as... Woody Blows A Gasket!

Check back on Wednesday when Eegah!! will bring us a little more insanity!..

Saturday, May 24, 2014

ASLAN ADAM - "Lion Man" - KILIC ASLAN (1975)

Welcome to another Skull Spinning Saturday Night Special down in The Dungeon! From 1975, it's "Aslan Adam" aka "Lion Man!" You know how the word special has more than one meaning, well, that's what I'm talkin' about here, "Lion Man" is freakin' special, with a side of extra special red sauce! "Aslan Adam" is the same movie as "Kilic Aslan" except in "Kilic Aslan," instead of names like Steve Arkin, Barbara Lake, and Charles Garrett, their names are Cüneyt Arkin, Bahar Erdenz, and Yildirim Gencer!

There are only two things you need to know about "Lion Man," number one is that it's a movie, and number two is that it was made in Turkey! Everything else is meaningless, because that explains it all! Don't expect anything, and that's what you'll get, plus two big handfuls of something you were never expecting! That's Turkish movie making at it's finest!

This is Lion Man's Father, and that ain't exactly his wife!

This is Lion Man's Father's arch nemesis as played by Yildirim Gencer, also known as the bad guy, and that was his wife!

Lion Man's Pop is murdered, and Lion Baby Boy is left to fend for himself and is raised by the lions! At that point, about 20 years goes by in the flash of an eye, and now he's all growed up!

"Lion Man" is played by Turkish actor Cüneyt Arkin who has some 285 acting credits to his name and is still working today! In this movie, Cüneyt is credited as Steve Arkin!

Lion Man is the master of "The Claw," and has fighting skills that are almost beyond belief! The strength of a lion makes him sometimes look like he is being catapulted off a trampoline, he's that strong!!

 The naughty Nazan Adali has the role of the dancer with ulterior motives! Most of the music in "Lion Man" is overly bombastic, but here's two minutes of Turkish dance music, with a little dialogue so you can get a reel feel for this flick!

"Lion Man" is a regular "Peyton Place!" Cemil Sahbaz is this dude, the son of the guy who's wife was being screwed by Lion Man's Dad!

The followers of Lion Man's Dad are a bunch of rebels, and this gal, as played by the sultry Bahar Erdenz, is one of the leaders! She doesn't know which side Lion Man is on at first, so like a nice girl, she stabs him when he's not looking!

Then she sees the royal Lion Man birthmark on him, and she realizes she did a bad thing, and now she has to nurse him back to health! Stupid wench!

The guy in the middle's job is to stand around trying to look cool with the big cross costume on! If I recall right, he did finally get a couple of lines near the end, but the rest of the time, he's just standing there!

Lion Man has enough time to get cleaned up, get some civies, and learn to speak English before he gets captured! In the meantime, he's also probably slaughtered 50 or 60 people for various reasons, all good!

Now it's time for the big showdown between Lion Man and the son of his Dad's arch enemy! Three rounds, no holds barred!

Lion Man is just about to polish this punk off when the Mother lets it be known that she was untrue to her husband, and that these two are brothers! The shirt is pulled back, and the other birthmark is revealed! Oh, man, that really pisses off the olde man, and he stabs his wife who he's been keeping in the dungeon anyway! Now he wants to kill both of them!

During the big escape, Lion Man gets acid poured onto his hands while he's hanging onto an escape hatch lid, and almost gets killed again, but this time he's taken to the local blacksmith, who is also a part-time Doctor!

Since Lion Man's hands were all but destroyed, the blacksmith hooks him up with some custom made iron claws! Time for bad guys to get the Hell out of the way or pay the price!

Lion Man is pretty angry at this point, and the hack and slash finale goes on for quite a while!

Had enough? Too Bad, because in 1979 they came out with a sequel titled "Lion Man II: The Witch Queen," and Yes indeed, Thanx to the generosity of the crew over at Cult Action, "Lion Man II" will also grace these pages sometime in the not so distant future!

Friday, May 23, 2014

KONGO / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - 1932

It's Conga Line Friday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots the remake of the silent film WEST OF ZANZIBAR from 1928 that starred Lon Chaney and it tries to outdo Chaney's morbidity in the main role. From his wheelchair, the handicapped white man, Flint, rules an area of Africa as a living god, using superstition and stage magic to control the local natives. He lives only for the day when he can avenge himself from the man who stole his wife and crushed his spine...

Eegah!! sent over a soundclip from this wild flick for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there by the jungle devil head, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a little smell of... KONGO!

Blogger The Gremlin is still up to no good, screwing up our b+w photos! We even wrote them about the problem, and, they just ignored us. I took out a few photos because they looked so horrible, after I took the time to make them look good. But, enjoy them as best you can...

Here's the great Walter Huston as the sadistic Flint, crippled and in a wheelchair. That's Lupe (The Mexican Spitfire) Valez as Tula in the background, one of his unwilling helpers. Although Lupe was very popular in the movies, she never recovered from her failed romance with Gary Cooper, who never planned on marrying her. She then married Johnny Weissmuller, but they divorced after five turbulent years. Drugs and alcohol destroyed her life and she was only 34 when she committed suicide. Sad.

To exact his revenge, he sends one of his men, dressed as a minister, to lure the daughter of his nemesis back to him!

Virginia Bruce plays Ann, Flint gets her addicted to drugs as part of his sadistic plan, seeing her in anguish keeps him happy!

Here's the drawing for one of his stage magic devices to keep the natives in line.

Tula tries to butter up Flint for a favor.

Portrait of Flint in all his glory, they used to use non-flexible collodion makeup for facial scars, something Eegah!! and I were familiar with, and, we'd buy at the local pharmacy to experiment with! One time, I drove down Main Street with my face all twisted up with the stuff and scared the crap out of a bunch of people!! Ahh, the good old days...

A lost and addicted (to a root found in the jungle) doctor shows up. He inspects Flint's paralyzed legs and tries to help Ann out with her addiction while fighting his own demons.

Flint shows the doctor one of his magic tricks.

Flint goes under the knife without anesthesia as the doctor tries to restore his ability to walk.

Okay, this is where the story gets really crazy, Flint finds out from the guy who stole his wife that Ann is HIS daughter!!!

Oh Lord, what have I done?!..

Flint lets Ann and the doctor get away, then, faces the natives for the final time where he sacrifices himself so that the two could make their escape.

Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will make your head spin!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??