Wednesday, May 21, 2014

SICARIO 77 VIVO O MORTO - "Killer 77, Alive Or Dead" (1966)

Wow!! The 7's just keep on rockin' it, and tonight's Super Seven Special Secret Agent Spy Guy Selection is no Exception!! Today's world is a screwed up mess no doubt, but these Secret Agent flicks will make you wonder how we ever made it safely out of the 60's!

I love the international variations on this puppy! It was originally titled "Sicario 77 Vivo O Morto," but it was also released as "Agente End," "Bazooka Pour Un Espion," and "Killer 77, Alive Or Dead!"

Here he is! Meet Secret Agent Lester as played by Rod (War Of The Colossal Beast, How To Make A Monster, Operation White Shark) Dana! He is the man of the hour! The great Nitzsche-Morriconesque theme was created by Federico Martínez Tudó and Mario Sensi! The interesting side note is that while Tudó was a regular composer with 77 (That's right, 77!) credits to his name, Mario Sensi was really a cameraman, and this was the only film that he lent his musical talents to!

This dude is creepy with his weirdass silencer! I'd tell you what his name is, but have you ever tried to do a Google image search on a random Italian guy's name? Sometimes it works, sometimes it's not a fruitful endeavor at all! It's okay though because, when it's all said and done, this guy doesn't have that big of a role anyway!

This movie has more than it's share of gadgetry, and most of it is off the wall, like this radioactive bullet that will allow them to track whoever gets shot with it!

The fate of all of mankind lies in this man's hands!! José (Sound Of Horror) Bódalo is George King! I know it's hard to believe, but it's true! Somebody needs to be in charge, and he's made up his mind that's he IS the KING! Three cheers for the almighty future ruler of the whole stinking world or whatever's left of it, King George King!!

Meanwhile, back in the pits, spying goes on just like it always does! Pretty sneaky!!

The reason that there was a dollar bill in the title card is because there is a secret code in a dollar bill floating around that you can only see with special filtered glasses, and Lester needs to find it, so he gets this suspicious gal in a liplock so he can get the money out of her purse and look at the singles with some special sun glasses that he has! I tried to get a good still of her crazy black and white checked mod outfit but it just didn't work out!

Okay, remember the part about the atomic bullet? 77 has got himself into a pretty big mess with a bunch of guys chasing him, so he shot himself with the atomic bullet, so his boss could track down and help him! In the meantime, he had to off this guy with a forklift!

If you think 77 is going to get in that big ole tire and hide, then you are absolutely right!

Yeah, me neither! In fact, I think I'm going to have to go back and watch it again in order to get it all straight!

77 does get in a couple of good one-liners like this one after they bring in the guy with the whip with a fish hook in the end of it, and lacerate this gal just to show off! 77's comeback line, "And now I'm expecting the knife throwers and clowns to appear!"

The mini reel to reel tape recorder in the sole of the shoe trick pays off good when Lester gets captured and incarcerated!

This is my favourite spy gadget yet! The telecommunications device inside the booze bottle of a supposedly drunken homeless person!

Hubba, Hubba! This is the alluring Alicia (Whatever Happened To Baby Toto, Eat It) Brandet, as the woman with multiple identities, good and bad!

Alicia also graced the covers of a couple of magazines like this 1968 issue of IO!

Now you know how the word bazooka got into the title!

Agent 77's nick name was 'The End' because he would always either finish a project, or the project would finish him, so with one shot, this movie and the King's quest for world domination are over! Where can you find it? Either at the bottom of the ocean or at Cult Action as far as I know!

Monday, May 19, 2014

~ Late 1990s EEGAH!! & TABONGA! Tag Team Computer Art ~

It's time for something completely different from Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Eegah!! and I got computers in 1996, back then, some of the free software included very good programs, like Picture Publisher. It was great, we loved it, very easy to use, and, perfect for us to do some wild 'n' weird tag team artwork, basically using images from photos of my sculptures. The way it worked was, Eegah!! would make the first move by doing something fairly drastic, he'd email it to me and I would work on it some, then, send it back to him for more changes before I'd finish it off when he sent it back. What's so great about the art is that we did it just for fun, so, enjoy!

This is my favorite piece... Come ride The Psychotron!.. If you freakin' dare!!

Here's the famous make believe British Mod Leather Band... The Boggles!

Three team members of The Musty Mashers playing in the Monster Football League.

Elvix has finished his set and is addressing the audience... It's not supposed to make sense!

I did a lot of 'part skull' sculptures that we used to our ghoulish delight!

Here's a piece that speaks for itself, no matter what galaxy you're from!

The NRA actually endorsed this patriotic American piece here!

We did a pile of monster cars, this one is a favorite of mine.

I like this piece, has a nice late fifties/early sixties feel to it!

There's nothing much more funner than owning a pair of Fun Puppets!

The cosmic table's turned on the Men In Black!

You can figure this one out on your own, it shouldn't be too difficult.

I'll be posting final part 2 of Late 1990s EEGAH!! & TABONGA! Tag Team Computer Art next Monday, see you then!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

UNEARTHLY STRANGER - "Beyond The Stars" (1964)

Howdy Ya'll! Tonight's Saturday Night Spaced-Out Special is an odd little film made in the UK that's hard to track down these days, but I'll go out on a space walk platform here, and say it's worth the effort!

"Unearthly Stranger" was released in 1964, but to me this film looks like it was made in about 1959! One poster screams out "Terrifying, Weird...and Macabre!" I'm more inclined to go with Droll, Tidy...but Neat! It's kind of like an elongated "Twilight Zone" episode, and I mean that in a good way!

"Uearthly Stranger" is told in flashback form! The very talented John Neville is Dr. Mark Davidson, a man on the run for his life, literally! John has been marvelous in roles as everything from Sherlock Holmes to Baron Von Munchausen, and he's the one who keeps this movie moving! Here's a minute or so of what he's got himself into!

Dr. Mark is employed by a place that is working on the concept of traveling through space via mind control! Seems pretty far-fetched but some of his co-workers have been getting their brains sonically destroyed by something, so there's obviously something going on!

The big space mural they have on the wall makes for great background shots like this!!

Here we come to the crux of the story! Dr. Mark recently got married in a whirlwind affair while he was out of the country! People around him are dieing violently, and nobody knows anything about his new wife! Is there any correlation between these two events? Considering the nature of John's business, it's worth investigating! Dr. Mark's blushing new bride Julie is played by the alluring and quatro-lingual Gabriella (Casino Royale) Licudi!

Dr. Mark has invited his associate, Professor John Lancaster over for dinner to once and for all meet his wife and clear the air, but instead, Professor John gets quite an eyeful when by happenstance, he sees Julie taking dinner out of the oven without using any hot pads, just her bare hands! Ouch! Something is definitely not right in this house!

We get a shot of Julie in town shopping or whatever to show how normal she is! Blogger once again decided that some of these photos would look better in sepia tones instead of black and white for some reason!

First Julie makes a baby cry, and then when she innocently looks over the fence at these school kids........

.........Suddenly, all the kids start walking away from her backwards, and back toward the classroom just to get the Hell away from her, because as sweet as she seems, the children can sense that she is evil!

Julie is crushed and when she cries, the tears burn deep lines into her face! One thing that Dr. Mark thought was strange about his new wife was that she never blinked! She does blink a couple of times in this closeup scene though, maybe the burning tears offset the non-blinking disorder, or maybe they just didn't want to shoot the scene again!

I just had to use one of these lobby cards because they are so unearthly in colour! That's Patrick Newell there laying down dead as the investigative Major Clarke! He's so annoying, you don't really care that he was just murdered! Patrick packed in almost 150 credits before passing on at 56, and among them were almost 20 episodes on the great TV series "The Avengers," as Mother!

I love this shot of John Neville, a remarkable character who also was the voice of Eternity on the "Silver Surfer" TV series, and will always be remembered by "X-Files" fans everywhere as "The Well-Manicured Man!"

Cut to the music of Captain and Tennille and "Love Will Keep Us Together! Julie's just too emotional for this job, somebody else is just going to have to do it!

The guy's secretary Miss Ballard breaks the bad news to them, they are basically now a minority that is shrinking really fast, and they can't do anything about it! Their little mental space travel trip is never going to happen!! The familiar face of Miss Ballard is Jean Marsh! So let me think, what has Jean Marsh not done? Really nothing, she's basically done it all, and then some, including the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "The Lonely," and in "Dr. Who" as Morgaine, and she doesn't seem to be quitting any time soon! Awesome woman!

So you can see "Unearthly Stranger" has a stellar cast, and you only saw the back of his head before,  but there's still one more actor who deserves credit, and that's Phillip Stone there on the left as Professor Lancaster! Not very many actors can claim credit for being in a handful of films like "A Clockwork Orange," "O Lucky Man!," "The Shining," and "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom," but he can, and that's a very nice run!

If you can't tell what happened by these last three photos, well then I'll tell you, the guys don't stand a chance in Hell! The world is doomed, and they don't want you to find out about it, so all you guys, be wary of what you're sleeping with, you might be shocked when you find out the truth because this has been going on for some 50 years, and they must all be infected by now! Watch your back!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??