Friday, May 28, 2010

BLOOD TIDE / Connaught International - 1982

Welcome everbloody, to another installment of SATURDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS! here at the Dungeon! Today's feature stars James Earl (Darth Vader's voice) Jones, José (DRACULA'S DOG) Ferrer, Martin (DEATH RACE 2000) Kove and the stunning beauty, Deborah Shelton, who did a ton of TV roles.

The plot goes... "An adventurer hunting for treasure in Greece accidentally frees a monster that forces local villagers to sacrifice virgins."

The two real problems with this flick is that it's boring as hell and you never get a good look at the monster! An ancient drawing of the creature shows it's big bobo, so maybe that's the reason! Also, this was the only film ever produced by Connaught International.

Music is by Jerry Mosely, who had a spectacular career with a total of 2 composing credits! The other one was FRIGHTMARE...

Okay, Ralphie the Tarantula transfer to Tabonga mental message and he say that he ready to send our Eariffic Earclip to viewing and listening audience! I think he mean you... So, that little hairy tarantula ped hittin' the big red 'GO' button wonst again, here's... BLOOD TIDE!

Neil and Sherry Grice go to a strange Greek island, looking for his missing sister.

James Earl plays Frye, a total drunken unpredictable ass!

They find Neil's sister, Madeline, but she seems to be involved in some strange behavior!

The perfect beach candy for Tabonga, girlie flavored!

Nothing better than exercising to tunes on the radio!.. Hey, what are those guys looking at?

She thinks the dudes are watching her for the skin...

But, they just want to see if the monster is going to get her!

They weren't disappointed!

Frye keeps on being a big prick!

Awesome pose of James Earl!

Caravan with a drum solo or Greek Teen Beat?

Whoa!.. Tabonga just see an angel!


Goodbye, everbloody! See you tomorrow when Eegah!! bring you Saturday Surprise!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES / Halperin Productions - 1936

Welcome to Wednesday Oldie Moldie B+W Bijou Flicktime Theater! This time we gots a follow up to the Halprin atmospheric classic, WHITE ZOMBIE, starring Bela Lugosi!

They reuse Bela's eyes over and over in REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES. Coincidently, those two are the only movies Halprin Productions ever made...

Mr. Abe Meyer was the music director using stock compositions from Charles Dunworth and Hugo Riesenfeld.

Alright, here is lil' Dungeon pet Rufus the Gnat, and he whispering to Tabonga that he all wanting to push that big red 'GO' button and send today's Eariffic Earclip on it's way to your eardrum, then travel to pleasure center, somewhere in you brain! Really, he say all that!..

So, here he go... Pushing wif' every sinew a lil' Gnat can muster... Closer... Closer... And,,, He... Do it!.. REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES!

A priest from Cambodia explains how he may be able to help the French win their war... With the help of zombies!

The imagery he conjures up terrifies his listeners... "This might mean the end of the white race!" gasps the general.

This dude figures out a way to get a free trip to Cambodia!!


That's some nice looking back projection goin' on there!

A provocative dance move in Cambodia.

Tabonga just throwing this pic in for the Hell of it.

Ratt on!..

Sheiss looks effin' goot, mon!

A room with stairs usually makes an interesting looking shot, and this one's no exception.

Having the right paraphernalia is a perogative when becoming zombified!

Flashbacks are quite common... What?

And, can lead to the hard stuff!!

Claire uses zombie guy to make Dean (X: THE UNKNOWN) Jagger jealous... Dames!

Tabonga cannot believe they all shot him in the exact same spot! Look like he need a Tums...

Monday, May 24, 2010

FEI TAUGH MO NEUIH - "The Witch With Flying Head" (1977)

Not so long ago, I promised ya'll that we had some films on tap that were going to blow your mind, well, call me Wayne Fontana if that ain't the case tonight, cause this here film is a class A weirdo, and I'm still pickin' up pieces of what's left of my brain scattered all over the room since I watched it a few weeks ago. At first I was just dumbfounded, now I don't even know what dumbfounded means any more, so here you go, it's an odd little tale about a screamin' superfreak "The Witch With Flying Head!" Thanks to Professor Grewbeard for loanin' me his copy I guess!!

Of course she looks sweet enough at first appearance, but trust me on this one guys, this is not the girl of your dreams, and we don't even know what her name is!

Not to get overly expressive, but, No Shit! Those are snakes coming out of homeboy's mouth!! There are lots of snakes in this movie!! Lots!!

To freakin' quote Mahatma Fabrizi from Sri Lanka, "The title creature is one of the most grotesque monsters known to zoophagousdom. Neither gorgon, nor utukku nor amphisbaena, it is rather a flying head!" And fly she do, and chew up your neck too!!

Laser beam bad breath about 13 stages beyond a Tic Tac!

You have no idea what I'm going through right now!!

Well, I can't exactly see straight after that fifth Saki, so let me see if I can get this head to fly the old fashioned way!!

Do not ingest psychedelic drugs of any kind and watch this movie! I'm warning you right now, that is not a trip you want to take!!!!

Houston we have a problem, Come in Houston, do you read me? Houston, Come in, do You read me?

One concept I just have never been able to comprehend, is puking snakes!

When all else fails, the boy scout handbook says to try the inverted tinfoil swastika glued to your chickenbone trick, and if that doesn't work, get the living Hell out of there before you get your ass fried!!

Oh, Yeah, "The Witch With Flying Head" just getting warmed up!!

Aye Carumba, Ritmo Caliente!! Ouch, that Burns!!

Just to give it that extra snap, it's not just a head flying around, but more like the innards from half a torso, pretty dang funny!!!

So just remember what they say in Texas about blind dates set up by your ever ate possum?

All's well, that ends somewhere, and that somewhere be right about here!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??