Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Welcome everbloody, to Tabonga' Wednesday B+W Oldie Bijou Flicktime Theater, here at the Dungeon. Today we gots one PRC cheapie, ROBOT PILOT, aka EMERGENCY LANDING, directed by Film God, Mr. William Beuadine, who have staggering 366 directing credit!! This flick was number 146 and he begin career in 1909 as an actor! He also have 55 credit as Assistant Director...

Flick star super young Forrest Tucker in only his second acting appearance. Forrest was in some of our favorite flicks, like THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN, THE COSMIC MONSTERS and THE CRAWLING EYE! Did you know that two alternate title for THE CRAWLING EYE are THE CREEPING EYE and THE FLYING EYE!!

This flick barely make it into the Dungeon lineup, only because it have word 'robot' in title, as you will hear in Eegah!! soundclip. In other word, what music? IMDb not even have listing for composer or music department! So, what iz uh ol' caveman ta do, anyhow?..

Answer is here, Eegah!! have some fun here wif' dialogue for you enjoyment. Today is turn for my lil' pal, Ralphie the Tarantula, to push that big old red 'GO' button to start show rolling, so, push 'dat button, buddy!.. ROBOT PILOT EMERGENCY LANDING!

In 1941, seem obvious that we going to war! Mr. George B. Lambert' company get big order for bombers!

Forrest play Jerry Barton, test pilot! He at air show trying to get somebloody to listen to his idea about 'robot pilot!'

Dude pointing to awesome looking racing plane from 1941!

Thornton Edwards play Pedro, pal of Jerry and Doc Williams. The Doc working on his remote control 'robot pilot' with test model airplane. Little note... Thornton pass away in 1988 in Tabonga' home town of Tulare, CA, at age 94!

Jerry and Doc locate Mr. Lambert at local golf course... He the one without the dress, knuckleheads!

They gonna try and impress him with remote control 'robot pilot' model airplane.

Mission accomplished, Mr. Lambert gonna give Jer' idea a shot!

Only problem is, model plane crash in lake and it splash water on Mr. Lambert' spoiled brat daughter, Betty, played by Carol Hughes. Look at some character names Carol had in flick... Birdie, Hortense Burke-Meyers, Grace 'Gracie' Randall, Texas, Nellie Bellas, Maxine LaVerne, Maisie, Loolie Fisher, Dolly Marsh, Susie 'Cuddles' LaPlanche, Peaches Clipper, but, most familiar is ... DALE ARDEN! Oh, and here is title of flick she was in that sound damn interesting... EARTHWORM TRACTOR!!!

Jerry an' the Doc do all the work and Mr. Lambert get all the credit, what else?

Somehow, Betty and Aunt Maude get lost and running out of gas near where Jer an' Doc working on secret 'robot pilot' project for her pops!

They steal gas, but, get stuck and Jer have to pull them out. Plus, gas they steal belong to Jerry! What hell, now, what?!

Jerry has little plan to pay back Betty for acting like bitch to him!.. Weclome to filthy bachelor cabin, gurlz!

That's right, put on sexy clothes and get to work cleaning up this joint!

Wait a minute, that's not me!!

Curse you, damn spot!

Tabonga' type o' workgurl!!

After gurlies work butts off, time to clean 'em up! Hell, yeah!!

Betty not paying attention and she fall off ladder, onto her can! Jer run like hell from plane he working on, over to help her up.

My hero!..

Two second later, she already hate him again!! ...Gurlz!

What up, Doc?!

Doc played by Emmett Vogan, who have staggering 495 acting credit from 1934-57, playing the coroner in THE MUMMY'S GHOST in 1944 and was in THE VAMPIRE'S GHOST in 1945!

Wow, what a face!! I. Stanford Jolley end up with 358 acting credit, here he is as bad guy who trying to steal Doc' invention!

He kidnap the gurlz and try to get away with plane!

But, Doc' equipment actually work and they bring plane in for safe landing.

Day is saved, and, Betty finally fall all the way for the big lug, Jer!

So, big contract for 'robot pilot' is signed! And, for good measure, little 'Judge' Billy Curtis pop in for final thoughts!.. Goo'night, everbloody!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Okay, Let's just do this and get it over with. First let me grab a cold can of 'Modelo Especial!' I think it's pretty dang obvious who are favorite blogs are, cause they're right over there in the links section! We don't have as many links as most people because we don't get out much, so I'm going to go ahead and grab 13 links out of our 'Followers' section! I think that all 123 deserve some kind of credit for their loyalty to the blogging cause, but I've only got one can of beer!!
I do hereby bestow on the following bloggers "The Lovely Blog Award" for their contributions to Blogville, you can pass it on if you want to, but I don't really think it should be mandatory!! In no particular order because they're all Special:

The Cathode Ray Mission Because he's a Weirdo!

Friday Night Boys Because He's Frank Black!

Reverend Spike Beasley's World Because he's a Freak Bank!

Last Of The Evil Beatniks Because he IS Scary Manilow!!

Destructible Man Because they ARE The Flying Maciste Brothers!!

Cavalcade Of Perversions Because she's the one and only Jenn!

A Wandering Monster, I Because he is The Mild Colonial Boy, Esq.

Zombie Kitten Originals Because she makes Cool clothes!!!

The Lightning Bug's Lair Because he really bugs us!!!!

Doo Wacka Doodles Because we like all Artistes!!

Mike Nobody Shares The Love Because he just thinks he's nobody!!

Estaben Galindo's Stupid Blog Because he DID create 'The Church Of Ed Wood!' Yeah I know he's on the sidebar, but he deserves it!

and last but not least of course,

Black Sun Because he's the Shonen King!!!

Beer's Gone!!

Mandala by Tom Christensen!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

El BUQUE MALDITO - Antón García Abril - "Shiver Me Timbers" (1974)

Director Amando de Ossorio was working that Blind Zombies schtick hard back in the 70's. He went from Spaghetti Westerns to Blind Zombies, and never looked back over his shoulder again! Honestly, just like with the Gamera movies, I'm starting to lose track! It looks like it all started back in 1972 with "La Noche Del Terror Ciego" or "Night Of The Blind Dead" aka "Revenge From Planet Ape," something very high up there on the WTF scale! Then it was "El Ataque De Los Muertos Sin Ojos" or "Return Of The Blind Dead" in 1973, then came this flick, "El Buque Maldito" or depending on how you want to try and desperately sell it, either "Ghost Ships of the Blind Dead, "Ship Of Zombies," "The Blind Dead 3," "The Ghost Galleon" or even possibly "Zombie Flesh Eater," or in this case, "Horror Of The Zombies" or the "Surfin' Blind Zombies"!!!

Meet Groucho, Harpo and Chico!

Miss Madrid 1970, Bárbara Rey as Noemi, aka Groucho, is concerned about her missing room mate Kathy!

Another bombshell Maria Perschy, as 'Head In Charge Of Who Freakin' Cares Top Model' Lillian tells Noemi what is up!!

It's just a publicity stunt! Kathy and Lorena Kay or Margarita Merino in her solo role are fake floating lost out at sea just to draw attention to a new line of clothing! Shit! What could be a more simple advertising spiel??

RANDOM NEWS FLASH: This just in hot off the wire, this very site you're looking at has just been nominated for it's first ever award, "The Lovely Blog Award" presented to us by the honourable Ivan over at The United Provinces Of Ivanlandia Blog! While it is certainly an award of dubious distinction, and might even be considered a plague among some folks, we'll accept it graciously! Other weiners included The Otto Manix Report, Toestubber, Bad Advice, Rockin' Monkey, The Magic Whistle, Doll's Realm, Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire, In Iraq Now (at 56), The Hundred Dresses Project, Danny Hellman's Screw Magazine Cover Art Gallery, Dinner With Max Jenke, Vintage Irish Book Covers, WFMU Rock 'n' Soul Ichiban! and Pluck You, Too! I have no idea who 90% of these people are, because personally, we're social misfits, but we're gonna check them out now, being our brethren and all, but now, we are supposed to do the same thing, and give out the award to 15 other blogs which means we have to be nice, and that just ain't right! So, Thanx a freakin' whole swell bunch IVAN!! Next time, send money! Thanx!

Now back to our story:

Something has gone terribly wrong, there's a bunch of weird fog and the girls run into a big Ghost Ship!!! Oh, No, help Mr. Wizard!

Okay, Okay, I'll give them points for atmosphere!!!

But the talents of Blanca Estrada were wasted as she almost literally sleeps through this role!

Now I will give the producer's credit, this is one Helluva shot, but, it's only like 2 seconds out of an hour and a half!!

Blanca cranks it up a notch!!!

By today's standards, this is a Very Green movie, because they recycled the living crap out of everything!! Not only will you see that these Zombie guys are the same as the last movie, but even the music of Antón García Abril is re-used to the max! The only difference is, this time we're out at sea!!!

Hold on Blanca!!!!!!

In this flashback scene, you can see how cute Blanca really was, unfortunately, it wasn't enough to save her or this movie!!!

God Damn you Zombies!!!!

The Boss, big A-Hole Howard Tucker played by Jack Taylor, and Lillian, are the only ones who manage to excape from those ever so slow moving zombies, but, because of the way he treated Blanca, and the fact that those zombies can swim, their lives are still no Swiss picnic! In fact......

After all of that, that's a Helluva a sight to have to see when you finally regain consciousness!! You'd of thought those zombies would have dissolved like a piece of bullion once they hit the water, but...

No, not content to stop here, there was also "La Noche De Las Gaviotas" or "The Blind Dead 4" in 1975!!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??