Wednesday, March 18, 2009

THE WITCHES - Sir Richard Rodney Bennett - "The Devil's Own" (1966)

What a bunch of Freaks! Have you ever sat around and wondered how many secret meetings or get togethers are going on in your own town right now?? Gangs, Covens, Nazis, Religious Fanatics, Sex Fiends, Money Lenders, Politicos, etc, etc! You're sitting home staring at your computer or watching TV, eating pizza, and drinking beer, just trying to relax, and at the same time there are all kinds of people out there still trying to figure out how to take over the world for one nefarious reason or another, and if it wasn't for movies like "The Witches," you probably wouldn't even bother thinking about it!!

Joan Fontaine plays Gwen Mayfield in her last film outing, and turns in what I find to be an incredible and fascinating performance!! The film begins in Africa, and the locals aren't real fond of Gwen!! That's all you need to know, because she has a breakdown after this scene, goes back to a small town in England and gets a job in a church school!

This is a Hammer film, so you know something's not going to be right with the townsfolk, and you'd be right!!

Joan notices strange things happening in the village! She finds weird footprints in the mud and gets 'accidently' trampled by some sheep, but is helped by all those kindly local people again!

She was getting way too close to something, so with a little help, the flashbacks start up!

Next thing you know, Joan's lost her memory and is tossed into this can of vegetable soup!!

I became a big Joan Fontaine fan after watching this film again!

So back to the meat and the music!! Seems Joan was on to something, all those weirdos are Devil worshippers led by the lady with the candles on her head

A one, and a two, and a three....Let's Go!!!!

The Soundtrack is by Richard Rodney Bennett, who was knighted by The Queen in 1998 for his service to music!!! He's that good!!!

"C'mon now baby and take a chance, Say that you'll let me have this dance, Well let's dance, well let's dance, We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too, Any old dance that you wanna do, But let's dance, well let's dance!!!!!!"

"Hey baby, yeah, you thrill me so, Hold me tight, don't you let me go, But let's dance, well let's dance, We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too, Any old dance that you wanna do, But let's dance, well let's dance!!"

"OK, Wail Now!!!!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

THE AMAZING TRANSPARENT MAN / MCP - 1960 / Music by Darrell Calker

What you know?.. Tabonga finally decide to post lil' odd 57 minute flick everbloody remember from 1960, because play so damn many time on TV! Star Douglas (THE LAND UNKNOWN) Kennedy, Marguerite (FLIGHT TO MARS) Chapman and James (THE VAMPIRE) Griffith, director is Edgar G. Ulmer who also direct BLUEBEARD, THE MAN FROM PLANET X, DAUGHTER OF DR. JEKYLL, THE NAKED VENUS and BEYOND THE TIME BARRIER. Okay, then makeup by Jack Pierce!.. HUH?!!

Wait, if guy transparent, why need makeup?

Dungeon pal Darrell Calker makin' music here, this time with theme that hard to forget... Dum, dum, dum, dum... Dum, dum, dum, dum!

Hey, Tabonga' pet tarantula Ralphie in the house!! HIT IT, RALPHIE!.. AMAZIN' TRANPARENT JOEY + A GUINEA PIG! Hey look, date on title card wrong!

Big-time criminal Joey Faust escape from prison and end up at the Major' house, and, he not too happy after he hear why he there... That make sense? One half second from now, Joey jump up and give Major major choking!

Here show how sparking atomic machine can make Guinea Pig transparent. Reason the Major need Joey is, hard to teach Guinea Pig how to rob bank and steal thing!!

Atomic vault guard take transparent fist to chin. Dude fighting Joey is best part of flick, no kiddin'! Look real.

Nothing ever go right for bad guy.


Whoa, doc and friends (+ Guinea Pig) manage to blow up half of county!!.. Man, that one little county!

Goo'night everbloody!! Oh, and Ralphie say... squeek squeek!

Monday, March 16, 2009

LA CAMARA DEL TERROR - Enrico C. Cabiati - "The Chamber Of Fear" (1968)

Just for all you dames and demons of disaster, tonight we bring you a very special feature, unlike any other, "La Camara Del Terror," or as they like to say in English, "The Chamber Of Fear!!!"

This would be Boris Karloff's actual last film outing, and although it's trounced on by many, I'll tell you, from a musical aspect and based on good old fashioned tackiness, this isn't a bad movie!! Stupid, unbelievable and without conscience, but not bad!!

Terror therapy! The new world order, nightmares for all, or as Bob Dylan would say, "those old dreams are only in your head!!!"

Then, even though it was all real, you wake up in the hospital because you're sick, and you're given all kinds of drugs to keep you convinced, that it's you and not them!!

A very strange but magnetizing woman! We met one night in a backstreet bar in Casablanca; I don't remember much, except I do miss that kidney!!

So I'm not quite sure if you've been following this story or not, but Boris and his people found this live intelligent rock that likes to eat people, kinda like in "The Little Shop Of Horrors" except this is a rock and not a plant! So they hire this stripper, and you've got to wonder sometimes how this world got so overpopulated when people can be this stupid!

Yerye Beirute as Roland seems to enjoy the show no matter what!!!

The monster uses her up and throws her away like yesterday's newspaper ready to flush down the toilet!!

Boris says, Yes, sure, come on over, I'm not feeling that great really, but if you want to shoot the scene in my bedroom instead of the studio, sure, that's fine!!

From a historical point of view, there is no possible way to pan this film. Number one, you've got two international icons, Boris Karloff and Santanón, and number two, you've got a killer soundtrack from one of the All-Time Dungeon Faves, the amazing Masestro Enrico C. Cabiati, replete with insync monster heaving, sighing and whining!

Rollin' along pretty good for a rock!!

Boris Karloff, the ultimate trooper, to THE END!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??