Thursday, March 5, 2009

THE MAN WHO TURNED TO STONE / Columbia - 1957 / Music by Ross DiMaggio + George Duning

Tabonga continue 'Sadistic Bastard Week' wif' weird lil' Columbia flick from 1957... Flick feature five sadistic bastard, and one is gurl!!

Music dude Ross DiMaggio work on many serial, then IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA and THE NIGHT THE WORLD EXPLODED. Music dude George Duning have 160 composing credit and basically work on everything, serials, flick and TV... Awesome guy!!

Eric! We hear you STONE COLD BEATING HEART! Take you medication please!..

Begin at gurlie detention center, a place Tabonga want to be detained!

Crap, 'nother lady scream in middle of night, waking up whole damn place again! What hell!!!

When you super special and belong to Numbskull & Bonehead Club, well, you get to run show secretly from basement. Also, safe place for watertub torture experiment, away from prying eye of snoopy little guy. Oh, and can be tricky and make thing look like what it not!!

Dungeon favorite William Hudson die at age 49! He always be... HARRY!!

Even more sadistic when turning on own big shot pal! Man, sting 10 time worse when you so special and privileged! So, so sad, you know...

Goo'night sweet pumice!!

Eric is freakin' sadistic bastard from hell!! Tabonga not even show still where he strangle gurl! He deserve glass pitcher in face but not really hurt that much! ...Too bad!

Here is funny series of photo, hard to see but last still show Eric' feet come up! That always tickle the Dungeon' funny bone!!

Victory Jory and Ann Doran calmly compare their last note on the subject, as whole place goes up in flame. Too bad life not imitate fiction!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

LA MANO DE UN HOMBRE MUERTO - Daniel White - "The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus" (1962)

Man, this "Sadistic Bastards Week" is taking it's toll on me already, like somebody's really been beating me up!!

But as Scooby-Doo would say, "Rear we go again!!"

So what more do you really want to know about "The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus" besides the fact that he was as totally vicious and sadistic as the title would imply, and then some, despite his almost Disney like innocent face, but then this movie was directed by Jesus Franco in his 10th outing, so odd or at least interesting is always going to be happening in some form! Hugo Blanco is sick as Max Von Klaus!!

Now, here's that latest club sound, complete with pipes, guitars, accordion and breathy vocals! Yeah!

The wild eyed Howard Vernon goes one step further with this cyclops look, in his role as the saner Von Klaus of the family!!

It's really quite a small town, but with this kind of a action going on, somebody's going to get caught, and the Von Klaus family is looking pretty suspicious!! Yeah, Stop him! But they don't!!

Look around! Right now! There could be somebody in your house, just a couple feet from you, and you don't even know it! Spooky concept when it's not played for laughs!

Another club, and still more cool music!! This film also had some great music from genius composer Daniel White in between the cafe and the club scenes that sounds like some lively Dave Brubeck outtakes!

Let's all give cinematographer Godofredo Pacheco a standing ovation for these three shots and more!!!

And when the music's over, turn out the lights, because the movie might as well be over too!

A pensive moment for a maniacal killer!!

Meanwhile, back at the clubhouse, behind locked doors! Still even with the doors locked, that place had to give off some kind of stench!!

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go out and eat worms!!

Even though this film was released in the U.S. as "The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus," it seems to me the literal translation should have been "The Hand Of The Dead Man," which ain't really that bad of a title, because Von Klaus is going down, literally!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

POSTING #666 - BEAST OF MOROCCO / Associated British-Pathé - 1966 / Music by Joan Shakespeare


To celebrate, Tabonga give you sign of 'BEAST OF MOROCCO' for number 666 posting of DUNGEON! So... BOO-YAH, YA'LL!!!

Great soundclip from Eegah!! here with awesome Joan Shakespeare make the music, drum solo worth price of admission by self...


Flick star Mike Nelson' favorite actor, William Sylvester! Great skull head!!

KRENG!.. You listening?!

For most of flick, this the look on William' face!

William flirt with vampire lady Marissa. Then, show ugly puss of vampire servant Omar. They kidnap William' gurlfriend to let die in desert.

So, what else, William go out in desert with Jeep and look...

Omar drop off gurl, but get late start going home. Remember, he vampire!!

William find gurlfriend, but...

Have to drive stake in Marissa' heart to end nightmare!

Monday, March 2, 2009

DR. BLOOD'S COFFIN - Buxton Orr - "The Pride Of Lucifer" (1961)

In honour of the week we do post #666 (That would be tomorrow), I've taken it upon myself to declare this "Sadistic Bastards Week" and The Devil knows there's a lot of them out there in real life and on celluloid, so let's don't waste any more time, Dammit! Here's a little tale about one evil sick S.O.B., called "Dr. Blood"!!! Not the most spectacular music in the world by the masestro Buxton Orr, but for this particular film, who cares?? We've wrote about Buxton before, so use the search if you want to find out more!

Kieron Moore is Dr. Peter Blood to perfection, at least they had the sense to name him Peter, because he's a real Dick, but the bottom line is, when you're the same guy who's doing the evil, AND the guy doing the saving, I'm sorry, you are the world's biggest double-dealing phony fraud white sepulchre! One of the most interesting things to me is that his name is Dr. Blood, but that has no actual real significance, because it's really just his name!!! The Blood family, nothing weird, just got saddled with a strange handle, that's all, the cat didn't have to take it so personally!!! Deal with it, you don't have to go around killing people!! Man, what a loser!!

Hazel Court as Nurse Linda Parker is amazing through this whole movie; she looks good and is a strong character, and just happens to work for Dr. Blood's Dad, Robert or as he's know to his friends, Bob Blood, but even from the start, Nurse Linda knows something isn't right, but just can't put her finger on it!

How'd you like to be this guy?? Dr. Blood had him in a cave, he drags himself what seems like miles to escape, falls off a cliff to narrowly escape detection by Dr. Blood, and then when normal people finally find him, they call Dr. Blood to come check him out, and he immediately shoots him up with something that kills him, and tells them he had a heart attack!! Dr. Blood is the lowest of the low!! Like, way, way down there!! BUT, he does it all, in the name of science, which justifies it in his solo scrambled brain!

She knows, and he knows she knows, so what else can he possibly do???

Go dig up and re-animate her dead husband who she still loves!

Hazel Court just passed away a little less than a year ago, and we miss her!! She was whatever's beyond awesome! Looks like she was lucky to live past this scene, he's choking her so hard, it looks like her eyes are popping out!!

The Pride of Lucifer gets all 100% of his just rewards! Damn, there is some hope in the world!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??